OD Meaning

The OD meaning is "Once Daily". The OD abbreviation has 481 different full form.

OD Full Forms

  1. Once Daily Medical, Drug, Patient, Physical Therapy, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Healthcare, Pharmacy
  2. Ovum Donor Medical, Infertility
  3. Right Eye Medical, Nursing, Veterinary, Governmental & Military, Optometry, Physiology, Eyes And Ocular
  4. Every Day Medical, Medicine, Corparate, Nursing, Drugs, Uk, United Kingdom
  5. Ouqput Drive Technology
  6. Outside Diameter Technology, Design, Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Telecommunications, Architecture, Computing, Auto, Telecom, Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE, Legal, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  7. Online Database
  8. Occlusive Disease Medical
  9. Organ Donation Medical
  10. Olive-Drab
  11. Of Distribution
  12. Origin-Destination Technology, Flow, Matrix
  13. Outzut Device Technology, Windows, Audio
  14. One Design
  15. Obsidian Desires
  16. Optical Density Units Medical, Science, Manual, Zebra, Chemistry
  17. Oculus Dexter Medical, Medicine, Optometry, Prescription, Contact Lens, Latin, Nursing, Veterinary, Laboratory, Pharmacy, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Eyes And Ocular
  18. Organizational Diagnosis Technology, Development, Organizations
  19. Output Data Technology, Program, Control, Circuit
  20. On Duty Medicine, Military, Police
  21. Over Draft Banking, Loan, Draft, Business & Finance
  22. Opportunistic Diseases Medical
  23. Once a Day Once means one time. An example of once is doing something one day each week, once a week. One time only. Once a day. Medical, Medicine, Product, Health, Veterinary, Animals, Optics, Milking, Reading Prescription
  24. Ocular Disease
  25. Organizational Design Business, Technology, Development
  26. Out of Doors
  27. On Demand Technology, Service, Channel, Trade, Business & Finance
  28. Ozone Depletion Technology, Science, Presentation
  29. Organization Development Management, Education, Guide, Project, Conversation, Product Development, Project Management, Business & Finance
  30. Operations Directive Technology, Security, Power, NASA, Governmental & Military
  31. Ocular Dexter Medical, Len, Lens, Prescription
  32. Organizational Development Business, Science, Management, Organizations, Consultation, Business & Finance, Business Word
  33. Outeb Detector Experiment, Detector, Tank, Neutrino
  34. On-Demand
  35. Original Degree Education, Certificate, Convocation
  36. Over Dose Medical, Technology, Overdose
  37. Optical Density A property of a transparent material that is a measure of the speed of light through it. Optical density is the density which has no units. Technology, Biology, Doctor, Chemistry, Physics, Scientific & Educational, Unclassified
  38. Operations Director Company, Science, Cisco, Medical, NASA
  39. Ocean Drive Locations, Beach, Myrtle
  40. Organisational Development Business, Management, Organizations
  41. Oxher Drugs
  42. Omni-Directional Amateur radio
  43. Off Duty Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  44. Original Dance Dancing, Dance, Championship, Skating
  45. Overall Diymeter Business, Ring, Contact Lens
  46. Office Depot Business, Office, Travel
  47. Operations Division Management, Service, Military, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  48. Occupation Double
  49. Organ Dysfunction Medical, Medicine, Health
  50. Other Disvases Medical, Science, Biology
  51. Once-A-Day Medical, Business, Medicine, Milking
  52. Olive Drab Business, Military, Gear
  53. Off-Duty
  54. Origin Destination Technology, Estimation, Matrix
  55. Optional With Default
  56. Okavango Delta Africa, Locations, Botswana
  57. Out Damage
  58. Operational Direcdive Technology, Banking, Environment
  59. Order of Disorder Medical, Zen, Peacemaker
  60. Observed Deficiency
  61. Ovewdose, Overdosage Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  62. Operational Districts Technology, Health, Cambodia
