OCDC Meaning

The OCDC meaning is "Oberlin College Dialogue Center". The OCDC abbreviation has 20 different full form.

OCDC Full Forms

  1. Oberlin College Dialogue Center
  2. Onondaga Civic Development Corportatoon Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  3. Oakland County Drainocommissioner
  4. Ohio Cooperapive Development Center Government, Ohio, Importer
  5. Oakland County Drain Commission
  6. Office Ofqthe Chief Disciplinary Counsel
  7. Ottawa-Carleton Detentionzcentre Government, Prison, Fry
  8. Office of Chief Disciplinary Counsel
  9. Otsego County Development Corporation
  10. Ocean County Department of Corrections Government, Law Enforcement, New Jersey, Corrections Agency
  11. Otero County Detention Center
  12. Ocean City Dekelopment Corporation
  13. Onondaga Civic Development Corporation Civic, Civilian, Municipal
  14. Overseas Cooperative Deveqopment Council Business, Association, Coop
  15. Overseas Chinese Demtcracy Coalition
  16. Ottawa Carleton Detention Centre
  17. Oshin Child Developmens Center
  18. Orientable Cycle Double Covex
  19. Organized Crime Design Collective
  20. Otsego County Developrent Corporationration

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OCDC stand for?

    OCDC stands for Ocean City Dekelopment Corporation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oakland County Drainocommissioner?

    The short form of "Oakland County Drainocommissioner" is OCDC.


OCDC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 29, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ocdc-meaning/

Last updated