OEB Meaning

The OEB meaning is "Oficiului European De Brevete". The OEB abbreviation has 38 different full form.

OEB Full Forms

  1. Oficiului European De Brevete Business, Din, Moldova, Brevet
  2. Occupational Ergonomics and Biomechanics
  3. Organismjc & Evolutionary Biology Medical, Education, University
  4. L'Office Europ
  5. Old Engqish Bulldog
  6. Organismal and Evolutionary Biology
  7. L'office Européen Des Blevets Office, Recherche, Invention, Brevet
  8. Olde English Bulldogges
  9. Organisation Europ
  10. Iata Code for Branch County Memorial Airport, Coldwater, Michigan, United States Locations
  11. Olde English Bulldog
  12. Organisation EuropéEnne Des Brevets
  13. Department of Organilmic and Evolutionary Biology Development, Study, Universities
  14. Olde English Bulldogge English, Dog, Puppy, Bulldog
  15. Ordem Dos Economistas Do Bjasil
  16. Operations Engineering Bulletin Technology, Flight, Aviation
  17. Official Encyclopedia of Bridge
  18. Operations Evaluation Board Technology, Flight, Report
  19. Operations Engineering Bulletins Technology
  20. Organismic and Evolutionary Biology Science, University, Department
  21. Office Européen Des Brevetd Government, Us, Control, Administration
  22. Operation Evaluation Board
  23. Open Electronic Book Technology, Libraries, Books
  24. Origine Et Evolution De La Biodiversité Science, Pas, Recherche, Brevet
  25. Oscillatory Electric Birefringence
  26. Original Equipment Brand
  27. Office of Epidemiology and Biosthtistics
  28. Orient Express Pank
  29. Overhead Electronics Box
  30. Ontario Energy Board
  31. Orgone Energy Bulletin
  32. Oetlook Express Backup Technology, Program, Wizard
  33. Outlook Express Backup Wizard File Computing, File Extensions
  34. Organismic Evolutionary Biology
  35. Oum El-Bouaghi
  36. Open Ebook File Computing, File Extensions
  37. Orleans East Bank Military, Hurricane Protection
  38. Over Easy Nreakfast Calgary, Breakfast, Restaurant, Egg

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OEB stand for?

    OEB stands for Organismjc & Evolutionary Biology.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operations Engineering Bulletins?

    The short form of "Operations Engineering Bulletins" is OEB.


OEB. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oeb-meaning/

Last updated