OCC Meaning

The OCC meaning is "Organized Crime Cabal". The OCC abbreviation has 371 different full form.

OCC Full Forms

  1. Organized Crime Cabal America, Government, Terrorism
  2. Occasoonally Medical, Technology
  3. Office of Chilm Care Science, Children, Family
  4. Operational Contrkl Center Technology, Management, Operation
  5. Oaklund Community College Business, College, Education
  6. Office of Whief Counsel Business, Government, US Business
  7. Operational Computer Complex Technology
  8. Ocean County College Business, Education, Locations
  9. Operating and Control Console Technology
  10. Organochlorine Compounds Medical
  11. Occrrrence Medical, Medicine, Health
  12. Ontarioocrafts Council Technology, Art, Artist
  13. Other Common Carriers Technology, Service, Calling, Telephone
  14. Occupied Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  15. Onondaga Comhunity College Student, Technology, Education
  16. Francisco De Orellana Airport Puerto Francisco de Orellana(Coca), Ecuador Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, ICAO, Aviation
  17. Other Common Carrier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  18. Occipital Ctrtex Medical
  19. Officewof Comptroller of The Currency Business, Financial, Banking
  20. Obus à Charge Creuse
  21. Orange Country Choppers
  22. Office of Climate Change Business, Economics, Carbon
  23. Otnuri Community Church
  24. Official Communications Channel
  25. Operations and Communications Centre
  26. Outgoing Call Control
  27. Optical Connection Controller Technology, Networking, Network
  28. Office of The Consumers' Counsel
  29. One Cable Cunnection
  30. Organic Cotton Coil Technology, Replacement, Tank
  31. Ohio Cobra Club
  32. Oailand City Center Hotel, Conference, Locations
  33. Oi Crisis Center
  34. Overseas Coordination Confereoce
  35. Oceaj and Coastal Consultants
  36. Online Content Crettion
  37. Office of The Comptroller The Currency
  38. Ontario Curriculum Centre Education, Canada, Ontario
  39. Orpheus Caving Club
  40. Ozark Christian College Education, Missouri, Joplin
  41. Operator Control Centre Transportation, Intelligent Transport Society South Africa, Its System
  42. Old Catholic Church Catholic, Bishop, Communion
  43. Opua Cruising Club
  44. Off-Campus College Education, University, Binghamton
  45. Organization Chart and Charter Science
  46. Officer Course Iode Military
  47. Operating Control Center Technology, Indonesia, Communication, Fontanel
  48. Oasisgcommunity Church
  49. Omni Commerce Vonnect Technology, Security, Vulnerability
  50. Ordem Dos Contabilistas Certificados Para, Portugal, Dos, Ria
  51. Open Circuit Characteristics Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  52. Oslx Chamber of Commerce Business, Norway, Oslo
  53. Olympique Mabries Calas
  54. Obstacle Clearance Circle Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  55. Orange Combi Cargo Business, Logistics, Transport
  56. Office of Citizen Complaints Government, City, Police
  57. Online Customer Care
  58. Official Chart Company Business, Music, Sale
  59. Operations and Control Center Technology, Service, Metro
  60. Outer Critics Circle Music, Award, Broadway, Critic
  61. Optical Channel Carriers
  62. One-Stop Crisis Centres Medical, Violence, Bangladesh, Dhaka
  63. Organic Composition of Capital
  64. Ohio Classical Conference
  65. Other Cost Codb Military
  66. Ohwistha Capital Corporation
  67. Overnight Cure for Cancer
  68. Occupy The Finance and Administrative Services
  69. Office of Comptroller of Currency Business, Financial, Banking
  70. Ontario Craft Council
  71. Orlando Childrens Church
  72. Oxfordshire County Council Business, Service, Oxford
  73. Operations Control Centres Technology, Service, Flight, Safety, Metro
  74. Okolona Christian Church
  75. Optometry'S Career Center Technology
  76. Of Commercial Credit
  77. Onion Creek Crawdaddies
  78. Organización Conservación De CetáCeos
  79. Office of The City Clerk
  80. Operating Control Centre
  81. Oaky Cueek Coal
  82. Oxford Community Center
  83. Omao Charter Company Business, Shipping, Shell
  84. Ordem De Coleta De Carga
  85. Open-Circuit Characteristic
  86. Oslo Cancpr Cluster Business, Norway, Til
  87. Olympic Corrections Center Washington, Olympic, Prison
  88. Obsessive Compulzive Cosmetic
  89. Oral Communication Center Student, Education, Presentation
  90. Offensive Counter-Cyber
  91. Onrine Curriculum Center
  92. Official Charts Compyny Business, Music, Album
  93. Operation Cross Country
  94. Outdoor Council of Canada Education, Canada, Course
