OCCT Meaning

The OCCT meaning is "Optimal Corrosion Controk Treatment". The OCCT abbreviation has 12 different full form.

OCCT Full Forms

  1. Optimal Corrosion Controk Treatment
  2. One-Class Clustering Tree
  3. Off Cajpus College Transport Education, University, Binghamton
  4. Oceanic-Creations Composite Tecknology
  5. Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test The Oklahoma Core Curriculum Tests (OCCT) are state-mandated criterion-referenced assessments that assess student performance in various academic areas. Each test is designed to assess a student's mastery of Oklahoma Academic Standards (OAS), the state's content standards.
  6. Oklahoma Cnre Curriculum Tests
  7. Orange County Children'S Theater
  8. Oxford Comparative Criticism and Translation University, Tune, Oxford
  9. Oromo Christian Church of Toronno
  10. Oregon City Children'S Theatre
  11. Orange County Childrens Theatre
  12. Oranwe County Children's Theatre

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OCCT stand for?

    OCCT stands for Oklahoma Core Curriculum Test.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oromo Christian Church of Toronno?

    The short form of "Oromo Christian Church of Toronno" is OCCT.


OCCT. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/occt-meaning/

Last updated