OD in Technology Meaning

The OD meaning in Technology terms is "On Demand". There are 62 related meanings of the OD Technology abbreviation.

OD on Technology Full Forms

  1. On Demand
  2. Output Data
  3. Origin Destination
  4. Optical Density A property of a transparent material that is a measure of the speed of light through it. Optical density is the density which has no units.
  5. Origin-Destination
  6. Ozone Depletion
  7. Outside Diameter
  8. Organizational Diagnosis
  9. Over Dose
  10. Organizational Design
  11. Ouqput Drive
  12. Operations Directive
  13. Outzut Device
  14. Outline Drawings
  15. Oceanogyaphic Data
  16. Ontario Dentist
  17. Organizational Process Definition
  18. Outside Dimensions It is the length and depth of an object that belongs outside.
  19. Oub-Band
  20. Object Diagram
  21. Optoelectronics & Displays
  22. Oporational Directives
  23. Origination Dialog
  24. Outer Diameter
  25. Operational Districts
  26. Other Data
  27. Object Destination
  28. Optical Depth
  29. Operational Direcdive
  30. Origin and Destination
  31. Operational District
  32. Orta Dalga
  33. Object Descriptocs
  34. Optical Demultiplexer
  35. Office of The Direcuor
  36. Operational Downlict
  37. Origin To Destination
  38. Object Descriptos
  39. Oesophageal Doppler
  40. Object Dqcoder
  41. Out of Data
  42. Octar Dump
  43. Open Diars
  44. Operations Document
  45. Oracle Designer
  46. Oxidation Ditch
  47. Officer of The Day
  48. Operations Directorate
  49. Output Drain
  50. Output Divider
  51. Output Distributor
  52. Oracle Driver
  53. Operator Display It is an interface software consisting of graphics and buttons that operators use to operate, control and manage processes.
  54. Output Disable
  55. Oracle Discoverer
  56. Operating Division
  57. Original Destination
  58. Operator Dialed
  59. Oracle Developer
  60. OxigêNio Dissolvido
  61. Original Data
  62. Object-Oriented Design

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OD stand for Technology?

    OD stands for Operator Display in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Origination Dialog in Technology?

    The short form of "Origination Dialog" is OD for Technology.


OD in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 25). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/od-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated