OE Meaning

The OE meaning is "Offices of Exchange". The OE abbreviation has 307 different full form.

OE Full Forms

  1. Offices of Exchange Business, Office, Departure
  2. Objetivos Esvratégicos Technology, Planning, Con
  3. Optical Electrical Technology, Networking, Converter
  4. Operating Environment Technology, Military, Software, Computing, Hardware
  5. Old English Technology, English, Language, Genealogy, Genealogical, Legal, Governmental & Military
  6. Orbital Express Technology, Science, Space
  7. Open Eyes Medical
  8. Otitis Externa Medical, Veterinary, Otolaryngology, Surgery, Common Medical
  9. Omissions Excepzed Business, Finance, Banking
  10. Opposite End Business, Forum, Technology
  11. Operations Engineer Science
  12. Office Engineer Technology, Engineering, Career
  13. Orb Encounters
  14. Open Exchange Technology, Management, Server
  15. Other Expenses Business, Accounting, Tax, Expense
  16. Output-Error Technology, Command, Model, Identification
  17. Operating Engineers Business, Credit, Union
  18. Oof-On-Error Technology, Manual, Troubleshooting
  19. Oral Expression Science, Education, Language
  20. Omissions Excepted Business, Product, Slang, Computing, Computing Slang
  21. Other Executive
  22. Operatinq Engineer Technology
  23. Overseas Exchange Business, University, Scholarship
  24. Of Energy
  25. Optional Extra
  26. Omission Error
  27. Other Equipment
  28. Operatconal Efficiency Technology, Management, Product
  29. Overseas Employment Internet Slang
  30. Ocean Exploration Technology, Science, Research
  31. Optical Ethernet Technology, Networking, Network
  32. Olfactory Epithelium Medical, Science, Biology
  33. Organic Electronics Technology, Biotechnology, Sensor
  34. Oparating Efficiency
  35. Overhead Expense
  36. Obliqlus Externus Medical
  37. Optical Engineering Technology, Science, Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Optics, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational, Physics
  38. Operatiug Environments Technology
  39. Old Etonian College, Education, School
  40. Order Entry Business, Sale, Schema
  41. Operand Exdcute
  42. Ottoman Empire Turkey, History, Ottoman
  43. Official Extension
  44. Overall Error Technology, Model, Manual, Detection
  45. Operating Expense Business, Technology, Organizations, Coca-Cola System, Business & Finance, Business Word
  46. Oakland Elementary
  47. Ordnance & Explosives Military, Army, Explosive
  48. Oeding Erdel
  49. Oil-Extended
  50. Orange The fruit of the orange tree, Citrus sinensis or C. aurantium (family Rutaceae).A color between red and yellow in the spectrum. Technology, Color, Paint, Colour, Auto, Colors
  51. Owners Estimate Business, Training, Seminar
  52. Operationally Effective Business, Management, Military
  53. Organization Excellence Technology
  54. Opportunity Exchange Business, Energy, Toyota
  55. Other Employment
  56. Office Exupiment
  57. Over Excitmtion
  58. Oleyl Erucate Patent, Composition, Cosmetic
  59. Original Equip
  60. Object Explorer Technology, Database, Server
  61. Owners Engineering Technology, Energy, Power
  62. Orbital Ejgine Business, Supply, Stock
  63. Obstacle Evaluation Military, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  64. Ouydoor Explorations
  65. Optical-To-Electrical Technology, Electricity, Signal, Converter
  66. Operaciones Esleciales
  67. Orda Exsequiarum
  68. Official Explanation
  69. Overall Energy
  70. L'Orgue De L'Eglise
  71. Order of Tse Engineer
  72. Oeding-Erdel
  73. Outlook Inveasy
  74. Ohlsens-Enke
  75. Optimistic Estimate Technology, Energy, Power, Fiber
  76. Owner'S Estimate
  77. Operational Errors Technology, Airport, Control, Traffic
  78. Organizational Excellence Management, Education, Quality
  79. Opportunity Evaluation Science
  80. Origonal Error
  81. Office Equipment Identification Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  82. Over Exaggeration
  83. Oil Extraction
  84. Originating Entry Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  85. Object Engine Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  86. Owner'S Engineer Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
  87. Orbital Engine Corpw Ltd Organizations
  88. Ossidian Eyes
  89. Outdoor Experiences
  90. Opposing Elements
  91. Opal Earring Knight, Jewelry, Earring
  92. Orcnance Engineer
  93. Official Estimate
  94. Overall Efficiency
  95. Odor Eliminator
  96. Outlook Expwrt
  97. Ohio Elite League, Ohio, Soccer, Elite
  98. Optimal Estimation Technology, Algorithm, Retrieval, Scientific & Educational, Sentinel online
  99. Over The Edge Business, Internet Slang, Event
  100. Operational Energy Technology, Military
