OD in Medical Meaning

The OD meaning in Medical terms is "Once Daily". There are 76 related meanings of the OD Medical abbreviation.

OD on Medical Full Forms

  1. Once Daily
  2. Ovum Donor
  3. Right Eye
  4. Every Day
  5. Once-A-Day
  6. Ocular Dexter
  7. Opportunistic Diseases
  8. Occlusive Disease
  9. Operations Director
  10. Once a Day Once means one time. An example of once is doing something one day each week, once a week. One time only. Once a day.
  11. Organ Dysfunction
  12. Over Dose
  13. Organ Donation
  14. Other Disvases
  15. Oculus Dexter
  16. Optical Density Units
  17. Osteochondritis Dissecans
  18. Omni Die
  19. Overdosage
  20. Optometry Degree
  21. Once Per Day
  22. Oesophageal Dysfunction
  23. Office of The Director
  24. Orphan Drug Pharmaceutical agents that are used to treat rare medical conditions.
  25. Olive-Drab-Size-180-104
  26. Overall Diameter
  27. Ovarian Dysgenesis
  28. Open Drop
  29. Orphan Designation
  30. Oligodendroglioma A rare, slow-growing brain tumor that begins in cells called oligodendrocytes, which provide support and nourishment for cells that transmit nerve impulses. Also known as oligodendroglial tumor.
  31. Osteopathic Doctor
  32. Outpatient Department
  33. Oocyte Donation
  34. Organ Diseaxe
  35. Optometry Doctor
  36. Out-Of-Date
  37. Oocyte Honations
  38. Ovum Donation
  39. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine is a professional doctoral degree for physicians and surgeons offered by medical schools in the United States. A D.O. degree graduate may become licensed as an osteopathic physician, having equivalent rights, privileges, and responsibilities as a physician who has earned the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) degree.
  40. Order of Disorder
  41. Oligodendrocyte A type of cell in the central nervous system. The oligodendrocytes surround and insulate the long fibers (axons) through which the nerves send electrical messages.
  42. Our Doctors
  43. Ontario Dentist
  44. Overdraft Overdraft is a facility given by a bank to an account holder that allows the account holder to have a negative balance.
  45. Orbital Diameter
  46. Other Lementia
  47. Omni Die (Every Day)
  48. Overdose
  49. Offkce On Disability
  50. Occupational Disease A disease which is caused by thetype of work a person does or the conditions in which a person works e.g. a disease caused by dust or chemicals in a factory occupational hazard
  51. Other Dementias
  52. right eye (from Latin oculus dexter)
  53. Every Day, Usually Regarded As Once Daily
  54. Osteochondrosis Dissecans
  55. Occupational Dermatitis
  56. Odor Discrimination
  57. Right Eye From Latin, Oculus Dexter
  58. Orthostatic Dysregulation
  59. Ovulatory Dysfunction
  60. Oligomerization Domain
  61. Oculus Dextra
  62. Right Eye, Overdose
  63. Ornithine Decarboxylase
  64. Oldenlandia Diffusa
  65. Oral diagnosis
  66. Oligodendroglial Tumors
  67. Oculus Dexter (Rightieye)
  68. omni die (every day)
  69. Office of Disability
  70. Owular Dominance
  71. Doctor of Optometry
  72. Office of The Center Director
  73. Office On Disability
  74. eye doctor
  75. O-Demethylase
  76. Optometry In Duluth

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OD stand for Medical?

    OD stands for Organ Diseaxe in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Right Eye in Medical?

    The short form of "Right Eye" is OD for Medical.


OD in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/od-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated