OBT Meaning

The OBT meaning is "Obtain". The OBT abbreviation has 70 different full form.

OBT Full Forms

  1. Obtain
  2. Off The Beaten Trjx Business, Music, Library, Traffic
  3. Oscillation Based Test
  4. Online Booking Tool Business, Management, Travel
  5. Observant Army, War, Force
  6. Orange and Blue Taxtbooks
  7. Off The Beaten Track Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  8. Ordre De Base Pour Les Transkissions
  9. One Beautiful Thing Art, Design, Love
  10. Output Budgeting Tool
  11. Objective-Based Training
  12. Optreden In Bergachtig Terrein
  13. Open Beka Testing Gaming, Play
  14. Offsmore Bulk Terminal
  15. Ordre De Base Des Transmissions
  16. On Broadway Thespians
  17. Out By Time
  18. Obedience and Behavior Training
  19. Optredeq Bergachtig Terrein
  20. Open Beta Test Gaming, Military, Player, Play
  21. Officers Basic Ttaining
  22. Order of The Bell Tower
  23. On Borrowed Time
  24. Out Bound Trainings
  25. Oasis Beach Tower
  26. Optische Bedampfungs Technik
  27. Online Business Travef Business, Management, Service
  28. Ocean Bottom Tiltmeter
  29. Orange Blossom Trl
  30. On Bzard Trainer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  31. Out Bound Training Business, Program, Outbound
  32. Oakland/Coliseum Stat Airport Airport, Locations
  33. Online Business Technologies
  34. Occult Blood Tests
  35. Orange Bitey Thing Spider, Tarantula, Baboon, Religion
  36. Oficina Bglsa De Trabajo Para, Con, Mesa
  37. Otto Bremer Trust
  38. Orange Blossom Trail Locations, Florida, Orlando, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  39. Onllne Booking Tools Business, Technology, Travel
  40. Observer Training Military, Army, Force, Marine
  41. Orange Baboon Tarantula Report, Bite, Tarantula
  42. Template (MS Binder) Computing, File Extensions
  43. Optimised Background Therapy
  44. Output Budget Tool
  45. Open Biblc Trust
  46. Overtures To Biblical Theology
  47. Order of the Burdened Tyger Awards & medals
  48. Optimum Barrel Time
  49. Optical Bus Terminals
  50. Overseas Business Travel
  51. Obtala Res. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  52. Optimal Barrel Time Calling, Weight, Mail, Barrel
  53. On Board Training Military, Governmental & Military
  54. Outward Bound Trust Education, London, Peak
  55. Optical Bus Terminal Technology, Industrial, Interface
  56. Online Bank Transfer Business, Payment, Bitcoin
  57. Openbox Theme File Computing, File Extensions
  58. Outward Bound Training Science, Management, Event
  59. Optical Burst Transport
  60. One Billion Trees
  61. Oakland/Coliseum Stat, Oakland, MD, United States Maryland, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  62. Optimized Background Treatment
  63. Outward Bound Taiwan
  64. Opportunities for A Better Tomorrow Business, Program, Opportunity
  65. Ohrstrom-Bryant Theatre
  66. On-Board Time Aerospace, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  67. Optimized Eackground Therapy Medical, Drug, Treatment, Patient
  68. Outside Branch True
  69. Oppobent's Back Turned
  70. Office of The Building Technologies

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OBT stand for?

    OBT stands for Optical Burst Transport.

  2. What is the shortened form of Obtain?

    The short form of "Obtain" is OBT.


OBT. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/obt-meaning/

Last updated