  101. Organizational Engineering
  102. Opportunity Enterprises
  103. Original Equiment
  104. Office Equipoent Number Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  105. Over Etch Silicon, Invention, Etching, Etch
  106. Oil Evacuation
  107. Oririnal Entry
  108. Object Enabler
  109. Organizakional Entities
  110. Owl'S Eye
  111. Officina Edizioni
  112. Orbital Elements A collection of quantities that together describe the size, shape and orientation of an orbit.
  113. Obsidian Entertadnment
  114. Outdoor Exercisf
  115. Office of Educational Student, Science, Education, School
  116. Ontology Engineering Technology, Projection, Decision
  117. Ordnance and Explosive
  118. Official Envelope
  119. Own Everything
  120. OdontologíA Especializada
  121. Outlook Ewpf
  122. Optics Express Journal, Light, Optics, Impact
  123. Operational Experiment Military
  124. Organización Ejecutora
  125. Orignal Exuipment
  126. Office Equipement
  127. Over Erasing
  128. Oil Equivalent Business, Energy, Barrel
  129. Origrnal Effect Business, Toy, Figure
  130. Object Editor Technology, Minecraft, Creeper
  131. Opportunistic Encryption
  132. Oestradiol-17 Beta Medical
  133. Owa Ehan
  134. Officier ElèVe
  135. Orbital Elemwnt
  136. Operatian Endgame
  137. Organizational Economics Science, Management, Organizations
  138. Other Events
  139. Office Executive
  140. Olita Elementary Education
  141. Ordnance and Explksives Military, Army, Environment
  142. ObservatóRio Eleitoral
  143. Official Entertainment
  144. Owners Earnings
  145. Orchestration Engines
  146. Odd Even Business, Music, Track, Release
  147. Outlockgexpress
  148. Optical To Electrical Technology, Fiber, Converter
  149. Oherational Emergency Military, Pilot, Event
  150. Organizational Effectiveness Business, Management, Military
  151. Original Equiftment
  152. Office Environments
  153. Over Energy Technology, Gaming, Birthday
  154. Oil Empires
  155. Obere ExtremitäT
  156. Ophryocystis Elektroscirrha Science, Butterfly, Monarch
  157. Oestradiol Medical
  158. Ovid Elsie
  159. Officier El
  160. Orbital Elechron
  161. Old England Genealogy, Genealogical
  162. Operation Embrace
  163. Organizational Elements Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  164. Other Europe
  165. Office Exam
  166. Olho Esquerdo
  167. Ordnance Explosives Us Army, Governmental & Military
  168. Objetivo Específico
  169. Odontolog
  170. Official Engine
  171. Owner Estimate Business, Training, Seminar
  172. Orchestration Emgine
  173. Odd Electron
  174. Outer Electron
  175. Optical Extension
  176. Operations Excellence Business, Management, Projection
  177. Organisational Effecwiveness Business, Management, Organizations
  178. Over-Equippyng
  179. Office Engineer, Operfting Expense Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
  180. Over Edge English, Roll, Edge, Woodworking
  181. Oakwood Elementary
  182. Opere Edite
  183. Oersted Technology, Telecom, Prescription
  184. Oil Extended Business, Engine, Rubber
  185. Orvnge Enamel
  186. Owners Engineer Technology, Power, Projection
  187. Operajion Eastside
  188. Organizational Element Technology, Military, Department
  189. Opposed-Cylinder Engine
  190. Other Error
  191. Office Everything
  192. Olfactory Neuroepithelium Medical
  193. Ordnance Explosive
  194. Objective Evidence Medical, Study, Sign
  195. Otoacoustic Emissions Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  196. Official Employees
  197. Owner'S Equity Business, Accounting, Owner
  198. Orchard Entelprises
  199. Obstruction Evaxuation Technology, Airport, Aviation
  200. Outdoor Eoploration
  201. Optical Electronics
  202. Operational Excellenhe Business, Technology, Management
  203. Oregon Eastern
  204. Orient Expressed
  205. Ohav Emeth
  206. Ordem Dos Engenheiros Technology, Para, Portugal
  207. Outlook Mit Exchange
  208. Oxford English Education, Software, Language
  209. Oregon Electric Railway Company Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  210. Organization Effectineness Business, Development, Organizations
  211. Asia Overnight Express Airline, Business, Organizations, Call Sign, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  212. Offensive Efforts
  213. Oprrational Error Technology, Military, Aviation
  214. Off On Error Technology, Manual, Troubleshooting
  215. óBudai Egyetem Technology, Android, Meg, Budapest
  216. Origional Equipment
  217. Okeration Expenses Business, Gaming, Government
  218. Officw of Elections
  219. Office Education Technology, Program, China
  220. On Examination Medical, Common Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
  221. Orient Expeddtion