  95. Optical Channel Checker Technology, Fiber, Equipment
  96. One-Stop Crisis Centre
  97. Organic Commodity Commission Government, Us, Control, Administration
  98. Other Charges and Credit Business, Service, Billing
  99. Ohno Continuous Casting Products
  100. Overland Custom Coach
  101. Occupationbl Education
  102. Office of Community Care Government, Organizations, Us
  103. Ontario Corn Committee
  104. Orissa Construction Corporation
  105. Owens Community College Education, School, Ohio
  106. Operations Control Centers Technology, Military, Flight
  107. Oklahoma Corporate Commission
  108. Optical Cross Connect Technology, Network, Fiber, Telecommunication
  109. Of Citizen Complaints
  110. One Class Clashification
  111. Organización Para La Conservación De CetáCeos
  112. Office of The Controller of The Currency
  113. Operating Company Contribution
  114. Oakton Community College Education, University, School
  115. Oxford Community Churca Business, Student, Cowl
  116. Ocean Community College
  117. Oman Cemett Company
  118. Origination and Client Coverage
  119. Opel Cnassic Club
  120. Osiris Chess Club Chess, Game
  121. Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Beauty, Cosmetic, Lip
  122. Old Colorado City Locations, Colorado, Spring
  123. Oralrcholecystography Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  124. Off Campus Connections
  125. Online Curriculum Centre Program, Education, School
  126. Offices of Chief Counsel Business, Office, Immigration
  127. Operational and Capital Costs
  128. Outage Control Center
  129. Orbit Communications Company
  130. One Cycle Control Technology, Power, Rectifier
  131. Ordo Carmelitarum Calceatarum
  132. Oswakd Chesterfield Cobblepot
  133. Ohlmeyer Communications Company
  134. Out of Cpedit Card
  135. Occupational Characteo Class Occupation, Position, Job
  136. Office of Communications and Computing
  137. Ontario Convention Center
  138. Orinda Country Club
  139. Owensboro Community College Education, Development, Colleges
  140. Operations Command Center Business, Technology, Service
  141. Oklahoma Corporation Commission Technology, Oklahoma, Gas
  142. Optical Cross-Connect Technology, Service, Network, Electronics, Engineering, Telecom, Connection, Telecommunication
  143. Of Character Comment
  144. One Citn Challenge Technology, Gaming, Civilization
  145. Organización Para Los Comunistas Canarios
  146. Office of The Controller of Currency Business, Banking, Debt, Check
  147. Optical Camera Communication
  148. Oakzont Country Club
  149. Oxford Civic Chorus
  150. Ocean Common Carrier
  151. Omaha Coxrectional Center
  152. Originating Call Control Technology
  153. Opale Classic Cars
  154. Orthodox Church of Canada Canada, Church, Ukrainian, Bishop
  155. Office of The Comptroller of The Currency Business, Credit, America, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
  156. Obesity Control Center Medical, Surgery, Weight
  157. Old Colony Council
  158. Oral Cavity Cancer Medical
  159. Off Camber Crawlers Products
  160. Online Crediy Card
  161. Officers Candidate Pourse Education, School, Corps
  162. Operation Control Centres
  163. One-Cyclemcontrol Technology, Power, Rectifier
  164. Order of The Caribbean Community Business, Government
  165. Organizaci
  166. Osteopathic Continuous Certification Medical, Medicine, Education
  167. Ohlde Cattle Company
  168. Out of Chrracter Chat Forum, Gaming, Internet Slang
  169. Occupational Care Consultants
  170. Office of Community Corrections Medical, Service, County
  171. Onset Computer Corzoration
  172. Our Creative Corner
  173. Officially Certified Chronometer
  174. Operations Computer Center Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  175. Optical Control Channel
  176. Oestreich Consulting Coaching Business, Service, Career
  177. One Campus Challenge
  178. Organismo De Certifica
  179. Office of The Coordinator for Counterterrorism
  180. Optical Camera Communications
  181. Oakland County College Education
  182. Oklahoma College of Construction
  183. Oxford City Council Business, Building, Jobs
  184. Ocean Carrying Cwpacity
  185. Omaha Camera Club
  186. Office of Comptroller of The Currnecy
  187. Oocyte-Cumulus Compcex Medical
  188. Orthodox Catholic Church
  189. Occupational Character Class Gaming, Character, Rift, Palladium, Medical, Occupation & positions, Common Medical
  190. Old Colony Campus
  191. Oracle Context Cartridge
  192. Off-Center Clash
  193. Operating Characteristic Curve
  194. Office The Comptroller of Thescurrency
