OBH Meaning

The OBH meaning is "Outer Banks Hospital". The OBH abbreviation has 31 different full form.

OBH Full Forms

  1. Outer Banks Hospital
  2. Oasis Beach Hotel
  3. Ocean Bottom Hydrophones
  4. Old Buckenham Hall
  5. Oak Bay High School Education
  6. Ocean Bottom Hydrophone Science, Sea, Volcano
  7. Old Broadcasting House
  8. Oak Bay High
  9. Oregon Bow Hunters
  10. Ocean Beach Hospital
  11. Old Bridge House
  12. Orange Base Hospital
  13. Ocean Beach Hotel
  14. Old Berks Hunt
  15. Optima Behavioral Health
  16. Obat Berhati Hamba
  17. Old Berkeley Hunt
  18. Obat Batuk Hitam
  19. Ocean Bottom Hydrophone Instruments Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
  20. Original Block Hustlaz Technology, Music, Song, Freestyle
  21. Outcomes Based Healthcare
  22. Organisasi Bantuan Hukum Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang
  23. Our Baseball Haven
  24. Other Backward Hindus
  25. Other Backward Hindu
  26. Oregon BushHackers General, Governmental & Military
  27. Országos BíRóSági Hivatal
  28. Outdoor Brochure Holder
  29. Outpatient Behavioral Health
  30. Originating Busy Hour Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  31. Outdoor Behavioral Healthcare Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Wilderness

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OBH stand for?

    OBH stands for Oak Bay High School.

  2. What is the shortened form of Other Backward Hindus?

    The short form of "Other Backward Hindus" is OBH.


OBH. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/obh-meaning/

Last updated