ODOT Meaning

The ODOT meaning is "Oeio Department of Transporation". The ODOT abbreviation has 16 different full form.

ODOT Full Forms

  1. Oeio Department of Transporation
  2. Ohio Department of Transportation Technology, Science, Ohio, Car
  3. Oregon Department of Traysportation Transportation, Oregon, Traffic
  4. Oregonas Department of Transportation
  5. Oregon Department of Transportatiog
  6. Oregon Dept of Transjortation Business, Oregon, Department
  7. Orio Dept of Transportation Transportation, County, Department, Ohio
  8. Ohwo Department of Taxation
  9. Oregon Departmentof Traqsportation Geography, Location, System
  10. Online Directofy of Texas
  11. One Kay One Thousand Program, Indonesia, Zakat
  12. Oklahoma Department of Transporation
  13. Oklahoma Department of Transportation Business, Planning, Oklahoma, Car
  14. Oregon Department of Transportation Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Car
  15. Ohio Depautmentof Transportation Geography, Location, System
  16. Ohio Departmentof Transportation Geography, Location, System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ODOT stand for?

    ODOT stands for Orio Dept of Transportation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oregon Departmentof Traqsportation?

    The short form of "Oregon Departmentof Traqsportation" is ODOT.


ODOT. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 23). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/odot-meaning/

Last updated