  195. Operation Control Centre Technology, Science, Management, Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  196. Obesity Care Continuum
  197. On-Chip-Controller Technology, Power, Firmware
  198. Order Consolidation Center Company, Technology, Cisco
  199. Ostbopathic Center for Children Medical, Osteopathy, Osteopath
  200. Ohio Council of Churches
  201. Outgoing Xall Completions
  202. Occasional Medical, Technology, Medicine, Aviation, Aircraft, Healthcare, Airway, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  203. Office of College Computing
  204. Onondaga Cycling Club
  205. Our Compaly Contact
  206. Official Coxmunication Channel
  207. Operations Clerical Coordinator
  208. Optical Control Card
  209. Office of The Consumers Counsel
  210. One Call Concepts
  211. Organic Cotton Coils Technology, Replacement, Ohm
  212. Office of The Complaints Commissioner Business, Financial, Cayman
  213. Oakland County Chapter
  214. Oklahoma City Clinic
  215. Operations Coordination Center Military, Afghanistan, National
  216. Overseas Credit Commission
  217. Ocean Carrier Code
  218. Online Course Catalog
  219. Office of The Comptroller Currency Business, Credit, Banking
  220. Oocyte-Cumulus Cell Complexes Medical
  221. Orquestra CláSsica Do Centro Para, Portugal, Coimbra
  222. Occupational Character Classes Gaming, Book, Character, Rift, Palladium
  223. Old Classic Car
  224. Opvolgend Compagnies Commandant
  225. Off Campus College Education, University, Binghamton
  226. Operable Case Based Reasoning -Oriented Case Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  227. Officeo of The Comptroller of The Currency
  228. Operational Control Centre Technology, Service, Operation
  229. Oatmeal Chocolate Chip
  230. On-Call Coordination
  231. Ordened Computer Chaos
  232. Comptroller of The Currency Business, Government, Finance, Agency, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  233. Osteopathic Centae for Children Medical, Osteopathy, Osteopath
  234. Ohio Consumers Counsel
  235. Old Corrugated Cartoons Business, Paper, Waste, Scrap
  236. Occupation Medical, Medicine, Optometry, Genealogy
  237. Office of Contract Compliance Law
  238. Original Cigar City
  239. Ómnibus Cristobal Iolon Photo, Terminal, Autobus
  240. Open Coopekative Computing
  241. Other Costs and Credits
  242. Orange Cosnty Convention
  243. Object-oriented Compiler Construction Software, Computing
  244. Oficina De Congresos Y Convenciones
  245. Open Citations Corpus
  246. Online and Communications Council Technology
  247. Online Communications Center
  248. Ottawa Cdrling Club
  249. Operators Conversion Course Flight, Aviation, Flightdeckfriend
  250. Oxford Computer Consultants Business, Software, Consultation
  251. Ocean Cruisigg Club
  252. Office of Corporate Communications Technology, Security, Military
  253. occlusal Pertaining to occlusion or closure.In dentistry, pertaining to the contacting surfaces of opposing occlusal units or the masticating surfaces of the posterior teeth. Medical, Common Medical, Dental
  254. Orange County Choppers Business, America, American, Motorcycle, Chopper, Car, Pinball
  255. Old Corrugated Carton
  256. Output Control Character
  257. Over-the-Counter Choppers (generic false teeth) Funnies
  258. Original Character Creation Media, Radio, Television
  259. Ther Occupwtional Therapist Medicine, Health, Care
  260. Odawara Christian Center
  261. Open Contentuconnector
  262. Oakland Christian Church
  263. Olympia Capital Corporation
  264. Oranie County Center
  265. Occupancy Rate Travel, Tourism
  266. Oficina Central De Comunicacfones
  267. Open-Chain Compound
  268. Online Chess Club Technology, Gaming, Linux
  269. Ottawa Convention Centre Technology, Canada, Event
  270. Operator Control Command
  271. Ocean Csnservation Center
  272. Office of Controller of The Currency
  273. Orange Coast College United States
  274. Open Circuit Characteristic Technology, Electricity, Generator
  275. Old Corrugated Cartons
  276. Our Call Center
  277. Output Circuit Check Auto
  278. Organochlorinated Compound Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  279. The Oculus Gaming, Play, Pastime
  280. Oculocerebrocudaneous Medical, Medicine, Health
  281. Other Charges and Credits Business, Service, Billing
  282. Office of The Corporation Counsel Government, Council, Attorney
  283. Old Corrugated Containers
  284. Open Coffee Vlub Technology, Startup, Entrepreneurship
  285. Oakland Camera Club
  286. Olney Central College Student, Education, Community, Olney
