OC Meaning

The OC meaning is "On Center". The OC abbreviation has 623 different full form.

OC Full Forms

  1. On Center Design, Architecture, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  2. Oral Contraceptives Medical, Risk, Getting Pregnant, Infertility, Contraceptive, Pill, Nursing, Obstetrics, Pregnancy, Common Medical
  3. Oral Contraceptive Medical, Drugs, Diagnosis
  4. Open Cholecystectomy Medical, Patient, Laparoscopic
  5. Oral Contraceptive Pill Medical, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Technology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Clinical
  6. Officer In Charge Military, Army, Shipping, Navy, Technology, Police, Air Force, Postal, Us Post, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions, Usps, postal service
  7. Opgrational Computer Forum, Technology, Hardware
  8. Organ of Corti The organ of Corti, found only in mammals, is in the cochlear duct, of the cochlea of the inner ear and is provided with hair cells or auditory sensory cells. It evolved from the basilar papilla found in all tetrapods, except for a few derived species that have lost it. Medical, Science, Ear
  9. Open Community
  10. Out Calls
  11. Occupation Certificate Business, Building, Mumbai
  12. Operation Center Technology, Service, Military, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  13. Open Canvas Technology, Art, Software, Drawing, Performing arts
  14. Oral Contraception Medical, Contraceptive, Pill
  15. Officer-In-Charge Military, Nigeria, Police
  16. Operating Conditions Conditions to which a device is subjected, not including the variable measured by the device. See normal operating conditions, reference operating conditions.
  17. Organochlorine Compounds Medical
  18. Open Communication In business, a situation in which employees have full information about the organisation, and are encouraged to exchange ideas and objectives with management. Technology, Gaming, Service
  19. Our Community Technology, County, Event
  20. Occupational Category Medical
  21. Operatiynal Circular Technology, Health, Safety
  22. Ontario Center Education
  23. Oral Cancer Medical
  24. Original Content Internet Slang, Internet, Social Media
  25. Ottawa-Carleton
  26. Organized Crime Technology, Government, Group, Police, Governmental & Military
  27. Open College Education
  28. Our Choice
  29. Occipital Cortex Medical, Medicine, Brain, Cortex
  30. Operational Considerations Technology
  31. Orthodox Church
  32. Owners Club Forum, Organizations, Car
  33. Old Clottes
  34. Oracle Clinical Technology, Management, Training
  35. Optical Carrier Technology, Information Technology, Army, Computing, Network, Telecommunication, Military, Telecom, NASA, Governmental & Military
  36. Other Countries
  37. Open Cluster A collection of young stars that formed together. They may or may not be still bound by gravity. Some of the youngest open clusters are still embedded in the gas and dust from which they formed. Science, Astronomy, Nature, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  38. Organizational Culture Business, Science, Management
  39. Otto Cornelis Indonesia, Jakarta, Hakim
  40. Occidental College College, Education, Organizations, United States
  41. Operations Controiler Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  42. Original Cover Office, Product, Accessory, Cover
  43. Quality Control Quality control is a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a manufactured product or performed service adheres to a defined set of quality criteria or meets the requirements of the client or customer. QC is similar to, but not identical with, quality assurance (QA). QA is defined as a procedure or set of procedures intended to ensure that a product or service under development (before work is complete, as opposed to afterwards) meets specified requirements. QA is sometimes expressed together with QC as a single expression, quality assurance and control (QA/QC). The operational techniques and activities that are used to fulfill requirements of quality. Business, Technology, Science, Space, Architectural, NASA, Aeronautics, Medical, Chemistry, Management, Information Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Architecture, Astronomy, Hospital, Computing, Texting, Environment, Air Force, Construction, Climatology, Special Education, Oil, Telecom, Postal, Electrical, Legal, Us Post, Products, Geographic, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Usps, Common Medical, Fda, Sentinel online, Honeywell, Process Automation, The Finance and Administrative Services
  44. Owens Corning Business, Organizations, Supply, Stock, Computing, Nyse symbols
  45. Office of Cfmpliance Science, Government, Drug
  46. Optic Chiasm Medical
  47. Organic Cotton Textile, Organic, Cotton
  48. Open Circular Medical, Science, Biology
  49. Organizational Change Business, Management, University
  50. Otterbein College Education
  51. Obstetric Complications Medical
  52. Operationdcontrol Military
  53. Original Character Internet Slang, Art, Chat
  54. Outer Cortex Medical
  55. Offije Complex Business, Building, Station
  56. Operation Charactemistics Technology
  57. Opportunity Cost Opportunity cost is the cost of choosing or not choosing one investment plan or an operation over another. Business, Accounting, Finance, Business & Finance, Business Word