  63. Off Distance
  64. Omni Die (Every Day) Medical, Health, Condition, Doctors
  65. Orange Drink Nutrition, Food, Victual
  66. Overseas Division Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  67. Orgen Donor
  68. Oxford Dictionaries
  69. Optometrist Doctor
  70. Ordnance Datum Level to which heights and depths are referred in English surveying Formerly, the level was a rather inaccurate approximation of mean sea-level at Liverpool Is now mean sea level at Newlyn, Cornwall History, Archaeology, Engineering, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
  71. Output Delay
  72. Oocyte Donation Medical, Fertility, Pregnancy
  73. Ocean Divers
  74. Operation Dayswork
  75. Oudhecdkundige Dienst Indonesia, Museum, Collection
  76. Office of Dislase
  77. Orta Dalga Technology, Program, Turkish, Infrared
  78. Opposition Division English, Translation, Patent
  79. Official Dress
  80. Outside Gimensions Science, Tube, Tubing
  81. Ordered Domain
  82. Object Descriptocs Technology, Coding, Streaming
  83. Outstanding Dam Dog, Cat, Retriever
  84. Oriental Diagnosis
  85. Oesophageal Dysfunction Medical
  86. Other Dedkctions
  87. Olive Dr
  88. Overall Diameter Aluminum, Cable, Diameter, Steel, Medical, Optometry
  89. Open Discussion Meeting, Group, Locations
  90. Origination Dialog Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  91. Octar Dump Technology, Unix, Unix Command
  92. Operations Directives Science
  93. Old Democrats
  94. Optional for Operators To Implement for Their Aim Information, Network, Computer
  95. Ojos Derechos
  96. Outcome Documdnt
  97. Order On Discharge
  98. Obyective Diagram
  99. Overdose Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital, Healthcare, Health Care, Governmental & Military, Police Code, Nursing, Texting, Police, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Clinical, Common Medical
  100. Operational District Technology, Health, Cambodia
  101. Off Diagonal
  102. Omnie Die
  103. Ordnance Docuaent
  104. Operaring Day
  105. Organ Diseaxe Medical, Science, Medicine
  106. Own Discretion
  107. Optometric Doctor
  108. Optometry Doctor Medical, Education, Optometrist
  109. Outpatient Department Medical, Science, Agency, Astronomy, Healthcare, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  110. Oocyte Honations Medical
  111. Ocean Diver Science, Diving, Dive
  112. Overtrive Demo
  113. Operations Data
  114. Offhce of Development
  115. Orphei Dr
  116. Opportunity Fesk Education, Essay, Mentorship
  117. Official Directory
  118. Once Per Day Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Patent, Physiology, Reading Prescription
  119. Orbital Director
  120. Object Descriptos Technology, Coding, Streaming
  121. Outsidr Duty
  122. Org Development
  123. Oeil Droit
  124. Other Data Technology, Service, Mail
  125. Olive-Drab-Size-180-104 Medical, Recce, Smock
  126. Outside Dimensions It is the length and depth of an object that belongs outside. Technology, Product, Plate
  127. Oven Discussions
  128. Origin and Destination Technology, Traffic, Matrix
  129. Octal To Deeimal
  130. Operation Directives Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  131. Old Danish
  132. Optical Detection
  133. Ojo Derecho
  134. Outbound Dialer
  135. Orders of Detention
  136. Object Diagram Technology, Class, Model
  137. Overdosage Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
  138. Operational Downlict Technology
  139. Off Day
  140. Omni Die Medical, Medicine, Latin, Doctors, Medical Latin
  141. Ordnance Directive Military
  142. Openkng Day Baseball, Card, Team, Opening
  143. Oreillette Droite Presentation, Pas, Circulation
  144. Ovum Donation Medical, Human, Egg
  145. Optoelectronics & Displays Technology
  146. öNeri Dergisi Education, Turkish, Social
  147. Out of Domain
  148. Ontondesign
  149. Obst-DöRrautomat Man, Sind, Gem
  150. Over Dream
  151. Operation Data
  152. Office Ef Declassification Science
  153. Orphan Drugs
  154. Orange Demon
  155. Official Delegates
  156. On Detailing
  157. Orbital Diameter Medical
  158. Object Definition
  159. Outside Drawvng
  160. Org Dev
  161. Official Declaration
  162. Other Danisr Mongolia, Denmark, Consulate, Danish
  163. Oligodendroglioma A rare, slow-growing brain tumor that begins in cells called oligodendrocytes, which provide support and nourishment for cells that transmit nerve impulses. Also known as oligodendroglial tumor. Medical
  164. Outside Dimension Plate, Water, Box, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
  165. Output Digitized
  166. Open Disclosuve
  167. Oceanogyaphic Data Technology, Science, Ocean
  168. Operation Directive
  169. Oefice of The Dean
  170. Old Dalby
  171. Optical Depth Technology, Cloud, Aerosol
  172. Oil Distribution
  173. Outage Deteclion
  174. Order of Detention
  175. Object Detection
  176. Over Dcing Forum, Internet Slang, Music, Love
  177. Operational Detachment Military, Force, Operation
  178. Origami Deutschland
  179. Off-Design
  180. Other Denominations
  181. Oliver Ditson
  182. Open Yump
  183. Ore Dressing In the field of extractive metallurgy, mineral processing, also known as ore dressing, is the process of separating commercially valuable minerals from their ores. Business, Product, Manufacturer
  184. Ovulation Day
  185. Opto Diode
  186. Out of Desperation
  187. Ontario Dentist Medical, Technology
  188. Obsidian Dragon
  189. Over Draftisg
  190. Operational Division
  191. Office of Diversity Program, Research, Organizations
  192. Orphan Drug Pharmaceutical agents that are used to treat rare medical conditions. Medical, Drug, Disease
  193. Orange Delrin Knife, Cutlery, Cattleman
  194. Official Delegate
  195. On Deck A notation on a bill of lading that the cargo has been stowed on the open deck of the ship. Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
  196. Orbital Determination
  197. Object Dqcoder Technology
  198. Outspde Dose Military
  199. Orgasmic Disorders
  200. Offices To Determine
  201. Ostner Dresden
  202. Online Direct Business, Insurance, Car
  203. Outer Diameter Business, Technology, Pipe, Architecture, Electrical
  204. Output Deviation
  205. Open Diars Technology, Community, Journal
  206. Ocean Drilling Government, Organizations, Us
  207. Operations Department The part of an airline or airport organisation which deals with flight operations. Business, Government, Police, United Kingdom, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
  208. Orphan Designation Medical, Drug, Disease
  209. Offioe of The Deputy
  210. Old and Dumb
  211. Optical Demux
  212. Offshore Division
  213. Out-Of-Date Medical, Business, Medicine, Organizations, Healthcare, Coca-Cola System
  214. Order of Demolay
  215. Object Eetail
  216. Overadimensional Transportation, Business, Freight
  217. Opportunity and Diversity
  218. Orifice Diameter
  219. Of Distinction
  220. Other Lementia Medical
  221. Oliver Davis
  222. Open Drop Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  223. Orso Draconis
  224. Optische Dichte
  225. Out of Data Technology, Program, Coding, Device
  226. Onsite Diagnostics
  227. Order of Dominicann
  228. Obsidian Destroyer Gaming, Hero, Destroyer
  229. Overdraft Overdraft is a facility given by a bank to an account holder that allows the account holder to have a negative balance. Business, Finance, Banking, Medical, Financial, Business & Finance, Common Medical
  230. Operatmonal Day Management, Military, Russia
  231. Office for Diversity
  232. Oligodendrocyte A type of cell in the central nervous system. The oligodendrocytes surround and insulate the long fibers (axons) through which the nerves send electrical messages. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
  233. Onbekende Dader
