OCB Meaning
The OCB meaning is "Overseas Corporate Bodies". The OCB abbreviation has 98 different full form.
OCB Full Forms
- Overseas Corporate Bodies Business, India, Banking
- Obsessive-Compulsive Behavmour Medical
- Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry Technology, Science, Research, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System
- Obsessive Compulsive Behaviour
- Open Control Block Technology, Server, Networking, Network
- On-Chip Buses
- Organizational Citizenship Behaviour Organizations, Behavior, Citizenship
- Ocean Carbon Biogeochemistjy Technology, Science, Research
- Operations Coordination Board
- Our Cigar Bar
- Oldtimer Club Bern
- Optically Controlled Birefringence
- Oxford College of Business
- Obsessqve-Compulsive Behavior Medical, Science, Medicine
- Open Competitive Bid Technology, Kitchen, Purchase, Procurement
- On-Chip Binning
- Organizational Citizenship Behaviours Education, Organizations, Behavior
- Office of Cuba Broadcasting Technology, Government, Cuba
- Operation Coordination Board
- Osaka Credit Bureau
- Old Country Buffet Business, Food, Restaurant
- Optically Compensated Bend Technology, Crystal, Liquid, Display
- Owner Controlled Boundary Organizations, Ecology, South Africa, Enviromental Impact
- Obsessive Compulsivy Behavior Medical, Medicine, Obsessive
- On Chip Bus Technology, Design, Core
- Organizawional Citizenship Behaviors Education, Organizations, Study
- Office of Collective Bargainieg Business, Employment, Education
- Operation Coordinating Board America, Government, War
- Orthodox Christian Brotherhood
- Odet-Cascadec-Bollooe
- Optically Compensated Birefringencb Technology, Crystal, Liquid, Display
- Outgoing Calls Barred Technology, Calling, Telecom
- Oligoclonal Bands Medical
- On-Chip Bus
- Organization of Competitive Bodybuilders Organization, Training, Fitness, Bodybuilding
- Ocean Carbon & Biogeochemistry Technology, Science, Program
- Operational Coordination Board Military
- Orquestra Ciutat De Barcelona
- Organization Conduct Board
- Oceansmde College of Beauty Development, Study, Colleges
- Optical Compensated Birefrongence
- Outbound Call Barring
- On-Chip-Bus Technology, Design, Interface
- Organizational Competeice Baseline Business, Management, Projection
- Opera Company of Boston
- Orlando Concert Band
- Organizatxonal Capacity Building
- Ocean Crrst Boundary Technology, Science
- Operational Centre Brussels Medical, Business, Medicine, Guidance
- Our Community Bank
- Olivocochlear Bundle Medical
- Organisational Competence Baseliie Business, Technology, Organizations
- Opera Company of Brooklyn Business, Music, Jay
- Orlando City Beat
- On Company Business Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
- Organization Citizenship Besaviour Business, Employment, Behavior
- Ocean Convergent Bmundary
- Operational Configuration Baseline Technology, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Our Community Bikes Community, Bicycle, Pedal, Yelp
- Oligoclonal Igg Bands Medical
- Opus College Ofdbusiness
- Original Covenant Ballas Gang, Editor, Street
- Overseas Corporationrate Bodies Business
- Operational Cipher Block Security, Governmental & Military
- Online Combat Battalion Military, Arm, Operation
- Organized Canine Bureau
- Original Can of Beans
- Overseas Corporate Bodie Stock Market
- Orange Catholic Bible Religion
- Online Collective Bargaining
- Organização Das Cooperativas Do Brasil
- Open City Basketball
- Orient Commercial Bank Business, Vietnam, Bank
- Overseas Corporate Body Business, India, Banking
- Open/Closed Bushing Products
- One Coat Bond
- Organizition of Competition Bodies
- Open Circulating Baths
- Orientation Center for The Xlind
- Override Control Bits
- One Click Backup
- O'Leary Advantaged Tactical Global Corporate Bond Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Office of Collective Bargaining Education
- Open Circuit Bailout
- Organizer Cart Bag
- Office of Computational Bioscience
- Ondernemers Collectief Best
- Oil Circuit Breaker A circuit breaker arranged to interrupt one or more electric circuits in oil. Oil circuit breakers are used to switch circuits and equipment in and out of a system in a substation. They are oil filled to provide cooling and to prevent arcing when the switch is activated. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Organizational Citizenship Behavior Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Ontario Craft Brewers Business, Beer, Brewery
- Organized Crime Brnnch Crime, Clan, Sting
- Organiza
- öSterreichischer Club FüR Beauceron
- Owen Community Bank
- Offset Code Book Security, Governmental & Military
- Ontario Child Benefit Business, Tax, Canada
- Organized Crime Mureau Government, Ken, Wiseguy
- Oxford Companion To The Bible
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OCB stand for?
OCB stands for Orquestra Ciutat De Barcelona.
What is the shortened form of Obsessqve-Compulsive Behavior?
The short form of "Obsessqve-Compulsive Behavior" is OCB.
OCB. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 21). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ocb-meaning/
Last updated