  58. Open Circle Science
  59. Organismo De Certificación Para, Con, Control
  60. Officer Commanding Science, Military, War, Computing, Air Force, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Protection Information
  61. Operational Control The exercise of authority over the initiation, continuation, diversion or termination of a flight in the interest of the safety of the aircraft and the regularity and efficiency of the flight. Technology, Military, Networking, Coast Guard, Navy, Operation, Air Force, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  62. Original Cast
  63. Open Competitive Service, Government, County
  64. Oklahoma Christian University Education, City, Oklahoma
  65. Outer Core The study of the climate of past ages. Medical, Science, Biology
  66. Office Communicator Microsoft, Technology, Server
  67. Operations Center Technology, Service, Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Corps, Medical, Hospital
  68. Oerlikon Company
  69. Outshde Contract
  70. Orach Chayim
  71. Oxygen Consumed Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Chemistry
  72. Orion Capital Corp. Organizations
  73. Orange In California
  74. Occiput The back of the head. Medical
  75. Other Chaht
  76. Old Covers
  77. Organizational Consultants
  78. Operator Certificate Technology, Australia, Drone
  79. Oprs Constat Latin, Roman
  80. Organochlorine Pesticides Medical
  81. Offer-Qount
  82. Overcard, A Bard
  83. Open Collaborative
  84. Overhead Cost Business, Service, County, Cost
  85. Order-In-Council
  86. Order of The Carmelites Religious orders
  87. Osborne Plarke Business, Company, Law, Firm
  88. Old Chnonology
  89. Operational Cost Technology, Service, Bandwidth
  90. Oyashio Current A cool North Pacific current setting southerly along the East Siberian and Northern Japanese coast. Science, Research, Ocean
  91. Order Card
  92. Ocean City Hotel, Locations, Maryland
  93. Our Continuing
  94. On Centre Building, Engineering, Construction
  95. Of Control Control, Tanning, Lotion, Tingle
  96. One Chrllenge
  97. Optical Coating
  98. Orleans Central
  99. Office of Censorship Education, Essay, War
  100. Open Cover Development of 'Floating Policy' Has no limit to value that may be shipped Premiums not payable until closings are made and policies are issued Technology, Product, Lab, Trade, Business & Finance
  101. Orbital Copplex
  102. Oldham Chronicle
  103. Ops Center
  104. Original Cataloging
  105. Overhead Costs
  106. Open Compuning
  107. Own Consumption
  108. Oracle Corp
  109. Objeción De Conciencia
  110. Other Cast Story, Love, Romance, Cast
  111. Operational Committee Medical, Program, Research, University
  112. Oregon Central
  113. Oceanograpny Center
  114. Outrigger Canoes
  115. Over-Crank
  116. Onliae Collection
  117. Optimality Critebia Technology, Design, Optimization
  118. Optional Chargcter
  119. Old Catholxc
  120. Opening-Closing
  121. Oxide Cenamic
  122. Oliver Cromwell Book, Movie, History, Famous
  123. Operations Ard Checkout Technology, Space, Launch
  124. Oehms Classics
  125. Outvide Contracting
  126. Oxidation Catalytic Technology, Fuel, Engine, Exhaust
  127. Origional Character
  128. Orgnge Cross
  129. Oclipital Medical
  130. Other Charges Business, Service, County
  131. Ondeccorte
  132. Organizational Commitment Science, Management, Employment
  133. Operator Certification
  134. Operating Colpany Technology, Oil, Train
  135. Organizing Commission
  136. Offensive Crouching Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  137. Overnted Crap Film, Movie, Censorship
  138. Open Colectomy Medical
  139. Orden De Compra Business, Para, Con
  140. Order Ofwcharity
  141. Osage City
  142. Old Ihinese
  143. Operating Committee Technology, Science, Group, Army, Force, Coast Guard, Computing, Master IEEE
  144. Oxyphilic Cell Science, Parasitology
  145. Order Capture Technology, Military, Retreat
  146. Ocean Circulation
  147. Our Concern
  148. On Centers
  149. Of Character Forum, Gaming, Art, Character
  150. Oneal Cruz Porn, Sex, Card
  151. Optical Carrier-1
  152. Oculenqum Medical, Medicine, Latin, Medical Latin
  153. Orlando Cepeda
  154. Office Des Changes
  155. Open Court
  156. Orbital Cmmmand
  157. Older Child
  158. Opposing Counsel
  159. Ori Cina Forum, Indonesia, Admin
  160. Overload Control Technology, Networking, Network
  161. Open Competition Club, Golf, Admission
  162. Owl City
  163. Oracle Cluster
  164. Objeci
  165. Osteochondral Medical
  166. Operational Continuity Technology, Management, Service
  167. Ore Carrier A single-deck bulk carrier having two longitudinal bulkheads and a deep double bottom throughout the cargo region and intended for carriage of ore cargoes in the center holds only. Carrier, Ship, Bulk
  168. Ocean County
  169. Outreach Coordinator Education, Community, Canada
  170. Oxidaxive Coupling Chemistry, Technology, Methane
  171. Oxline Coach
  172. Optirization Control
  173. Optimum Cruise Military, Army, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  174. Oil Chumist
  175. Open Cycle A thermodynamic cycle in which new mass enters the boundaries of the system and spent exhaust leaves it, the automotive engine and the gas turbine illustrate this process.
