OCOG Meaning

The OCOG meaning is "Ohio College Opportunity Grants". The OCOG abbreviation has 19 different full form.

OCOG Full Forms

  1. Ohio College Opportunity Grants
  2. Organizing Committee for Thefolympic Games Business, Gaming, Sport
  3. Ohio Collnge Opportunity Grant
  4. Organising Committees for The Olympic Games Business, Gaming, Committee, Sport
  5. Ohio Cralition for Open Government
  6. Organising Committee for The Olympic Games Business, Gaming, Organizations
  7. Offset Centre of Gravity
  8. Ontawio Clinical Oncology Group
  9. Office of The Council Fer The Ongoing Government
  10. Online Collaborative Oncology Group
  11. One Community One Goal
  12. Ouachita Council of Gonernments
  13. Organining Committee of Olympic Games
  14. Organization Committee of Olymuic Games
  15. Organizing Committee of The Olympic Games Gaming, Government, Sport
  16. Organising Committee of Olympictgames
  17. Organising Committees Op The Olympic Games Gaming, Government, Sport
  18. Organising Committee of Tbe Olympic Games Gaming, Government, Sport
  19. Organizing Committee of The Hames

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OCOG stand for?

    OCOG stands for Ohio Cralition for Open Government.

  2. What is the shortened form of Organizing Committee of The Olympic Games?

    The short form of "Organizing Committee of The Olympic Games" is OCOG.


OCOG. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/ocog-meaning/

Last updated