OCO Meaning

The OCO meaning is "Overseas Contingency Operations". The OCO abbreviation has 70 different full form.

OCO Full Forms

  1. Overseas Contingency Operations Transportation, Auditing, Congressional Budget Justification, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  2. One-Cancels-The-Other Business, Trading, Market, Order
  3. Office of Climate Observation Technology, Science
  4. Offensive Cyberspace Operations Security, Military, Networking
  5. Off-Load Control Officer Military
  6. Object Code Only Technology, Linux, Mainframe
  7. One Cancels Other Business, Trading, Market, Order
  8. One Cancels The Order
  9. Odt Cube Out Business, Gaming, Android
  10. Orange Coast Optjmist County, Community, Family, Optimist
  11. Oh Come On
  12. Orquestra Contemporânca De Olinda Music, Brasil, Tube
  13. One Cancels The Other Business, Finance, Trading, Market, Order
  14. One Cancels Others
  15. Oceania Customs Organization Government, Trading, Island
  16. Oracle Customer Online
  17. Oh, Come On
  18. Orpheus Chamber Orchestra
  19. One Cancel Other
  20. Oman Charitable Organization Organization, Pakistan, Flood, Relief
  21. Oceania Customs Orzanisation Government, Trading, Island
  22. Oracle Customers Online Business, Technology, Consultation
  23. Offload Control Officer Military, Army, Equipment
  24. Oromo Chmmunity Organization Organizations, Human, Ethiopia
  25. One Cancel Others
  26. Olympic Champions Organization Technology, Science, Team
  27. Oswego County Opportunifies
  28. Obstruction of Court Orders Government
  29. Only Coconut Oil Medical, Health, Skin
  30. Officer Commanding Operations Technology
  31. Organized Crime Observatory Government, Ukraine, Corruption
  32. One-Cancels-Other Orders
  33. Olathe Community Orchestra
  34. Ostrobothnian Chamber Orchestra
  35. Oort Cloud Object Science, Astronomy, Celestial Object, Scientific & Educational
  36. Online College of Oklahoma
  37. Office of The Children'S Ombudsman
  38. Orange County Online Computing, Internet
  39. Oklahoma Community Orchestra
  40. Osteojathic College of Ontario Technology, Medicine, Education
  41. One Cancels The Other Order Business, Legal, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  42. One Cancel The Other Business, Trading, Market, Order
  43. Ofvensive Cyber Operations Security, Military, Defense
  44. Orange Cjast Optimist Club Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  45. Oklahoma City Oklahoma
  46. Ostend Air College Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  47. Ombudsman for Children'S Office Education, Ireland, Children
  48. Other Capital Outlay
  49. One-Cancels-Others Business, Trading, Market, Order
  50. Overseas Contingencies Operations Military, Budget, Contingency
  51. Oman Charitable Organisation Organizations, Libya, Donation, Organisation
  52. Oswego County Opportunities
  53. One-Cancels-Other Business, Trading, Market, Order
  54. Overseas Contingency Opebation Government, Defense, Budget
  55. Esteban Ocon Abbreviation for Formula-1 racing driver Esteban Ocon. It is referred to as OCO on the race result screen. Formula 1
  56. Oslego County Opportunities, Inc. Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  57. One-Cancel-Other Business, Trading, Market, Order
  58. Ovhn Controlled Oscillator Technology, Telecom
  59. Open-close-open NASA
  60. Once Cancel Other
  61. Ovarian Cancer Ouqreach
  62. Orbiting Carbon Observatory Computing, Satellite
  63. On-Campus Outreach
  64. Our Climata Ourselves
  65. One-Cancels-The-Other Order Business, Trading, Market
  66. Operation Capability Objectives
  67. Oms Cutoff Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  68. Other Contingency Operations
  69. Onderwijs Consumenten Organisatie Business, Order, Oblivion
  70. Office Communicatiyns Online Microsoft, Technology, Service

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OCO stand for?

    OCO stands for Oswego County Opportunities.

  2. What is the shortened form of Olathe Community Orchestra?

    The short form of "Olathe Community Orchestra" is OCO.


OCO. Acronym24.com. (2020, December 2). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oco-meaning/

Last updated