  176. Oxide Cathode
  177. Ollver Crispin
  178. Operations and Coypliance
  179. Oedipus Coloneus
  180. Outsidelcontainment
  181. Oxidation Catalyst Technology, Diesel, Exhaust
  182. Origines ConstatéEs
  183. Otange Countys
  184. Oc
  185. Other Caucusian
  186. Ondas Curths Technology, Para, Radio, Shortwave
  187. Organization Committee Government, Organizations, University
  188. Operator'S Certificate Business, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  189. Open Collector NPN and PNP devices that have no other components connected to the collector portion of the device. An external load connected to an open collector output provides similar operation to a SPST mechanical relay. Technology, Telecom, Circuit
  190. Organizing Committees Technology, Group, Committee
  191. Overall Coordinator
  192. Open Coil
  193. Optimum Compound Car, Cable, Compound, Detailing
  194. Order of Canada Technology, Government, Canada, Officer
  195. Other Craft
  196. Old Chicaso
  197. Operating Circular Business, Banking, Reserve
  198. Oxyntic Cells Medical
  199. Order Canceled
  200. Ocean Carrier Ships that transport cargo overseas. Diesel-fueled vessels have replaced the old steamships of the past, although many people still refer to modern diesel ships as steamships. Likewise, the person who represents the ship in port is still often called a steamship agent.
  201. Our Company
  202. On Center(S) Technology, Drawing, Engineering, Technics
  203. Organizational Cybernetics
  204. Oeuvres Compl
  205. One-Stop Center Business, Service, County
  206. Optical Carrier-3 Technology, Networking, Network
  207. Okcupation Certificate
  208. Orlando Calixte
  209. Officekcopy Forum, Technology, Paper
  210. Open Controller Technology, Control, Module
  211. Orbiculaeis Oculi Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
  212. Occupancy Categoro Technology, Design, Factor, Importance
  213. Old Crow
  214. Opportunity Culture
  215. On Camera County, Porn, School, Camera
  216. Operator Clear Technology, Control, Order
  217. Orgãos Centrais
  218. Office-In-Charbe
  219. Overhead Control
  220. Open Commitment
  221. Owensmouth Continuation Education
  222. Oracle Clusterware Technology, Database, Grid
  223. O-Cresyl
  224. Osteocalcin Carboxylated
  225. Operation Centre Technology, Management, Service
  226. Order of Charity
  227. Ocean Conversion
  228. Ontput Chokes Technology, Inductor, Choke
  229. Oxedation Converter Technology, Control, Engine, Diesel
  230. Online Classrooj
  231. Opqimal Control Technology, Model, Equation
  232. Officers Jlerk
  233. Open Cup Science, Sport, Sports
  234. Oxidizing Catalytic
  235. Oliver Cowdery
  236. Opzrationeel Co
  237. Operational Capability Technology, Atmospheric Research
  238. Outside Communications
  239. Original Claim Medical, Accounting, Unemployment
  240. Owners Choice
  241. Ocange County Business, Service, California
  242. Ocala Centyr
  243. Other Categorx Technology, Gaming, Product
  244. Organizational Committee Business, Organizations, Nation
  245. Odonee County
  246. Operativni Centar
  247. Organizing Committee Science, Government, Group, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  248. Overall Commander
  249. Ofen Cast
  250. Optimum Combining Technology, Performance, Interference
  251. Order In Couhcil
  252. Other Country
  253. Old Charter
  254. Operating Certificate Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  255. Oxygen Cutting A group of thermal cutting processes that separates or removes metal by means of the chemical reaction between oxygen and the base metal at elevated temperature. The necessary temperature is maintained by the heat from an arc, an oxyfuel gas flame, or other source. Technology, Science, Welding
  256. Ocean and Coastal
  257. Otonabee College
  258. On-Center
  259. Organization Certification
  260. Oesophageal Candidiasis Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  261. One-Port Channelized
