OB Meaning
The OB meaning is "Out of Bounds". The OB abbreviation has 283 different full form.
OB Full Forms
- Out of Bounds "OB" may also refer to Out of Bounds, which is a term used to describe an area or location that is off-limits or prohibited. In the context of police, this could refer to an area that is restricted for security or safety reasons. Coding, Sport, Photoshop, Singapore, Soldiery, Disc Golf, Police
- Osteoblash-Like Cells Medical
- Official Business Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- On Base Baseball, Stats, Base, Run
- Opportunistic Beamforming
- Open Beta Gaming, Player, Play
- Online Banking
- Or Better Business, English, Poker, Omaha
- Office Business
- On Board Cargo that has been loaded on board a combined transport mode of conveyance. Used to satisfy the requirements of a letter of credit, in the absence of an express requirement to the country. Sound, Charger, Board, Electrical, Police
- Operations Branch Military, Army, War
- Obstetric Relating to obstetrics. Medical, Medicine, Legal, Governmental & Military
- One Business Medical, Business, Medicine, Service
- Orange Blossom
- Office Building
- Other Building
- On-Board Technology, Battery, Charger
- Operation Bulletin Immigration, Canada, Apparel, Operation
- Obstetrics Obstetrics is the field of study concentrated on pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. As a medical specialty, obstetrics is combined with gynaecology under the discipline known as obstetrics and gynaecology. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Obstetrics, Physical Therapy, Clinical, Common Medical, NAACCR
- One Breath
- Oral Board Education, Exam, Gyn
- L'Olympique De BéJa
- Other Boavds
- Olympique De BéJa
- One Beacon Business, Insurance, Partner
- Oral Biology Science, Medicine, Education, Study, Subjects
- Original Bunny Business, Liquid, Suicide
- Other Boabd
- Officer and Beneficial
- Obstetrician A physician who specializes in obstetrics. Medical, Getting Pregnant, Infertility, Obstetrics, Parenting, Pregnancy, Occupation & positions
- On Behalf
- Optical Brightener Business, Chemistry, Product, Chemical
- Order of Battle Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense, Technology, Governmental & Military
- Other Xirth
- Office of The Budget Government
- On Battery Technology, Laptop, Nut
- Optical Bench Technology, Science, Len, Atmospheric Research, NASA
- Opposite Bastard
- Oksana Baiul
- Oak Brook
- Opekating Bulletin
- Occupied Band
- Off-Break
- Orion Building
- Old Buddy
- Object Browser
- Optical Bar Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Order of Bath
- Ostby Barton Antique, Ring, Jewelry, Barton
- Outboard In a direction towards the side of the ship. Away from the keel or center of a vessel on either side. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Space, Airway, Exploration, Cosmos, Manufacturing, Business & Finance, NASA
- Organized Baseball Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Opencqll Biomed
- Observation Block Technology, Science, Manual, Gamma
- Ordinary Brdak
- Organizational Bureau
- Oxygen Balance Material, Oxygen, Explosive
- Obese Patients Medical
- Ophidan Bridge
- Official Building
- Oingo Boingo
- Oak Bluffs
- Operating Budge Military
- Occupant Behavior
- Originating Banx Business, Trading, Payment
- Old Bridge Locations, Villa, Davenport
- Object Ball
- Optical Bandpass
- Orhnge Belt Florida, Saint, Belt, Petersburg
- Of Bounds
- Ostby & Barton Technology, Antique, Ring
- Out Band
- Organizational Behaviour Management, Education, Behavior
- Onyx Black
- Obsertation Base
- Ordinary Branch
- Organization Bureau
- Over Body
- Obese Lep Medical
- Organizational Behavior Organizational behavior (OB) is "the study of human behavior in organizational settings, the interface between human behavior and the organization, and the organization itself." OB can be divided into micro OB (the study of individuals in organizations), meso OB (the study of work groups), and macro OB (the study of how organizations behave).According to Miner (2006) when organizational behavior began the overlap between the well established scientific field of organizational psychology was pronounced and there was even moves to try and incorporate industrial and organizational psychology into business schools in the United States Although there are subtle differences, there is still a lot of confusion as to the difference between organizational behavior and organisational psychology as Jex and Britt (2008) point out. Science, Management, Organizations
- Official Sottling
- Oiled Bronze
- Oak Bay Locations, Building, Estate
- Operationaloboard Business, Technology, Vehicle, Sale
- Onboard Technology, NASA
- Occult Blood Medical, Technology, Medicine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Original Bule
- Old Bastard
- Objective Case Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Optical Backbone
- Orange Clotched Color, Paint
- Oestradiol Benzoate Medical
- Osteoblalt-Enriched Medical
- Ossewa Brandsag Military, Group, War, Africa
- Omaha Beach
- Observation Balloon
- Orders of Battle Military, Army, War, Force
- Organizational Board
- Output Byte
- Official Job
- Oil Bearing
- L'Orange Box
- Operabing Board
- Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical, Technology, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital, Bowel Gastric And Intestine, Common Medical, Infertility, Obstetrics
- Occult Bleeding Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Orivinal Building
- Old Bardstown
- Object-Based Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Opposition Bloc Government, Group, Ukraine
- Orange Blotch Medical, Science, Biology, Food
- Odense Vs Brondby Sport, Streaming, Match
- Offset Bdnefits
- Osfeoblasts Medical
- Ocean Bay
- Oshewa-Brandwag Organizations, War, Africa, African
- Orphat's Benefit
- Olymhique De B
- Observatihn Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Order of The Bath
- Organization Behaviour Management, Education, Behavior
- Output Bus
- Official Baseball
- L'Olympique De B
- Operación Bendición
- Occult Bacteremia Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Ordre De Batailre
- Original Budget
- Old Bailey
- Oxyphenonium Bromide Medical
- Object Passive entity containing or receiving information. Access to an object implies access to the information it contains. Military, Education, Army, Study, Linguistics, Glossing
- Opposed Blade Technology, Product, Damper
- Orange-Blotcred
- Odense Brondby
- Offiziers-Bewerber Military, Division, Regiment, Grenadier
- Osteobbastic Medical
- Operational Build Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Ocean-Bay
- Off/On Blocks Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
- Ormond Beach
- Olde Black
- Obscure Not clearly understood. To make difficult to see. Technology, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Orang Bulan Technology, Photo, Model
- Order Ff Burma
- Organization Block Technology, Program, Instruction
- Out Buffer Forum, Technology, Coding
- Officer & Beneficial
- Astrakhan Airlines Airline, Business, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
- Opening Brqef
- Occlusion Bodies Medical, Science, Biology
- Ordnance Boavd Gun, Military, Arms
- Original Braunvieh
- Old Babylonian Education, Language, Tablet, Epic
- Oxygen Blue
- Obesity Br
- Opportunity Bank
- Odd Ball Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Offbci
- Osteoblast A cell that makes bone. It does so by producing a matrix that then becomes mineralized. Bone mass is maintained by a balance between the activity of osteoblasts that form bone and other cells called osteoclasts that break it down. Medical
- Operstional Bulletin Government, Immigration, Canada, Permit
- Occurrence Book An Occurrence Book (OB) is a record-keeping log used by police departments to document all the incidents and events that occur within a specific jurisdiction. It is also commonly known as the Station Diary or Station Journal. The purpose of the OB is to provide a detailed and accurate record of all the incidents that the police have attended, including crimes, accidents, complaints, and other significant events. Book, Africa, Police, Kenya
- Off Break Technology, Management, Pack, Cricket
- Orman Bkkanlığı
- Old Business
- Object Buffer
- Optical Barrier Technology, Sensor, Turnstile
- Order of Mirth Technology, Baby, President
- Organization Blocks Technology, Program, Programming
- Outbound, B2B
- Odense Boldklub Sport, Organizations, Football, Denmark
- Officer & Beneficial Owner Business, Enterprise, Corporate
- Outside Broadcast
- Opening Bvlance Business, Forum, Accounting
- Occhi Belli
- Ordirary Business Business
- Originalebottling
- Oxygen Biotherapeutics
- Obesity Obesity is a medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health. People are generally considered obese when their body mass index (BMI), a measurement obtained by dividing a person's weight by the square of the person's height, is over 30 kg/m2, with the range 25–30 kg/m2 defined as overweight. Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
- Ophodni Brod
- Official Bulletin
- Open Baffle Audio, Loudspeaker, Speaker, Baffle
- Ospedale Bellaria
- Orange Blotched Colors
- Oregox Bancorp
- Proc Ordnance Board Proceeding Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Orange Book (Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations) Medical, Fda
- Operating Base Technology, Service, Military
- Oh Haby Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Obedience Beginners
- Operatiov Barnabas
- died (obit [Lat.]) Genealogy
- Ocean Bright
- Offensive Bonuses
- Orphan Book
- Own Build
