OECD Meaning

The OECD meaning is "Organisation for Economic Co-Operation, Development". The OECD abbreviation has 84 different full form.

OECD Full Forms

  1. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation, Development Business, Report, Operation
  2. Organizations of Economic Cooperation and Development Business, Economics, Report
  3. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development Business, Finance, Economics, Scuba Diving, Business & Finance, Australian
  4. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development Technology, Agriculture, Biodiversity
  5. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) is a unique forum where the governments of 34 democracies with market economies work with each other, as well as with more than 70 non-member economies to promote economic growth, prosperity, and sustainable development. The Organization provides a setting where governments can compare policy experiences, seek answers to common problems, identify good practice and coordinate domestic and international policies. Technology, Government, Agriculture, Science, Military, Financial, Army, Computing, Special Education, Electrical, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, Protection Information, Fbi files, International Development, Global Change, Nuclear Energy, Medical
  6. Organization On Economic Co-Operation and Development
  7. Organization for Economic Co-Operationrand Development
  8. Organisation of Economic Co-Operation and Development Business, Education, Economics
  9. Organisation for Economic and Cooperation and Development
  10. Organisation for Economic Co Operation and Development Technology, Australia, Australian, Cargo Shipping
  11. Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development Business, Government, Tax
  12. Organization for Economic and Co-Operative Development
  13. Organization for Economic Co-Operationand Development
  14. Organization for Economic Co-Operation & Development Business, Technology, Report
  15. Organisation for Economic Cooperation & Development Business, America, Organizations
  16. Organization of Economic Cooperation & Development Business, Economics, Report
  17. Organizatkon On Economic Cooperation and Development Business, America, Hall, Sweden
  18. Organization for Economic Co-Operations Ana Development
  19. Ormanization for Economic Cooperation for Development
  20. Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development An organization whose purpose is to provide its 29 Member countries with a forum in which governments can compare their experiences, discuss the problems they share and seek solutions which can then be applied within their own national contexts. Each member country is committed to the principles of the market economy and pluralistic democracy. Business, Government, Organizations, Economics
  21. Organisation for European Co-Operation & Development Business, International Trade, B2B, Trade, Business & Finance
  22. Organization for Economic Coorporation and Development Business, Accounting, Indonesia
  23. Organisations for Economic Co-Operation and Development Business, Organizations, Economics
  24. Organization of Economic and Cooperative Development
  25. Organization for The Economic Co-Operation and Developmenc Business, Education, Economics
  26. Organization for Economicacooperation & Devel
  27. Organisation for Economic and Cooperative Development Business, Education, Poverty
  28. Organization for Economic Collaboration and Developoent
  29. Organization of Economic and Coopesation Development Technology, Indonesia, Dubai
  30. Organisaeion for Economic and Cooperative Development Business, Education, Poverty
  31. Organisation for Economic and Co-Operation and Development
  32. Organization for European Cooperation and Development Organizations, Economics, Policy
  33. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Developement Financial, Business & Finance
  34. Oiganization for Economic Cooperation and Devel
  35. Organization of Economic Corporation and Development Business, Investment, Governance
  36. Organisation for Economic Cmoperation & Development Business, America, Organizations
  37. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation & Development Business, Economics, Report
  38. Organization for Economic Co-Operation Devnlopment Business, Technology, Organizations
  39. Organization of Economic Cooperation Development Business, Economics, Report
  40. Organisatiom for Economic Cooperation and Development Book, Rome, Economic
  41. Organization for Economic Cooperation and De
  42. Organizationtfor Economic Coorporation and Development Business, Accounting, Indonesia
  43. Organisation for European Co-Operation and Development Government, Africa, Economics
  44. Organisation for Economic Cooperative Development Education
  45. Organizational for Economic Cooperation and Development
  46. Oregon Economic and Community Development
  47. Organization of Economic Co-Operation Apd Development Business, Technology, Economics
  48. Organization for Economical Cooperation and Development
  49. Organisation of Economic Cooperation & Development Business, Tax, Economics
  50. Organization for Economic Cooperative Dlvelopment
  51. Organization for Economic Cooperationand Development
  52. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Develoment
  53. Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development3
  54. Organisation for Economic Co-Operationand Development
  55. Organizationsfor European Community Development Science
  56. Organization of Economic Corporation and Eevelopment Business, Investment, Governance
  57. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation Development Business, Economics, Report
  58. Obsessive Edward Cullen Dcsorder
  59. Organisation for European Cooperation and Development
  60. Organization for Economic Coercion and Direction Funnies
  61. Org for Econombc Cooperation and Development
  62. Organization for Economicfl Cooperation and Development
  63. Organisation for Economic and Co-Operation Development
  64. The Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development Education, Teaching, Study
  65. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Developmen
  66. Organization for Economic Co Operation and Development Electrical
  67. Organizatnon for Economic Cooperation and Developement
  68. Org for Econ Coop & Dev
  69. Organization of Economic Coordinhtion and Development
  70. Organisation for Economic Coordination and Development Business, Technology, Science
  71. Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (international) United Nations, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
  72. Organization for Economic and Cooperation Development Business, Organizations, Market
  73. Organization for Economic Co-Ooeration and Developments Business, Organizations, Policy
  74. Organization for European Community Development Science
  75. Organisation for Economic Corporation and Development Business, Africa, Banking
  76. Organisation for Economic Development Financial, Business & Finance
  77. Organizamion for Economic Cooperation for Development
  78. Organizatioa for Economic Co Operation and Development Industry, Oil, Gas
  79. Organization for Economic Co-Operntionand Development
  80. Organisation of Economic Co-Operation Development
  81. Organization of The Economic Cooperation and Development Business, Africa, Energy
  82. Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Dev
  83. Organizetion Economic Cooperation Development Business, Organizations, Cooperation
  84. Organization of Economic Coordination and Development

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OECD stand for?

    OECD stands for Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Dev.

  2. What is the shortened form of Organization for Economic Co-Operationrand Development?

    The short form of "Organization for Economic Co-Operationrand Development" is OECD.


OECD. Acronym24.com. (2021, September 22). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oecd-meaning/

Last updated