OCR Meaning

The OCR meaning is "Optical Character Recognition". The OCR abbreviation has 173 different full form.

OCR Full Forms

  1. Optical Character Recognition Optical character recognition, usually abbreviated to OCR, is the mechanical or electronic conversion of scanned or photographed images of typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded/computer-readable text. It is widely used as a form of data entry from some sort of original paper data source, whether passport documents, invoices, bank statement, receipts, business card, mail, or any number of printed records. It is a common method of digitizing printed texts so that they can be electronically edited, searched, stored more compactly, displayed on-line, and used in machine processes such as machine translation, text-to-speech, key data extraction and text mining. OCR is a field of research in pattern recognition, artificial intelligence and computer vision. Technology, English, Software, Computing, Computer, Medical, Management, Security, Media, Military, Army, Architecture, Healthcare, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Postal, Electrical, Technical, Cardio, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Master IEEE, SAP
  2. Office of Community Relations Science, County, Education, Human Services
  3. Office of Collateral Responsibility Military, Army, Defense, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  4. Of Clinical Research
  5. Overall Capitalization Rate Business, Business & Finance, Business Word
  6. Obstacle Course Racing Training, Race, Obstacle
  7. Omnicare, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  8. Office of Civil Rights Medical, Disability, Special Education, Technology, Healthcare, Human Resources, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Fda, Scientific & Educational
  9. Oil Control Ring The main function of the rings in the bottom piston groove is to scrape oil from the cylinder wall, meaning oil-control rings play a major part in regulating an engine's oil consumption. Federal-Mogul commonly produces five different types of two-piece oil-control ring bodies. Technology, Engine, Piston
  10. Office for Civil Rights Education, Health, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  11. Office of Congressional Relations Government, Immigration, Department
  12. Optical Character Recognizer Technology, Software, Recognition
  13. Office of Coal Research Science, Military, Geology
  14. Ottawa Central Railway Business, Technology, Organizations, Canada, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
  15. Online Campaign Rating Business, Advertising, Audience
  16. Optical Charater Recognition
  17. Order of Corporate Reunion Catholic, Church, Order
  18. Optical Clear Resin Technology, Android, Display, Tablet
  19. Office of The Children'S Registry
  20. Over-Current Relay
  21. Online Copyright Registration
  22. Operator Commanded Regeneration Technology, Ford, Diesel, Duty
  23. Off-Color Remark
  24. Orange County Raptors
  25. Old Country Roses Business, China, Shopping, Rose
  26. Original Character Recognition Technology, Vision, Machine
  27. Office of Co-Responsibility Military, Army, Military Jargon, Military Slang, Us Army, Governmental & Military
  28. Ossicular Chain Reconstruction Medical, Health, Otorhinolaryngology
  29. Online Campaign Ratings Business, Advertising, Audience
  30. Optical Character Recogntion Technology, Software, Recognition
  31. On Campus Recruiting Employment, Education, Career
  32. Ownership and Control Reporting Business, Trading, Market
  33. Optical Claim Recognition
  34. Office of The Chief Rabbi School, Jewish, Court
  35. Over Consolidation Ratio Technology, Engineering, Soil, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  36. Online Controller Reset Technology, Driving, Driver
  37. Operating Conditions Register Technology, Command, Card
  38. Off-Center Ratio
  39. Orange County Register Business, Media, County, Newspaper
  40. Old Country Road
  41. Original Cast Recordings
  42. Office of Clinical Research Medical, Science, Education
  43. Osaka Cancer Registry Medical
  44. Onion Creek Ranch
  45. Optical Character Recognitions
  46. On-Campus Recruitment Employment, Education, Career
  47. Optical Characteristic Recognition Business, Customs, Scanner
  48. Office of The Commissioner of Railroads Organizations, Agency, Responsibility
  49. Over-Consolidation Ratio Pressure, Soil, Consolidation, Parameter
  50. Online Community Report
  51. Open Cycle Ratio
  52. Of Civil Rights Education, Office, School
  53. Orange Coast Region
  54. Old Country Roofing
  55. Office of Civil Rights In The Federal Department of Education Education, School, Washington
  56. Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research
  57. Ong Chong Realty
  58. Optical Character Regognition Technology, Publishing, Printing
  59. Office Claim Representative
  60. Ordo Cisterciensium Reformatorum
  61. Omnisway Clothing Replacer Armor, Replacer, Vanilla
  62. Optical Character Resolution Technology, Software, Printer, Scan
  63. Office of Community Renewal
  64. Outstanding Claims Reserve
  65. Online Community Relations Technology, Gaming, Player
  66. Oculocerebrorenal Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health, Healthcare
  67. Oracle Cluster Repository Technology, Database, Disk
  68. Old Combination Room
  69. Open Court Resources
  70. Office of Civil Rights In The Federal Department Of Education, School, Washington
  71. Original Conserved Region Environment, Habitat, Setting
  72. Optical Caracter Recognition
  73. Office Civil Rights
  74. Ordinary Capital Requirements Business