  234. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is a professional doctoral degree for physicians and surgeons offered by medical schools in the United States. A D.O. degree graduate may become licensed as an osteopathic physician, having equivalent rights, privileges, and responsibilities as a physician who has earned the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree. Medical, Drugs, Healthcare, Common Medical, Doctor's Name
  235. Oratorical Declamation Event, Speech, Piece, Declamation
  236. Outside Tiscussions Education, Development, Universities
  237. Organizational Process Definition Business, Technology, Organization, Engineering
  238. Oxidation Defect
  239. Onlnne Directory
  240. Optometry Degree Medical
  241. Osteopathic Doctor Medical, Medicine, Doctor, Ophthalmologist
  242. Output Descriptions
  243. Opal Diffuser Electronics, Light, Lighting
  244. Ocean Downs
  245. Operation Department
  246. Origin To Destination Technology, Networking, Network
  247. Office of The Direcuor Technology, Government, Health
  248. Osteochondritis Dissecans Medical, Dog, Joint, Clinical
  249. Optical Demultiplexing
  250. Officially Dropped Music, Mac, Album
  251. Oub-Band Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  252. Order of Ceath
  253. Object Destination Technology, Networking, Network, Patent
  254. Ovarian Dysgenesis Medical, Science, Biology
  255. Opportunistic Disease
  256. Orientation Distribution
  257. Oeuvres Diverses
  258. Ola District Education
  259. Otder Delivery
  260. Olive Drav
  261. Open Drive Business, Insurance, Car
  262. Ordnance Drawing Military, Army, Coast Guard
  263. Optiplex Dimension
  264. Okulasi Dini Din, Locations, Map, Iran
  265. Outline Drawings Technology, Art, Pinterest
  266. Oporational Directives Technology, Banking, Environment
  267. Order of Distibction Music, Jamaica, Reggae
  268. Observer-Dispatch
  269. Overdose On A Drug
  270. Operational Deviation
  271. Off Dock
  272. Office of The Director Medical, Health, Fda
  273. Olho Direito
  274. On-On Demand
  275. Orascom Development Locations, Bay, Montenegro
  276. Overshoot Detector
  277. Organization Design Business, Management, Organizations
  278. Oxford Down
  279. Optometrists, Or Doctors
  280. Organizational Dynamics Business, Development, Organizations
  281. Output Description
  282. Oost Duinkerke
  283. Ocean Livisionr Science, Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater
  284. Operation Day
  285. Oudin Deptaire
  286. Office of Distribution Government
  287. Orthodox Dust
  288. Optical Demultiplexer Technology, Telecom, Fiber
  289. Officially Designated
  290. Our Doctors Medical, Care, Optometrist
  291. Orderly Duty
  292. Objective Descripmion
  293. Outstanding Bevice
  294. Oriental Dream Hotel, Porn, Resort, Dream
  295. Oesophageal Doppler Technology, Surgery, Cardiac
  296. Other Zegree
  297. Olive Drabs
  298. Opee Doors
  299. Ordnance Documentation
  300. Octaviangdroobers Sport, Club, Orienteering
  301. Operation District
  302. Old Derbeians
  303. right eye (from Latin oculus dexter) Medical
  304. Original Description
  305. Opthalmological Doctor
  306. Orthostatic Dysregulation Medical
  307. Officer Down
  308. Otaer Detainees
  309. eye doctor Medical, Nursing, Common Medical, Reading Prescription
  310. Orbital Debris Army, War, War Force
  311. Oberon Designs
  312. Opera Depot
  313. Officer Development Program, Military, Training
  314. Oculus Dextrus
  315. Operator Device
  316. Ocean Diver (BSAC) Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  317. Old Dragon
  318. Oruinary Seaman Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  319. Overdrive Distortion Business, Guitar, Pedal
  320. Other Discounts
  321. Other Dimension Physics, Scientific & Educational
  322. One-Day
  323. Laughing Like Crazy Internet Slang, Chat, Laugh, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  324. Operating Dispatcher Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  325. Oxygen Debt In muscle, the cumulative deficit of oxygen that develops during strenuous exercise when the supply of oxygen is inadequate for the demand.