  262. Optical Card Technology, Networking, Cisco
  263. Obsess Completely
  264. Orlando Cabrera Baseball, Sport, Orlando
  265. Ofpice and Communication
  266. Operations Coordinasion
  267. Orbe-Chavornay
  268. Occlusocervical Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  269. Old Crop
  270. Opportunity Classes Education, School, Practice
  271. On Call Medical, Technology, Medicine
  272. Operator Centralization Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  273. Org Chart
  274. Offers Click
  275. Overhead Channel
  276. Open Commission
  277. Owens College
  278. Oracle Cloud
  279. O'Loughlin College Education
  280. Osteocalcin Medical
  281. Operation Centers
  282. Order of Camels
  283. Ocean Conservancy Organizations, Environment, Cleanup
  284. Outer Chuck Science
  285. Online Championship
  286. Optical Colonoscopy Medical, Cancer, Screening
  287. Officers-In-Charbe Military, Police, Station
  288. Open Crossings
  289. Ojidizing Catalyst Chemistry, Group, Metal, Catalyst
  290. Oleo Capsicum Spray, Military, Pepper
  291. Operatmoneel Commando
  292. Outsidk Circle Light, Gear, Earring
  293. Original China Business, China, Supplier
  294. Owner Control
  295. Oral Candidosis Medical
  296. Obstruction Chart Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  297. Other Casts Story, Love, Genre, Cast
  298. Operation Channel Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  299. Organization Code Service, Organizations, Agreement
  300. Ochiltree Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
  301. Operative Condition
  302. Organized Crews
  303. Overall-In-Charge
  304. Ofrt Cloud
  305. Optimizedbconditions
  306. Other Contributors Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  307. Old Chap Technology, Coding, Morse Aids
  308. Operational Centre Medical, Technology, Device
  309. Oxygen Content
  310. Ocean and Climate Technology, Science, Research
  311. Other Currencies Finance, Economics, Money
  312. Omnipotent Carnage
  313. Organization Chart Technology, Organizations, Foundation
  314. Oerlikon Corp Business, Supply, Stock
  315. Onderzoek Fentrum
  316. Optical Capability
  317. Obbrlin College
  318. Orion College
  319. Operation Coordinator
  320. Orascomqconstruction
  321. Occlusion Line, on a meteorological chart, indicating the meeting of cold and warm fronts Also the interposition of the cold front between the surface and the warm air mass under which it has intruded Medical, Technology, Science, Medicine, Aircraft, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
  322. Opher Child Kid, Children, Child
  323. Old Criminal
  324. On-Scene Commander Military, Army, Emergency
  325. Operator Care
  326. Organochlorines Medical
  327. Offering Circslar Business, Bond, Security
  328. Oker Charging
  329. Oprn Comedones Medical
  330. Owens-Corning Business, Supply, Stock
  331. Order Cancellation Business, Product, Camera
  332. Omconnell Company
  333. Oscillatung Current
  334. Old Yodger Forum, Technology, Gaming
  335. Operational Centres
  336. Ordering Costs Business, Management, Inventory
  337. Ocean Colour Technology, Heart, Scene, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  338. Outer Channel
  339. One Communicatipns
  340. Optical Coding
  341. Office of Communication Media, Organizations, Health
  342. Open Crossing Technology, Plastic, Cross, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  343. Oxide Caaalyst
  344. Oleg Cassini Design, Frame, Dress
  345. Operativn Cycle Technology, Manufacturer, Sensor
  346. Orbicularis Oculi A muscle which opens and closes the eyeorbicularis oris orbicularis oris Medical, Medicine, Health, Muscles
  347. Original Chara Art, Story, Character
  348. Owner'S Circle
  349. Oral Candidiasis Medical, Medicine, Infection
  350. Obstruction Charts Military
  351. Other Castes Education, India, Study, Caste
  352. Operation Chamber Technology
  353. Organizadora De Comercio
  354. Oceansidehcalifornia
