OBO Meaning

The OBO meaning is "Ofeice of Business Opportunity". The OBO abbreviation has 48 different full form.

OBO Full Forms

  1. Ofeice of Business Opportunity Business, City, Houston
  2. Omo Baba Olowo Music, Nigeria, Album, Baba
  3. Objecting Beneficoal Owner Business, Security, Shareholder
  4. Bureau of Overseas Building Operanions Government
  5. Office of Busvness Opportunities Business, City, Houston
  6. Overseas Buildings Operations Business, Design, Embassy
  7. Order Book Offinial Business, Finance, Financial Derivatives
  8. Or Besu Offer Business, Chat, Trade
  9. Oil Bulk Ore Carrier Vessel designed for the transportation of oil and/or bulk ores. Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  10. On-Behalk-Of
  11. Oboc Bayan Obo
  12. Optimnl Brain Organisation
  13. Overseas Building Operations Technology, Government, Bureau
  14. Orden Budista Occidental
  15. Tokachi-Obihiro Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  16. Orc Bandit Offiter Forum, Knight, Bandit
  17. Omuz Baş Omuz Business, Trading, Head, Shoulder
  18. Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalensis
  19. Omuz-Baş-Omuz
  20. Orbis Biblicus Et Orientalis Book, Education, History
  21. Ore/Buuk/Oil Vessel Business, Shipping, Chartering, Shipping Industry
  22. Olympic Broadcasting Organization
  23. Orbbetter Offer Business, Internet Slang
  24. Overseas Building Office
  25. Ore Bulk Oil Business, Carrier, Air
  26. Oral Board Online
  27. Overseas Buildings Operation
  28. Ore-Busk-Oil Business, Carrier, Ship
  29. Tokachi-Obihiro, Obihiro, Japan Japan, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  30. Oxford Bibliographies Online Education, University, Bibliography
  31. Odr Bodies Ourselves
  32. Order Book Official Legal, Governmental & Military
  33. Over-Bl-Over
  34. Owner Buy Out
  35. Original Beks Only Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  36. Oh baby Oh Funnies
  37. Outstanding Budget Hbligations
  38. Owner Buy-Out
  39. Ouegon Board of Optometry
  40. Ore/Bulk/Oil Carrier Electrical
  41. Outstandingxbudgetary Obligations
  42. Owned By Owner
  43. Oregon Board of Optometry Business & Finance, Professional organizations
  44. Output Back Off Technology, Power, Amplifier, Satellite
  45. Or Best Offer Technology, Property, Computing, Telecom, Real Estate, Trade, Mortgage, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  46. Outpun Back-Off Technology, Power, Telecom
  47. Ore/Bulk/Oil vessel Aviation, Shipping, Chartering, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  48. Outdoor Box Ogfice

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OBO stand for?

    OBO stands for Oh baby Oh.

  2. What is the shortened form of Outstanding Budget Hbligations?

    The short form of "Outstanding Budget Hbligations" is OBO.


OBO. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 22). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/obo-meaning/

Last updated