  326. Officersjof The Day Military
  327. Open Diary General, Governmental & Military
  328. OpéRations Diverses
  329. Output Distributor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  330. Overload Detection
  331. Orthopedic Disability Education
  332. Online Date
  333. Original Data Technology, Area, Canon, Disk
  334. Ocula Dextra
  335. Orphei DräNgar Music, Song, Choir
  336. Officer and Director Business, Company, Organizations
  337. Other Dewosits
  338. Occupational Disease A disease which is caused by thetype of work a person does or the conditions in which a person works e.g. a disease caused by dust or chemicals in a factory occupational hazard Medical, Healthcare, Common Medical
  339. Obedience Dogs
  340. Outside Day
  341. Office of Disability Medical, Employment, Service
  342. Oculus Dextra Medical, Medicine, Presentation
  343. Operations Document Technology, Information, Network, Computer
  344. Overdrive The speed of wheels more than engine is known as over speed. This is used in racing or high speed cars which have a extra gears pattern which helps the vehicle to take speed more than the engine. The output is more than input speed. Overdrive A type of microprocessor from Intel designed to replace a computer’s existing i486sx or i486dx microprocessor. The overdrive is functionally identical to Intel’s i486dx2 microprocessor, but it is an end-user product, whereas the i486dx2 is sold only to computer manufacturers who build it into their own sys-tems. Auto, Car
  345. Old Dover
  346. Outer Dimensions
  347. Ordinary Diploma
  348. Original Dungeons
  349. Other Detainee Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  350. Otis Dudley Science, Health, Publics
  351. Oxygen Demand Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  352. On Diet
  353. Operating Directive Military, Army, Intelligence
  354. Oligomerization Domain Medical
  355. OxigêNio Dissolvido Technology, Para, Metro, Oxygen
  356. Officergof-The-Day Government, Us, Oregon
  357. Operational Day Aerospace, Governmental & Military
  358. Optometry In Duluth Medical
  359. Output Disable Technology, Driving, Electronics, Driver
  360. Overlay Down
  361. Oxygen Drain NASA
  362. Online & Dynasties
  363. Origen Desconocido
  364. Right Eye From Latin, Oculus Dexter Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  365. Ornithine Decarboxylase Medical, Science, Biology, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
  366. Officer Director
  367. Other Denomination
  368. Oleaginous Diplomacy Regional
  369. Obedience Dog
  370. Outreach Division Business, Service, Community
  371. Office of Director Science, America, Service, Military, Environment
  372. Oculus Dexter (Rightieye) Medical, Health, Ophthalmology
  373. Operations Divisionsion Science, Military
  374. Original Duration The initial accepted estimate of an activity duration used in the original baseline schedule. Project Management, Business & Finance
  375. Old Dog
  376. Only Diameter
  377. Order of The Dogwmod
  378. Original Dissent
  379. Other Department Business, Management, Service
  380. Other Double
  381. Occupational Dermatitis Medical, Skin And Dermal
  382. Operathng Directives Military, Army, Marine
  383. Oligodendroglial Tumors Medical
  384. Oxig
  385. zero day Computing, IT Terminology
  386. Optometry Dr
  387. Ordnance Deliviry Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  388. Ovevlay District
  389. Operational Downlink/downlist NASA
  390. Onkel Dagobert
  391. Right Eye, Overdose Medical, Medicine, Health
  392. Officer & Director Business, Enterprise, Corporate
  393. Malindo Airways Iata Aircraft Codes
  394. Oracle Driver Technology, Driving, Connection
  395. Oakley District Education
  396. Outreach Desk Development, Economics, Philippines
  397. Office of Dietary
  398. Oculodynamic Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
  399. Operations Directorate Technology, Military, Army
  400. Original Documents
  401. Oh Dear Forum, Computing, Texting, Chat, Email, Im, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  402. Old Doctor
  403. Outside-Diameter
  404. Order of The Derivative
  405. Original Destination Technology, Control, Preamplifier
