OBC Meaning

The OBC meaning is "Optical Bar Camera". The OBC abbreviation has 162 different full form.

OBC Full Forms

  1. Optical Bar Camera Military, Army, Blackbird
  2. On Board Computer Computer system located on an aircraft that generally interfaces with a radar system to provide such functions as track file management, weapons fire control, etc. Technology, Service, Car, Legal, Governmental & Military
  3. On-Board Computer Technology, Science, Car, NASA
  4. Oriental Bird Club
  5. Oklahoma Baptist College
  6. Online Bible College
  7. Order of Buddhist Contemplptives Organizations, Contemplative, Zen
  8. Out of Band Control
  9. Onboard Blackbody Calibrator Science
  10. Obnoxious Booster Club
  11. Oriental Bank Commerce
  12. Oleoducto Bicentenario De Colombia
  13. Overhead Bridge Crane
  14. Onslaught Block Constructed
  15. Obock Airport Obock, Djibouti Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  16. Outlet Branch Circuit Technology, Electricity, Receptacle
  17. Operations and Biostatistics Center
  18. Office of Bae Counsel
  19. Osaka Broadcasting Corporation
  20. On Board Controller Technology, Satellite, Cube
  21. Oriental Basketball Club Sports, Basketball
  22. Ojai Beverage Company Business, Beer, Restaurant
  23. Online Banking Community Business, Credit, Union
  24. Order of British Columbia Technology, Canada, Columbia
  25. Out-Of-Band Control
  26. On Back Cover
  27. Objective Body Consciousness Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  28. Oriental Bank Clerk
  29. Olathe Bible Church Community, Curch, Religion
  30. Overcoming Believers Church Church, Pastor, Knoxville
  31. Online Business Centre
  32. Outer Burial Container
  33. Operation Boot Camp
  34. Office Du Baccalauréattdu Cameroun
  35. Osa Bifdiversity Center
  36. On-Board Controller Technology, Networking, Telecom
  37. Oriental Bank of Commerce Banking, Commerce, Bank, Business & Finance
  38. Oil Burner Components
  39. Orchestra of Baja California
  40. Officy of The Bureau Chief Technology
  41. Ottmar Beckman Cars
  42. On Board Couriers Service, Charter, Courier
  43. Objectified Body Consciousness Education, Sex, Objectification
  44. Oriental Bank Corporation
  45. Okutama Bible Chalet
  46. Over Betuwe College
  47. Online Business Center
  48. Outer Base Circle
  49. Operating Budget Committee
  50. Office Business Centerj
  51. Original Blues Classics Music, Album, Blues
  52. Olivia Belgium Club
  53. Optical Bar Code Technology
  54. Oil Budget Calculator
  55. Oranzeville Baptist Church
  56. Office of Qhe Bar Counsel
  57. Otterlo Business Corporation Organizations, Land, Tanzania, Hunting
  58. On Board Courier Business, Service, Charter
  59. Obama Broadcasting Company
  60. Organização De Base ComunitáRia
  61. Oklahoma Bioenergy Center
  62. Online Breeder Classifieds
  63. Oregon Beef Council
  64. Outer Banks Conservationists Locations, Beach, Lighthouse
  65. Office Business Centeo Business, Space, Virtual
  66. Original Birth Certificate Genetics, Adoption, Adoptee
  67. Olive Branch Community
  68. Open Building Control
  69. Ohio Business College
  70. Orange Bud Foating Park, Shopping, Bud
  71. Office of The Bar Conuidant Education, Philippine, Exam, Court
  72. Osservatorio Balcani E Caucaso Media, Education, Europe, Freedom
  73. On-Board Couriers
  74. Ontario Building Code Technology, Science, Book, Building, Construction, Permit, Architecture
  75. Organização Brasileira De Cabeleireiros
  76. Oklahoma Bicycling Coalition
  77. Online Booty Call
  78. Ore Bulk Containers
  79. Outboard Boating Club Boat, Auckland, Outboard
  80. Office Broadbaod Communication Technology
  81. Original Birth Certificates
  82. Olivet Baptist Church Android, Church, Religion