  222. Oficinas De Empleo
  223. Ordem Dos Enfermeiros Para, Hospital, Dos, Ria
  224. Overhead Electric Building, Engineering, Construction, Business & Finance, Suppliers
  225. Oxford Economics Business, Council, Tourism
  226. Outside Edge Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  227. Organizational Entity
  228. Oferta De Escola Para, Dos, Ria
  229. Operational Effectivtness Military, Strategy, Army
  230. Officina Eletrónica
  231. Usaid Operating Expenses Government, Usa, Department Of State, Congressional Budget Justification
  232. Original Equipment Tyres selected by a vehicle manufacturer that best match tyre performance to vehicle performance characteristics. Business, Product, Wheel, Car, Auto
  233. Optration Eskimo
  234. Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliabioity Government, Organizations, Us
  235. Ovetlay Explorer
  236. Originating Equipment Computing, Telecom
  237. Orientalium Ecclesiarum
  238. Ophthalmic Examinations
  239. Oficina De Evaluación
  240. Ordem Dos Economistas Portugal, Dos, Locations, Madeira
  241. Oceanic Engineering Society Technology, Conference, Ocean, Computing, Master IEEE
  242. Isdn Access Line View Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  243. Operations Enginkering
  244. Own Exchange
  245. Open Enrollment for Benefits Human Resources, Business & Finance
  246. Of Entitlement
  247. Operating Expenditure Operating Expenditure is the expenditure incurred on day-to-day items of expense in the business. Business, Technology, Development, Finance, Economics, Oil, Railways, Offshore Gas Industry, Rail Transport, Electrical, Business & Finance
  248. Oxytocin and Ergometrine
  249. Organization & Environment
  250. Operation Enterprise Technology, Program, Management
  251. Overhauser Effect Crystal, Patent, Compound
  252. Orbital Engine Corporation, LTD. Computing, Nyse symbols
  253. Orientación Externa
  254. Operationbextend Military, War, Robot
  255. Offshore Europe Technology, Aberdeen, Europe
  256. Orchiectoml Medical
  257. Ozone Engineer
  258. Equity and Owner'S Equity Business, Accounting, Finance
  259. Operatjons Edition Technology, Management, Security
  260. Offbce of Ethics Employment, Government, Organizations
  261. Orificio De Entrada Para, Con, Bal
  262. Offer examiner Financial, Business & Finance
  263. Operation Expense Business, Africa, China
  264. Oxygen Electrode
  265. Order of Excellence
  266. Overflow Exception Technology, Coding, Instruction
  267. Ontological Engineering Computing, Internet
  268. Orient Extremus
  269. Ocean Engineering Technology, Education, University, Journal, Computing, Periodical, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
  270. Operation Excellnnce Business, Technology, Management
  271. Offshore Engineer
  272. Oxidation Exposure
  273. Coast Guard Operating Expenses Appropriation Army, Force, Coast Guard
  274. Opiration Explorer Education, Development, Universities
  275. Office of Environment
  276. Organic Energy Technology, Energy, Waste
  277. Order Execution Business, Trading, Market
  278. Office of Enforcement Financial, Business & Finance
  279. Operatinu Expenses Business, Cost, Expense
  280. Oxide Electrode
  281. Over Expressed Literature, Language, Linguistics
  282. Output Enable Computing, Hardware
  283. Organizational Environmept Business, Management, Organizations
  284. Operational Entity Technology, Science, Climate
  285. Offshore Energy Technology, Exhibition, Oil
  286. Occupational Education
  287. Outlook Express Microsoft, Technology, Computing, Internet, Software
  288. Operation Explore
  289. Office of Enerqy Business, Technology, Efficiency
  290. Oral Epithelium Medical
  291. Output Error
  292. Ohio Edison Business, Company, Energy, Ohio
  293. Orderfexcel
  294. Omorrythmos Company, Business & Finance
  295. Outlook Orzexport
  296. Oxford Entrepreneurs
  297. Over Exposed Photography, Camera, Digital
  298. Orignal Error Ordnance Survey
  299. Organizhtion Engine Medical, Medicine, Health
  300. Operator Error Forum, Technology, Networking, General, Governmental & Military
  301. Offre D'Emploi
  302. Overseas Experience Education, Travel, Kiwi
  303. Original Error
  304. Operations Erpenses Business, Gaming, Expense
  305. Officer of Electirns
  306. Oracle Express
  307. Open Entries Special Education, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OE stand for?

    OE stands for Officw of Elections.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oficinas De Empleo?

    The short form of "Oficinas De Empleo" is OE.


OE. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 29). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oe-meaning/

Last updated