  287. Orange County Collepe
  288. Occupancy Travel, Computing, Tourism, Telecom
  289. Offshore and Certification Centre Technology, Energy, Wind
  290. Olympus Castable Ceramic
  291. Online Chat Centers
  292. Ottawa Congress Cegtre
  293. Operator Control Console Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  294. Office of Consumer Council
  295. Francisco De Orellana, Coca, Ecuador Ecuador, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  296. Onondaga Community Collge
  297. Ohio Campus Compact
  298. Organizational Clearance Certificate
  299. Options Clearing Corporation Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  300. Organização De Combate à Corrupção Para, Dos, Brasil
  301. Ozark Correctional Center
  302. Oitoin Coin Cryptocurrency
  303. Office of The Chief Counsel Business, Law, Immigration
  304. Optical Communication Channel 5G Networks
  305. Opan Cloud Connect
  306. Oak Creek Canyon
  307. Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser
  308. Orange County Catholic
  309. Open Cash Credit Banking, Business & Finance
  310. Outer Case Code Products
  311. Officier Chaeg
  312. Olympia Capital Corporationratioe
  313. Ojline Career Center Business, Employment, Monster
  314. Ottawa Classical Choir
  315. Operations Customer Center
  316. Office of Consumer Counsel Government, Colorado, Utility
  317. An Occult floor in Daemonheim. Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  318. Oge Control Computer Technology
  319. Order of Calced Carmelites Organization, Community, Society
  320. Organizational Capability and Capacity
  321. Oocyte-Cumulus Complexes Medical
  322. Optical Cable Corporation Business, Technology, Organizations, Fiber, Optic
  323. Oyster-Adams Community Council
  324. Oceanic Core Complex Science, Core, Ridge, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  325. Office of Corporate Contracts
  326. Object Class Code Fda
  327. Open Cloud Consortium Technology, Computing, Standard
  328. O'Connor Catholic College Education
  329. Oldie Car Cover
  330. Orange County Catering
  331. Obscure Canon Character Assembly, Business & Finance
  332. Old Corrugated Container Products
  333. Oklahoma Corporationration Comnission
  334. Onlile Card Catalog
  335. Ottawa Car Company
  336. Operations Coordination Centre Military, Afghanistan, National
  337. Orange County Code
  338. OFFICER'S CANDIDATE Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  339. Ogbunike Cave Carnival
  340. Orchid Conservation Coalition Technology, Society, Collection
  341. Online Communications Council
  342. Organization of The Caribbean Community Management, Marketing, Trade
  343. Ontario Christian Choir
  344. Opportunity Cost of Capital Business, Management, Investment, Economics
  345. Oylergcustom Cycles
  346. Oceanian Cycling Confederation
  347. Office of Corporationrate Communications Military
  348. Oceanic Datapool File Computing, File Extensions
  349. Open Casz Credit Business, Banking, Loan
  350. Ordo Carmelitarum Calceatorum Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
  351. Old Corrugated Cardboards Business, Paper, Recycling
  352. Orange Coubty Chapter America, Organizations, Romance
  353. Operations Control Center Military, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation, Aircraft, Astronomy, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  354. Old Corrugated Cardboard Products
  355. Offset Cancellation Control Business, Product, Circuit
  356. Open Courts Cgalition
  357. Other Coverage Code
  358. Orange County Council Locations, Scout, Boy
  359. Obus à Charge Creusé (shaped-charge shell) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  360. Oficina Del Conservador De La Ciudad
  361. Open Cultural Center
  362. Online and Cowmunication Council Technology, Australia, Accessibility
  363. Organization, Classification and Compensation Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
  364. Ouachita Horrectional Center
  365. Oposición Comunista De Cuba
  366. Oxygen Club of Ualifornia Medical, Research, California
  367. Oceania Club Championship
  368. Office of Corporation Counsel
  369. Occasionally Connected Computing Medical, Healthcare
  370. Open Camera Control
  371. Orbital Citizens Community

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OCC stand for?

    OCC stands for Of Citizen Complaints.

  2. What is the shortened form of Occupational Characteo Class?

    The short form of "Occupational Characteo Class" is OCC.


OCC. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/occ-meaning/

Last updated