  75. Omnicare Clinical Research
  76. Optimal Character Recognition Technology, Service, Scanning
  77. Office of Columbia River
  78. Out of Cycle Review Business, Property, India
  79. Online Character Recognition Technology, Software, Handwriting
  80. Optical Charachter Recognition
  81. Oculocephalic Reflex Medical, Technology
  82. Optical Code Reader
  83. Office of The Company Registrar
  84. Oxygen Consumption Rate Medical, Cell, Metabolism
  85. Open Community Runtime Technology, Science, Computing
  86. Office of Civil Rights, Epa Government, Organizations, Us
  87. Opportunity Cost Rent Business, Medicine, Health
  88. Off Center Rim Business, Crime, Wheel, Damage, Products
  89. Order of The Confederate Rose
  90. Olympic Classes Regatta
  91. Optic Caracter Recognition
  92. Office of Collaborative Research
  93. Out-Of-Cycle Review Business, Property, India, Intellectual
  94. Online Casino Reports Business, Gaming, Guide
  95. Optical Character Recogni
  96. Oculocardiac Reflex Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  97. Optically Clear Resin
  98. Office of The Children'S Registry Government, Society, Jamaica, Migration
  99. Over Current Relay A protection relay whose tripping decision is related to the degree by which the measured current exceeds a set value.
  100. Open Colon Resection Medical
  101. Opinion Changing Rate
  102. Off-Line Character Recognition
  103. Order of Confederate Rose
  104. Oldham Community Radio Media, Radio, Station
  105. Subtitle Workshop Ocr Script Computing, File Extensions
  106. Office for Civil Rights, Hhs Government, Organizations, Us
  107. Organic Cooled Reactor
  108. On Campus Recruitment Business, Student, Career
  109. Overhaul Component Requirement
  110. Occurrence Something thattakes place Neuralgia is a common occur-rence after shingles.OCDOCD abbr obsessive-compulsive disorderochronosis ochronosis. Weather, Scientific & Educational, Legal, Governmental & Military
  111. Optical Card Reader
  112. Office of Civilian Radioactive
  113. Organized Crime Records
  114. One-Call Resolution
  115. FAXGrapper Incoming FAX transcribed to text Computing, File Extensions
  116. Open-Cycle Reactor
  117. Faxgrapper Fax Text File Computing, File Extensions
  118. Office for Civil Rights, Ed Government, Organizations, Us
  119. Organe De Coupure R
  120. Organization for The Collaboration of Railways
  121. Optional Character Recognition
  122. Optical Character Recogmition
  123. Office of Central Reference
  124. Organizational Capability Review
  125. Onda Cero Radio
  126. Order of Cistercians, Reformed Religious orders
  127. Ontario Cancer Registry Medical, Science, Medicine
  128. Operations Control Room NASA, Governmental & Military
  129. Office for Civil Right Education, Office, Health, Department
  130. Oregon Coast Range
  131. Organic-Cooled Reactor
  132. Oil circuit recloser The Finance and Administrative Services
  133. Optical Characters Recognition Technology, Software, Recognition
  134. Office for Creative Research Technology, Art, Design
  135. Organization Change Request Technology, Book, Study
  136. Oncovet Clinical Research Medical, Cancer, Dog
  137. Oxidizable Carbon Ratio Archaeology, Dating, Carbon
  138. Omni-Channel Retailing Business, Marketing, Retail
  139. Optical Character Recogniton
  140. Office for Civil Rights (Dept. of Education) Medical, Government, Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Medicare Beneficiary
  141. Optic Character Recognition Technology, Computing, Processing
  142. Office for Civil Rights (dhhs) Fda
  143. Optical Charakter Recognition
  144. Office for Conflict Resolution Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  145. Organizational Change Request
  146. On Channel Repeater Technology, Driver, Cancellation
  147. Oxford Cambridge and Rsa Examinations Education, School, Learning
  148. Oxygen Consumption Rates Medical, Cell, Mitochondrial
  149. Optical Character Read Technology, Software, Reading
  150. One Contact Resolution
  151. Online Computer Retrieval General, Governmental & Military
  152. Operational Change Request
  153. Office for Civil Rights (u.s. Department of Education) Education
  154. Office for Clinical Research
  155. Organisation Communiste RéVolutionnaire
  156. On-Channel Repeater Technology, Power, Signal
  157. Oxford, Cambridge, and Rsa Examinations Development, Learning, Study
  158. Optical Character Readers Technology, Coding, Software, Recognition, Mail
  159. Original Cast Recording Music, Cast, Musical
  160. One Click Retail
  161. Omnicare, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  162. Operational Capability Readiness
  163. Office (officer) of Co-responsibility Us Army, Governmental & Military
  164. Office for Civil Rights, Ojp Government, Organizations, Us
  165. Organisation of Civic Rights
  166. On-Campus Resources
  167. Oxford, Cambridge and Rsa Examinations Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  168. Optical Charactor Recognition
  169. Office of Civilian Response Governmental & Military, International Development
  170. Orientation To Cave Rescue
  171. One Call Resolution
  172. Optical Character Reader Medical, Military, Army, Computing, Postal, Hardware, Cardio, Us Post, Governmental & Military, postal service
  173. Operational Concept Review

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OCR stand for?

    OCR stands for Office of The Company Registrar.

  2. What is the shortened form of Old Country Roofing?

    The short form of "Old Country Roofing" is OCR.


OCR. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 22). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ocr-meaning/

Last updated