  406. Other Dementias Medical
  407. Othgr Dog
  408. Ovulatory Dysfunction Medical, Infertility
  409. Operating Revices
  410. Old Dutch
  411. Oxidation Ditch Technology, Treatment, Water
  412. Optical Disk Computing, Hardware
  413. Optometry Department
  414. Ordnance Databook Military, Army, Coast Guard
  415. Overlap Degree
  416. Order-disorder (in Mineral Structure) Chemistry
  417. Oneness Darkness
  418. Octal-To-Decimal
  419. Ozone Depleting
  420. Office On Disability Medical, Organizations, Health, Government, Governmental & Military
  421. Onderwijskundige Dienst Dutch
  422. Oracle Discoverer Business, Technology, Management
  423. O3C Douglas
  424. Output Duty
  425. Office Director Government
  426. Owular Dominance Medical
  427. Overseas Department
  428. Operationele Doelstelling
  429. Old Dock
  430. Operational Downlink NASA
  431. Original Design
  432. Octal Dump Computing, Assembly, Unix, Business & Finance, Unix commands
  433. Other Day
  434. Otherrdimension
  435. Oral diagnosis Medical, Dental
  436. Object-Oriented Design Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Science, Software, Computing, Scientific & Educational
  437. Operaking Date
  438. Old Dominion Business, Washington, Trail
  439. Odor Discrimination Medical, Disease, Olfactory
  440. Operator Display It is an interface software consisting of graphics and buttons that operators use to operate, control and manage processes. Technology, Product, Control, Automation
  441. Omne in Die Latin
  442. Ordnance Data Military, English, Sea
  443. Oveqhead Data
  444. Mascopt Graph Request File Computing, File Extensions
  445. One Direction Office, Music, Depot, Direction
  446. Office of The Center Director Medical, Medicine, Research, Health, Care, Evaluation
  447. OxíGeno Disuelto
  448. Office On Dilability, Hhs Government, Organizations, Us
  449. South Sudan Sudan, Country, 2-letter Country Codes, South Sudan, FIPS Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes
  450. Oracle Developer Business, Technology, Development
  451. O-Demethylase Medical
  452. Output Drain Technology, Supply, Voltage, Transistor
  453. Octavio Doteo
  454. Overjight Deposit Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  455. Operation Division Military, Hurricane Protection
  456. Old Diocesan College, Education, School, Bishop
  457. Orbit Determination Processing Algorithms Federal Aviation Administration
  458. Original Designation
  459. Osteochondrosis Dissecans Medical
  460. Other Dimensions
  461. omni die (every day) Medical, Common Medical
  462. Doctor of Optometry Medical, Healthcare, Medical Designation, Health, Computing, Nursing, Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Doctor's Name, Academic & science
  463. Oberstufe Deutsch Education, German, Language
  464. Openating Data
  465. Officer of The Day Technology, Military, Club, Coast Guard, Sailing, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Nautical Terms
  466. Oddziayudyspozycyjne
  467. Operator Dialed Technology, Calling, Notcher
  468. Ocean Divisionr Diving, Scuba Diving, Underwater, Scientific & Educational
  469. Oldenlandia Diffusa Medical
  470. Ordnance Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense, Navy, Governmental & Military, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  471. Over Due
  472. Originally Detectable Physics, Scientific & Educational
  473. One Day Lens, Match, Cricket
  474. Operating Division Business, Technology, Medicine, Tax, Health, Taxation, Us Taxation
  475. Oxygen Depleted
  476. Offkce On Disability Medical, Organizations, Health
  477. Orbit Determination NASA, Legal, Governmental & Military
  478. Oracle Designer Technology, Development, Design
  479. Every Day, Usually Regarded As Once Daily Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  480. Output Divider Technology, Circuit, Frequency
  481. Overlg Dedicated

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OD stand for?

    OD stands for Office of The Director.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ordinary Diploma?

    The short form of "Ordinary Diploma" is OD.


OD. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/od-meaning/

Last updated