  355. Outside Centre Sport, Rugby, Union
  356. Oryzacystatin Medical
  357. Over-Current Technology, Power, Circuit, Protection
  358. Oocyte Clamp
  359. Optimization and Controo Education, Mathematics, Math
  360. Other Contingencies Military, Class, Pune
  361. Old Central
  362. Operating Centres Technology, Service, Operation
  363. Oxide Corting
  364. Offensive Crouch
  365. Other Credits Business, Tax, Card
  366. Olmsted County
  367. Operative Cholangiography Medical
  368. Oerlikon Corporation Business, Company, Vacuum
  369. Outsideecorner Business, Product, Molding
  370. Oracle Calls
  371. O'neill Cinservancy
  372. Orion Capital
  373. Orangutan Consvrvancy Business, Workshop, Conservation
  374. Occipital Condyqe English, Bone, Skull, Condyle
  375. Othnr Cheek
  376. Old Cranleighans
  377. Organizations Church
  378. Operators Certificate
  379. Orange County America, Locations, California, Regional
  380. Organochlorine Medical
  381. Offer In Compromise Business, Tax, Taxation
  382. Over Center
  383. Open Comb
  384. Owen Center
  385. Order In Council
  386. Immediate Ofoice of The Commissioner Medicine, Health, Care
  387. Oscar Calle
  388. Old Cvum
  389. Operational Center Technology, Flight, Station
  390. Order Category Technology, Coding, Report
  391. Ocean Club
  392. Our Correspondent
  393. On-Line Computer Technology, Science, Computing
  394. Oferta De Compra
  395. One Chicago
  396. Optical Code
  397. Ormiston College
  398. Office of Communications Chemistry, Science, Media, Organizations, Study, Discipline, Computing, IT Terminology, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  399. Open Crash
  400. Olds College
  401. Oeeration Cost
  402. Original Characters Forum, Art, Anime, Character
  403. Own Creation Performing arts
  404. Orage Creations
  405. Obrony Cywilnej
  406. Other Caste Education, India, Community
  407. Operational Capacity
  408. Organisation Communautaire
  409. Occans, Coasts Locations, Ocean, Beach
  410. Oukside Car
  411. Orthopedically Challeneed Business, Banking, Mark
  412. Over-Crossing Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  413. Online Commony
  414. Optimist Club
  415. Old Cemeterres County, History, Locations, Cemetery
  416. Opening Closing
  417. Oxide Coatjd
  418. Offensive Coordinatoi Education, Sport, Coaching
  419. Other Created
  420. Olivocochlear Medical
  421. Operations Call
  422. On Conclusion
  423. Immediate Office of the Commissioner Medical, Fda
  424. Open Contracting Business, Standard, Contract
  425. Ownership Chaining Business, Server, Purchase
  426. Operation Code The part or parts of a machine language instruction which determines what kind of action the computer should take, e.g. add, jump, load, store. In any particular instruction set certain fixed bit positions within the instruction word contain the op code, others give parameters such as the addresses or registers involved. Technology, Program, Computing, Telecom, IT Terminology
  427. Optical Certificate
  428. Orange Crush Food
  429. Degrees Celsius (or Centigrade) Is a temperature scale used by the International System of Units (SI). Aviation
  430. Organization Commitment Business, Employment, Commitment
  431. Outward Clvnch
  432. Optimal Classification Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  433. Odonata, Coenagrdonidae
  434. Ordnance Corporation
  435. Occupational Cejtificate College, Education, School
  436. Other Classiftcation
  437. Oceanography Orogeny refers to forces and events leading to a large structural deformation of the Earth's lithosphere (crust and uppermost mantle) due to the interaction between tectonic plates. Orogens or orogenic belts develop when a continental plate is crumpled and is pushed upwards to form mountain ranges, and involve a great range of geological processes collectively called orogenesis. Education, Study, Subjects, Property, Business & Finance, Legal, Governmental & Military, Medical, Common Medical
