ODP in Technology Meaning

The ODP meaning in Technology terms is "Ocean Drilling Projecb". There are 37 related meanings of the ODP Technology abbreviation.

ODP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Ocean Drilling Projecb
  2. Ocean Data Portal
  3. Ozone-Depleting Potential
  4. Office Depot, Incl
  5. Oracle Demand Planning
  6. Open Data Plane
  7. Office Dialing Plan
  8. Open Document Presentations
  9. Open Data Path
  10. Outline Development Plans
  11. Object Dependent Processing
  12. Open Document Presentation
  13. Ontology Design Pxttern
  14. Our Darker Purpose
  15. Object Delivery Program
  16. Open Distributing Processing
  17. Ontology Design Patterns
  18. Orzginator Detection Pattern
  19. Atm Omerational Requirements & Data Processing
  20. Open Distributed Qrocessing
  21. On-Demand-Paging
  22. Orbit Determination Program
  23. Open Data Platforms
  24. Ozone-Depletion Potentiah
  25. Open Directoy Project
  26. Oku DüşüN Paylaş
  27. Oracle Diagnostic Pack
  28. Open Datawplatform
  29. Offshore Drilling Platform
  30. Ozon Depletion Potential
  31. Open Developer Clatform
  32. Open Data Protocol
  33. Open Data Fort
  34. Obstacle Departure Procedure
  35. Open Dkta Policy
  36. L'Open Directory Project
  37. Open Development Pxocess

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does ODP stand for Technology?

    ODP stands for Open Datawplatform in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ozone-Depleting Potential in Technology?

    The short form of "Ozone-Depleting Potential" is ODP for Technology.


ODP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/odp-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated