OB in Police Meaning

The OB meaning in Police terms is "Out of Bounds". There are 6 related meanings of the OB Police abbreviation.

OB on Police Full Forms

  1. Out of Bounds "OB" may also refer to Out of Bounds, which is a term used to describe an area or location that is off-limits or prohibited. In the context of police, this could refer to an area that is restricted for security or safety reasons.
  2. On Board Cargo that has been loaded on board a combined transport mode of conveyance. Used to satisfy the requirements of a letter of credit, in the absence of an express requirement to the country.
  3. Occurrence Book An Occurrence Book (OB) is a record-keeping log used by police departments to document all the incidents and events that occur within a specific jurisdiction. It is also commonly known as the Station Diary or Station Journal. The purpose of the OB is to provide a detailed and accurate record of all the incidents that the police have attended, including crimes, accidents, complaints, and other significant events.
  4. Officer of the Order of the British Empire "OB" may refer to Officer of the Order of the British Empire, which is an honor awarded by the British monarch to individuals who have made significant contributions to the arts, sciences, public service, or other fields.
  5. Obstructing a Police Officer "OB" may also stand for Obstructing a Police Officer, which is a criminal offense that occurs when a person intentionally interferes with a police officer who is performing his or her duties. This could include physically obstructing the officer, providing false information, or otherwise impeding the officer's ability to carry out his or her duties.
  6. Observational Brief "OB" could also refer to Observational Brief in some police departments. An Observational Brief is a document prepared by police officers to provide information about a particular location, individual, or group that is under observation or investigation.


  1. Judges: Police record is not crime evidence. (). The Standard Group PLC.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OB stand for Police?

    OB stands for Out of Bounds in Police terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Obstructing a Police Officer in Police?

    The short form of "Obstructing a Police Officer" is OB for Police.


OB in Police. Acronym24.com. (2023, April 27). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ob-meaning-in-police/

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