OBE Meaning

The OBE meaning is "Out-Of-Body-Experiences". The OBE abbreviation has 100 different full form.

OBE Full Forms

  1. Out-Of-Body-Experiences Science, Experience, Astral
  2. Operating Basis Earthquake Technology, Education, Safety
  3. Operating Basis Event Technology
  4. On-Board Equipment Technology, Communication, Vehicle
  5. Okeechobee County Airport Okeechobee, Florida,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  6. Out-Of-Body Experience Science, Parapsychology, Astral
  7. Overcome By Events Internet Slang, Chat, Aerospace, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  8. Other Buggers Efforts
  9. Out of Body Experzence
  10. Online Bidding Event
  11. Optima Büromaschinenwerkterfurt
  12. Ocean Biogeochemistry and Ecosystems Technology, Science, Research
  13. Outcomes Based Evaluation
  14. Office of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, Cber America, Society, Usa
  15. Other Bugger'S Efforts Business, Order, Empire, Honour
  16. One Boson Exmhange
  17. Oracle By Example Technology, Database, Networking
  18. Optican Bloch Equation Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  19. Ocean Bay Elementary
  20. Open Basic Educatfon Education, National, Schooling
  21. Outcomes-Based Evaluation Technology, Library, Outcome
  22. Orange Board of Education Education, New Jersey, School District
  23. Okfice of Biostatistics and Epidemiology Medicine, Health, Care
  24. Osage Bio Energy
  25. One Born Every
  26. Optqcal Bench Enclosure Science
  27. Occupationalsblood Exposure
  28. Openbare Bibliotheek Eindhoven
  29. Outcome Based Evaluation Technology, Science, Education, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  30. Oracle By Examples Technology, Letter, Experience
  31. Office of Biological Education Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  32. Oriole Beach Elementary
  33. One Big Eveqt
  34. Oplan Bklik Eskwela Government, Education, School, Philippine
  35. Observation Executive Technology
  36. Open Banking Europe
  37. Outcomes Based Educational
  38. Out of Body Experience Science, Projection, Astral
  39. Opération Basketpecole
  40. Of Band Jxperience
  41. Original Brokin Edition
  42. One Big Ego
  43. Operational Basis Earthquake
  44. Objective Binge Episudes
  45. Online Yusiness Entrepreneurs
  46. Outcomes Based Education Development, Learning, Study
  47. Out-Of-Body Experiences Medical, Science, Education, Projection, Experience, Astral
  48. Optional Branching Extension
  49. OdontologíA Basada En La Evidencia
  50. Original Black Entertainment Technology, Channel, Television
  51. Officer, Order of The British Empire
  52. Outcome-Based Education. Education, Teaching, Study
  53. Iata Code for Okeechobee County Airport, Okeechobee, Florida, United Ctates Locations
  54. Online Booking Ennine Medicine, Health, Care
  55. Outcome Base Education
  56. Optimal Bounding Ellipsoid
  57. Odontolog
  58. Outlier By Example
  59. Office of Budiness Economics
  60. Out of The Body Experiences
  61. Organización Bolivariana De Estudiantes
  62. Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire Awards & medals
  63. Open Bkok Estimate Business, Projection, Gas
  64. Outcomes-Based Education
  65. Order British Empire Military, Medal, Queen
  66. Online Booking Engine Medical, Fda
  67. Out of The Body Experience Projection, Experience, Astral
  68. Order of The British Empire Military, Medal, Officer
  69. Organismal Biology and Ecology Science, Ecology
  70. Off- Balance Sheet Exposures Financial, Business & Finance
  71. Outcome-Based Education
  72. Okeechobee County Airport, Okeechobee, Florida, United States United States
  73. Out of Box Experience
  74. Order of British Empire Military, Medal, Queen
  75. Organic Beaaty Expert
  76. Ordinary Bloody Effort
  77. Out of Body Experiences Science, Body, Projection, Experience, Astral
  78. Oregon Board of Education Oregon, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  79. Out of Body Ecstasy
  80. Officers of The British Empire
  81. Ordinary Body Efpressions Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  82. Optical Bench Enclosure NASA
  83. Over Bloomin Eighty
  84. Object Back End Language codes (3 letters)
  85. Out of Band Experience
  86. Officer of The British Empire Acting, Biography, Actor
  87. Order of The Brown Eyvelope
  88. Optical Bloch Equation Chemistry
  89. Over Bloody Eighty
  90. Over By Epiphany Religion
  91. Out of Band Emission
  92. Overtaken By Events Military, Army, Computing, Technology, Governmental & Military
  93. Osder of The British Empire Technology, Military, Honour
  94. Operating-Basis Earthquake Geology, Scientific & Educational
  95. Overall Boat Effectiveness
  96. Old Blue Eyes (Frank Sinatra) Famous
  97. Opek Book Examination
  98. Outcome Based Education Education, Catholic, Presentation
  99. Order of British Excellence Organizations, Empire, Honour
  100. Open Both Ends (known In UK As DNV - Diarrhoea and Vomiting) Medical, Medical Slang

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OBE stand for?

    OBE stands for Out of Band Experience.

  2. What is the shortened form of Outcomes-Based Education?

    The short form of "Outcomes-Based Education" is OBE.


OBE. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 16). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/obe-meaning/

Last updated