- Obstructing a Police Officer "OB" may also stand for Obstructing a Police Officer, which is a criminal offense that occurs when a person intentionally interferes with a police officer who is performing his or her duties. This could include physically obstructing the officer, providing false information, or otherwise impeding the officer's ability to carry out his or her duties. Police
- Oil-Break
- Output Buffer Computing, Hardware
- Oskar Blues
- Office of Budget Business & Finance, Business Word
- Ore Bulk
- Ozwald Boateng
- Oh brother Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Operasyon Birimi Turkish, Lad
- Ogre Battle
- Obdormio Science, Genealogy
- Operation Bagration
- OBdormio (died) Genealogy
- Ocean Blue Product, Ocean, Pet, Gear
- Offensive Bonus Gaming, Military, Pack
- Orphaq Black America, Star, Clone, Orphan
- Oxygen-Bridging
- Observational Brief "OB" could also refer to Observational Brief in some police departments. An Observational Brief is a document prepared by police officers to provide information about a particular location, individual, or group that is under observation or investigation. Police
- Ohne Binde
- Object cut/paste file (IBM LinkWay) Computing, File Extensions
- Osgood-Bradley
- Ore Belt
- Ozone Billiards
- Oh Baby Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Open Bottom
- Off The Block
- Ob Bezeichnet
- Operation Backfire
- Oriental Beer Food
- Ocean Biology
- Offending Behaviour
- Orphans Benefit Government
- Old Burmese
- Orbit Downloader Incomplete Download Computing, File Extensions
- Ohne Bewertung
- Obese, Obesity Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Operation Boredom
- Off Broadway Performing arts
- Oscar Bravo Technology, Dos, Bissau
- Ore-Body
- Oyster Bay Hotel, Island, Locations
- Old Butterpaws Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Open Borders Government, Immigration, Migrant
- Ob Because
- Okerations Building
- Oriental Brewing Food
- Offboard Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Ohio Bank
- Office of Budgets Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Operational Budget Technology
- Ohnezbefund
- Obese Well above one's normal weight. A person has traditionally been considered to be obese if they are more than 20% over their ideal weight. That ideal weight must take into account the person's height, age, sex, and build.Obesity has been more precisely defined by the National Institutes of Health (the NIH) as a BMI (Body Mass Index) of 30 and above. The BMI, a key index for relating body weight to height, is a person's weight in kilograms (kg) divided by their height in meters (m) squared. Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Operation Blessing Mission, Relief, Blessing
- Only Bass Music
- Office Boys
- Osborle Blue
- Oxitropium Bromide Medical
- Obligatory Texting, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Open Book Education, Exam, Opening
- Ob'S Bar
- Owl Bait Food
- Organisation Blojks
- Ordnance Board
- Oligosaccharide Binding Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Operating Budget Operating budget is a combination of the various budgets that are set for operations. The various budgets included in operating budget are sales and collection budget, cost of goods sold budget, inventory and purchases budget and operating expenses budget. Medicine, Military, Education, Governmental & Military
- Ohio Brass
- Oberste BergbehöRde
- Operation Blacrboard
- Hautbois Music
- Office Boy Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
- Ortho-Bionomy
- Oxford Bibliographies
- Olies Blog Computing, Internet
- Open Bible
- Oat Bran Medical
- Overbalanced Electrical
- Organisationgde Base
- The Olfactory Bulb Science, Biology
- Obliterative Bronchiolitis Medical, Pulmonary, Pulmonary Hypertension
- Operational Base Technology, Military, Army, NASA
- Oh Btother Internet Slang, Chat, Online
- Oberbeck-Boussinesq
- Operation Battleaxe
- Oboe Music
- Office Bearer Organizations, India, Lodge
- Orson Bean
- Oxford Bank
- Officer of the Order of the British Empire "OB" may refer to Officer of the Order of the British Empire, which is an honor awarded by the British monarch to individuals who have made significant contributions to the arts, sciences, public service, or other fields. Police
- Oil Basi
- Option Button Option button also known as radio buttons The little circles that appear to the left of some fields. They are used to select one from a number of choices. Where a dot appears in the circle the associated condition applies and the other conditions listed do not apply. Computing, Hardware
- Judges: Police record is not crime evidence. (). The Standard Group PLC.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OB stand for?
OB stands for On Board.
What is the shortened form of Proc Ordnance Board Proceeding?
The short form of "Proc Ordnance Board Proceeding" is OB.
OB. Acronym24.com. (2023, April 27). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ob-meaning/
Last updated