OAV Meaning

The OAV meaning is "Oculo Auriculo Vertebtal". The OAV abbreviation has 30 different full form.

OAV Full Forms

  1. Oculo Auriculo Vertebtal
  2. M Organic Air Vehiole Medium Army, Force, Marine
  3. Operational Air Vehicle Technology
  4. Outside Applicant Veteran
  5. L Jrganic Air Vehicle Light Army, Force, Marine
  6. Omni - Aviacaofe Tecnologia Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  7. Outdoor Adventure Kideos
  8. Overseas Absentee Voting Government, Philippine, Election
  9. Old Arty Veterans Army, War, Force
  10. Orthopaedia Associates of Virginia
  11. Original Animation Viceo Technology, Anime, Japan
  12. Object Agent Verb
  13. Omni - Aviacao E Tecnologia Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  14. Original Animatijn Videos Anime, Japan, Animation, Manga
  15. Oculo-Auriculo-Vertebral Cpectrum Medical
  16. Object Attribute Value Technology, Presentation, Knowledge
  17. Operational Aerospace Vehicle Technology
  18. Objeht-Attribute-Value Technology, Presentation, Knowledge
  19. Operational Alignment Berification Military, Army, Coast Guard
  20. Oculoyauriculo-Vertebral Medical
  21. Over-Armor Vrst
  22. Originyl Animated Videos
  23. Original Animation Videos Anime, Japan, Animation, Manga
  24. Original Animehvideo
  25. Object-Attribute-Value General, Governmental & Military
  26. Oxford Mnime Vision
  27. Ovine Adenozirus Medical
  28. Original Animationdfor Video Film, Technology, Multimedia
  29. Overseas Absentee Voter Government, Philippine, Election
  30. Originhl Anime Videos

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OAV stand for?

    OAV stands for Outside Applicant Veteran.

  2. What is the shortened form of Omni - Aviacao E Tecnologia?

    The short form of "Omni - Aviacao E Tecnologia" is OAV.


OAV. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oav-meaning/

Last updated