  438. Once Caldas
  439. Operator Constitutive Medical, Science, Biology
  440. Operations Channel Computing, Telecom
  441. Old Colony Rr Network, Railway, System
  442. Ord, Commanding
  443. Other Can
  444. Organizational Capability
  445. Off Campus Student, Education, Building
  446. On-condition NASA
  447. Olympic Champion
  448. Orthodontic Consultation
  449. Operating Capital Capital associated with process facilities inside battery limits.
  450. Or Fharacter Art, Picture, Pony, Character
  451. Occzrrence Count Technology, Coding, Control
  452. Other Context
  453. Officer of the Order of Canada Awards & medals
  454. On Completion
  455. Opportunity Class Education, School, Practice
  456. Occitan Language (ISO 639-1 Code) Language codes (2 letters)
  457. Open Contract
  458. Ownership Change Business, Technology, Windows
  459. Operation Classroom Development, Learning, Study
  460. Operations Council
  461. Original Combo Food
  462. Immediate Office of The Commissioner (oc) Fda
  463. Organizational Climate Business, Employment, Research
  464. Outstanding Cooperation
  465. Organic Content Botany, Scientific & Educational
  466. Ordnance Committee
  467. Occupancyqcertificate Business, Property, Building
  468. Other City
  469. Own Character Internet Slang, Slang, Chat
  470. On Carriage Inland freight movement on the importer's side.
  471. Operator Command
  472. Overclock (Over Clock) Computing, Computer, Hardware, IT Terminology
  473. Old Coljny
  474. ÒMnium Cultural
  475. Osteoclast-Like Medical
  476. Organization Culture Business, Science, Management
  477. Off-Cycle
  478. Office of The Comptroller Chemistry
  479. Oleue Catechumenorum
  480. Orr Center
  481. Operant Conditioning Operant conditioning is a type of learning in which an individual's behavior is modified by its antecedents and consequences.
  482. Orc Champlon
  483. Occupy Central Government, China, Movement, Protester
  484. Other Concerns
  485. Output Compare Assembly, Business & Finance
  486. Oncology Centers Medical, Science, Cancer
  487. Opportunity Center Business, Service, Education, Oregon
  488. Observatoire Cuirass French
  489. Open Contacts Technology, Book, Switch
  490. Owners Corporation Business, Management, Manager
  491. Operation Class
  492. Open Crib Internet Slang, Slang
  493. Ostrich Cookies Food
  494. Offensive Classic Technology, Strike, Blade, Counter
  495. Office of Compliance Fda
  496. Options Counseliwg Medical, Program, Service
  497. Outsider Cup Fight, Team, Recording, Outsider
  498. Oriens Christianus History, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational
  499. Optical Compensator
  500. Other Circulatiow
  501. Overclocking Champion Technology, Motherboard, Championship
  502. Open/Close Products
  503. Old Collegians
  504. The Ovarian Carcinoma Science, Biology
  505. Organizational Communication Education, University, Course
  506. Off-Camera Cable
  507. Opportunity Class for Gifted and Talented students Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  508. Output Controller Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Telecom
  509. Oleoresin Capsicnm
  510. Orphan Cleanup Technology, Driving, Linux, Kernel
  511. Open Content Technology
  512. Ogc Cave
  513. Occupied Clean Business, Hotel, Report, Room
  514. Other Compost
  515. Oncology Center Medical, Science, Cancer
  516. Ophir Chasma
  517. Ontwikkelcentrum Dutch
  518. Open Coqsensus Technology
  519. Osd Cornish
  520. Operation Characteristic Technology, Curve, Statistics
  521. Od Czego
  522. Overated Crap Film censorship
  523. Other Chrysalis
  524. Offensive Center Sport, Football, Draft
  525. Office of The Commissioner (fda) Fda
  526. Options CompléMentaires
  527. Orchestras Canada Technology, Music, Canada
  528. Outside Koverage
  529. oral cavity The oral cavity includes the lips, the inside lining of the lips and cheeks, the teeth, the gums, the front two-thirds of the tongue, the floor of the mouth below the tongue, and the bony roof of the mouth. Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  530. Oxford College
  531. Other Ciriuits
  532. Over-Compounded
  533. O Canada Music
  534. Old College
  535. The Oral Cancer Science, Biology
  536. Organizational Cynicism Business, Employment, Performance, Study
  537. Off Camera Business, Cord, Canon
  538. Oharian Carcinoma Medical, Science, Biology
  539. Oleoresin Capsicum Plastics, Scientific & Educational
