OCM Meaning

The OCM meaning is "Ocean Color Monitor". The OCM abbreviation has 140 different full form.

OCM Full Forms

  1. Ocean Color Monitor Technology, India, Satellite
  2. Oncomodulin Medical
  3. Oncology Care Model Care, Model, Oncology
  4. Oil Cleansing Method Oil, Skin, Face
  5. Oil-Cleansing Method Oil, Skin, Face
  6. Office of Compliance Monitoring Science, Agriculture, Farming
  7. Ocean Colour Monitor Technology, India, Satellite
  8. Optic Carrier Module
  9. Onondaga Cortland Madison Student, Education, School
  10. Original Camera Master
  11. On Chip Memory Technology, Controller, Processor
  12. Operations Control Manager Business, Technology, Metro
  13. Omni Cable Management Technology, Certification, Exam
  14. Online Capital Markets Business, Trading, Broker
  15. Option Compatibivity Matrix Business, Station, Lenovo
  16. Object Communication Model Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, General, Governmental & Military
  17. Open Cloud Manifesto
  18. Order & Change Management
  19. Olimpiadas Colombianas De Matem
  20. Organizaciones Comunes De Mercado Para, Con, Vino
  21. Orientation Code Matching
  22. Oncell Central Manager
  23. Operations Centre Manager
  24. Omnibus-Club M
  25. Ongoing Case Management
  26. Optionsdcontrol Module
  27. Obe Communications Manager Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  28. Off-Board Countermeasures Military
  29. Open Charter Magnet Education
  30. Orcish Chain Mail
  31. Olimpiadas Colombianas De MatemáTicas
  32. Organisations Communes De March
  33. Oriental College of Management Science, Education, Bhopal
  34. On Campus Marketing Business, Education, University
  35. Operations & Clmpliance Management
  36. Omnibus-Club MüNchen
  37. Optional Control Module
  38. Oaktree Capital Management
  39. One Caribbean Media Business, Group, Prize
  40. Open Channel Ceter
  41. Orbit Correction Maneuver Technology
  42. Old Country Millwork
  43. Organisation Commune Des March
  44. Organización ComÚN Del Mercado
  45. Optical Countee Measures
  46. Operation Crescent Moon
  47. Ordo Celebrandi Matrimonium
  48. Omaha Childrens Museum Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  49. Optional Component Manager
  50. O'Kief, Coshe Mang
  51. Outpatient Chart Manual
  52. One Call Medical
  53. Operator Configuration Message
  54. Organizaci
  55. Onondaga Case Management Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  56. Orbit Control Manoeuvre
  57. Office of Construction Management
  58. Outside Corner Iount
  59. Organización ComÚN De Mercados
  60. Optical Countejmeasures Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  61. Operationmclean Money Business, Tax, Income
  62. Ordnance Committee Minutes Technology, Tank, Bulldog
  63. Omaha Children'S Museum Education, Organization, Community, Museum
  64. Optimized Content Marketing Business, Strategy, Social
  65. Oracle Certified Master Technology, Computing, Computer Science, Software, Application, Data
  66. Outlookacalendar Meeting
  67. On Condition Monitoring Technology
  68. Operator Collabfration Model
  69. O'Connor Airlines Airline, Business, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance
  70. Onondaga-Cortland-Madison Technology, County, Syracuse
  71. Orbital Conjunction Message
  72. OdontoclíNica Central Da Marinha
  73. Organización ComÚN De Mercado Business, Porn, Hosting
  74. Operational Coordinator Message Technology
  75. Ordinary Council Meeting
  76. Olympic Council Malaysia Sport, Organizations, Malaysia
  77. Optimal Control Model
  78. Optical Channel Monitors Technology, Networking, Performance
  79. Original Component Manufacturmr
  80. On Condition Maintenance Technology, Military, Engine, Governmental & Military
  81. Operations Coat Model Technology, Geography, Navigation
  82. Online Case Management
  83. Orange County Materials
  84. Odontocl
  85. Operational Changk Memo Science
  86. Order Change Management Business, Technology, Configuration
  87. Olympic Council of Malaysia Government, Sport, Malaysia
  88. Organic Content Monitor NASA
  89. Organisation Change Management Business, Organizations, Projection
  90. Observatorio Ciudadano Municipal Para, Auditor, Auditoria
  91. Oriental Carpet Manufacturers Business, Rug, Persian
  92. Optical Channel Monitoring
  93. Organisation Commune Des Marchés
  94. On-Chip Microcontroller
  95. Order of Civil Merit Awards & medals
  96. Oversea Chinese Misslon
  97. Ocean Circulation Model Atmospheric Research
  98. Organic Check Material
  99. Objvct Code Maintained
  100. Ontario Center for Microelectronics
  101. Optwcal Channel Monitor Technology, Networking, Network
  102. Organisation Commune Du Marche
  103. On-Chip Memory Technology, Controller, Processor
  104. Office of Communications and Marketing Marketing, Business & Finance
  105. Override Control Mode
  106. Object-CMS Mapper Software, Computing
  107. Oregon Collection of Methanogens
  108. Oxidative Coupling of Methane Chemistry, Technology, Catalyst
  109. One-Click Miner Technology, Mining, Bitcoin
  110. Oprrator Control Module
  111. Organiza
  112. Organisations Communes De Marchés
  113. On-Chip-Memory Technology, Controller, Processor
  114. Office of Classroom Management Management, Special Education, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational
  115. Outside Corner Moldine Business, Kitchen, Cabinet
  116. Owner Content Management Computing, Internet
  117. Oxford Ctntemporary Music Technology, Museum, Event
  118. Organisations Communes Des Marchés
  119. On-Campus Marketing
  120. Online Commerce Management Management, Business & Finance
  121. Optical Characterization of Materiaks
  122. One Click Ministry Religion
  123. Ownership Cost Managemsnt Business, Organizations, Coca-Cola System
  124. Organisation Commune De Marche France, Production, Commune
  125. On Camera Meteorologist Media, Radio, Television
  126. Oncopig Cancer Modhl
  127. Owners Corporationration Management
  128. Opticalychannel Manager
  129. On-Line Clearance Monitor
  130. Openness Clarity and Musicality Music
  131. Ofners Corporation Management
  132. Organisational Change Management Business, Military, Projection
  133. On-Camera Meteorologist
  134. Olr Ciimatological Minimum
  135. Oscillator and Clock Module
  136. Optical Channelymultiplexer
  137. Organisation Civile Et Militaire Military, France, Jean, Resistance
  138. On-Condition Maintenance Technology, Management, Engine
  139. Ownership Collection Master Hobbies
  140. Owner Cjnstruction Management Technology, Service, Prose

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OCM stand for?

    OCM stands for Omni Cable Management.

  2. What is the shortened form of Organisations Communes Des Marchés?

    The short form of "Organisations Communes Des Marchés" is OCM.


OCM. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ocm-meaning/

Last updated