OD in Medicine Meaning

The OD meaning in Medicine terms is "Every Day". There are 22 related meanings of the OD Medicine abbreviation.

OD on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Every Day
  2. Once a Day Once means one time. An example of once is doing something one day each week, once a week. One time only. Once a day.
  3. Organ Dysfunction
  4. On Duty
  5. Oculus Dexter
  6. Once-A-Day
  7. Once Per Day
  8. Osteopathic Doctor
  9. Open Drop
  10. Omni Die
  11. Ovewdose, Overdosage
  12. Oligodendrocyte A type of cell in the central nervous system. The oligodendrocytes surround and insulate the long fibers (axons) through which the nerves send electrical messages.
  13. Overdosage
  14. Out-Of-Date
  15. Organ Diseaxe
  16. Operating Division
  17. Right Eye From Latin, Oculus Dexter
  18. Right Eye, Overdose
  19. Oculus Dextra
  20. Office of The Center Director
  21. Oculodynamic
  22. Every Day, Usually Regarded As Once Daily

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OD stand for Medicine?

    OD stands for On Duty in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Every Day in Medicine?

    The short form of "Every Day" is OD for Medicine.


OD in Medicine. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/od-meaning-in-medicine/

Last updated