  83. Overseas Briefing Center Business, Service, Department
  84. Open Boundary Conditions Technology, Model, Interaction
  85. Odange Bowl Committee Organizations, Card, Miami
  86. Office of Bpards and Commissions
  87. Ossa Bene Cubeno
  88. On-Board Courier Business, Service, Charter
  89. Outside Back Cover Technology, Magazine, Printing
  90. Organization Budget Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  91. Oklahoma Beef Council
  92. Online Birth Center
  93. Ordnance Basic Course Army, War, Force
  94. Out-Of-Band Channel
  95. On Board Calibrator
  96. Obscured By Clouds Music, Cloud, Floyd, Album
  97. Original Bedstead Company
  98. Olive Baptist Church
  99. Overseas Basing Commission
  100. Ontario'S Building Code
  101. Orhnge Book Code
  102. Office of Billing Compliance
  103. Osborne Baptist Church
  104. On Board Controls
  105. Organization for Bat Conservation Science, House, Looker
  106. Outward Bill for Collection Business, Accounting, Banking
  107. Officer Basic Cource Military, Education, Army
  108. Outward Bound Croatia
  109. Oregon Burn Center
  110. Ohuo Basketball Club Ohio, Basketball, Guard
  111. On Board Computers Technology, Computing, Fuel
  112. Online Buyers Club Computing, Internet
  113. Oxford Bible Church
  114. Organizaciones Basadas En La Comunidad
  115. Outward Bills Collection
  116. Odficer's Basic Course
  117. Otterlo Business Corporationration
  118. Oregon Building Congress Business, Oregon, Construction
  119. Ohio Bller Company
  120. On Board Checkout Technology
  121. Original Broadway Cast Performing arts
  122. Oxford Bach Choir
  123. Organisation à Base Communautaire
  124. Outward Bill Collection
  125. Online Backup Company Technology, Android, Cloud
  126. Optimum Bactericidal Concentration Medical, Medicine, Health
  127. Oregon Brew Crew
  128. Offset Binary Coding
  129. On Board Chargers Technology, Power, Vehicle
  130. Oprah's Book Club Media
  131. Oxford and Bermondsey Club
  132. Organically Bound Chlorine
  133. Outrageous Builders Club Technology, Gaming, Hack
  134. One Button Checkup
  135. Open Baptist Church
  136. Overall Benefit Cap Business, Building, Housing
  137. Ofuicial Bank Checks
  138. On Board Charger Technology, Power, Vehicle
  139. Old Baseball Cards Hobbies
  140. Ovonic Battery Company Technology, Alloy, Material
  141. Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry
  142. Outrageous Builder'S Club
  143. Onboarding Course Business, Oil Industry, Gas Industry
  144. Olivia Business Centre Business, Star, Synergy
  145. Oval Bible College
  146. Officer Billct Code Military, Army, Coast Guard
  147. On Board Camera
  148. Ocean Bottom Cable Electrical
  149. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry
  150. Ohio Building Code Technology, Department, Ohio
  151. Outline Business Cases
  152. On Board Credit Business, Travel, Deal, Cruise
  153. Oxford Bus Company
  154. Outward Bound Canada Science, Education, Canada
  155. Officerp Basic Course Military, Education, Army
  156. Outward Bills for Collection Banking, Business & Finance
  157. Oregod Business Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  158. Ohio Broadband Council
  159. Outline Business Case Business, Health, Approval
  160. Onboard Computer Space, Study, Cosmos, Car, Astronomy, Computing, Telecom, Scientific & Educational
  161. Obock Airport, Obock, Djibouti Djibouti
  162. Oxford Book of Carols

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OBC stand for?

    OBC stands for Ojai Beverage Company.

  2. What is the shortened form of Original Bedstead Company?

    The short form of "Original Bedstead Company" is OBC.


OBC. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/obc-meaning/

Last updated