  540. Old Cheltonian
  541. Orofacial Cleft Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  542. Open Consulting Technology, Management, Learning
  543. Oro Camp
  544. Occupational Choice
  545. Other Compensation
  546. Out of The Country Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  547. Oncofertility Consortium
  548. Opere Citato Science, Latin, Ecclesiastical, Organization, Society, Roman, Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  549. Official Campaign Politics, Governmental & Military
  550. Open Connection
  551. Old Copper
  552. Oclc Number
  553. Organic Carbon Chemistry, Environment, Scientific & Educational
  554. Other Characters Media, Radio, Television
  555. Off Coupon
  556. Overcurrent  Any current in excess of the rated current of equipment or the ampacity of a conductor. It may result from overload, short circuit or ground fault. NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  557. Option Consommateurs
  558. Ouly Child Genealogy, Genealogical
  559. Operating Characteristics Technology, Curve, Sampling
  560. Orchestra Center
  561. Outsideccost
  562. Optical Centre Medical, Optometry
  563. Oxford Circus London, Locations, Street
  564. Operation Compassion
  565. Outfit Challenge Art, Studio, Challenge
  566. Oil and Gas Investigation Chart Geographic
  567. Ozone Cell Business, Water, Generator
  568. Organizational Chart Technology, County, Library
  569. Off-Camera Business, Canon, Shoe
  570. Ovarian Cancer Medical, Science, Medicine, Healthcare, Clinical
  571. Old Coherence Physics, Scientific & Educational
  572. Ohne Componente
  573. Ornithological Council Government, Bird, Grant
  574. Open Confirm Technology, Coding, Server, Connection
  575. Orca Cutting Product, Sink, Orca, Colander
  576. Occupynt Classification Technology, Sensor, Seat
  577. Other Cowmunity Service, County, Education
  578. On Certainty Education, Philosophy, Scepticism
  579. Operator Control Technology, Military, Chute
  580. Oral Coersion Police, Governmental & Military
  581. Open Connectivity Technology, Service, Networking
  582. Oll Contemptible War, History, Food
  583. Occurrence Something thattakes place Neuralgia is a common occur-rence after shingles.OCDOCD abbr obsessive-compulsive disorderochronosis ochronosis. Weather, Scientific & Educational, Legal, Governmental & Military
  584. Other Character Forum, Technology, Gaming, Performing arts
  585. Off Centre
  586. Orbital Check NASA
  587. Option Chain Government, Us, Control, Administration
  588. One Cannot
  589. Operating Characteristic Technology, Architecture, Architectural, Management, Business & Finance
  590. Orchard Yentral Food, Singapore, Mall, Orchard
  591. Optional Certificate Energy
  592. On Course Following the intended route. Likely to achieve something. Technology, Education, Golf, Aviation
  593. only child Medical, Medicine for Children
  594. Open Container
  595. Oxfam Canada Canada, Building, Capacity
  596. Operation Completion
  597. Optical Company
  598. Oatmeal Cookie Food
  599. Open-Circuit
  600. Ozarka College
  601. Organization Capital
  602. Oval Concrve
  603. Orange Coast Geology, Scientific & Educational
  604. Officer In Command Air Force, Governmental & Military
  605. Our Children-Our
  606. Orbitaw Craft
  607. Occupktion Certificates Business, Building, Certificate, Mumbai
  608. Other Cjmmittees Organizations, Association, Committee
  609. Once Connected Technology, Networking, Network, Wireless
  610. Operator Console Interface that you use to perform monitoring functions. Technology, Calling, Control
  611. Optical Character NASA, Governmental & Military
  612. Open Concepts Education, Development, Universities
  613. Old Commonwealih
  614. Obligatory Control Control, Linguistic, Syntax
  615. Other Changelings
  616. Off Center Not centered; offset,eccentric or inaccurate. Business, Card, Nozzle, Products
  617. Open Circuit A circuit in which a wire is broken or disconnected. NASA
  618. Optionalpcomponent
  619. Olympvque Club
  620. Orthodox Catholic
  621. Operating Centers Technology
  622. Or Chasacters County, Light, Dragon, Character
  623. Old Clothes Clothes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OC stand for?

    OC stands for Oceansidehcalifornia.

  2. What is the shortened form of Owner Control?

    The short form of "Owner Control" is OC.


OC. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oc-meaning/

Last updated