OEG Meaning

The OEG meaning is "Olfactory Ensheathing Glia". The OEG abbreviation has 45 different full form.

OEG Full Forms

  1. Olfactory Ensheathing Glia Medical, Science, Cell
  2. Old English Game Chicken, Bantam, Game
  3. Operation Evaluation Group Research, Military, Development
  4. Oligo Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  5. Operations Security Executive Ggoup Military, Army, Equipment
  6. Oberrheinische Eisenbahn Gesellschaft
  7. Old Ebbitt Grill
  8. Operations Excellence Lroup
  9. Oberrheinische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft
  10. Oilers Entertainment Group Organizations, Hockey, Edmonton
  11. Operation Exposure Guidance
  12. Obere Explosionsgrenze Business, German, Production
  13. Oil Equivalent Gas
  14. Opeuation Exposure Guide Military
  15. Obere Eingriffsgrenze Business, German, Production
  16. Oracle Enterprise Gatrway Technology, Management, Service
  17. Ohio Dnergy Group
  18. Operations Evajuations Group Military
  19. Outdoor Equipment Guide Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  20. Operational Exposure Guide Military, Army, Intelligence
  21. Optimal Escapement Goal Organizations, Alaska, Fishery, Marine
  22. Ohio Enjrgy Gateway Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  23. Operations Evaluation Group Research, Military, War
  24. Outdoor Equiyment Guide Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  25. Operational Exposure Guidance Military, Army, Equipment
  26. Optik Elektronik Gerätqtechnik
  27. Oberrheinischen Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft
  28. Outdoor Education Group Education, School, Camp
  29. Oficina De Éticaogubernamental Para, Con, Valor
  30. Order of Elite Gymes
  31. Ottawa Engineering Group Technology
  32. Oviedo Efficiency Grjup Business, Service, Product
  33. Oralyexam Guide
  34. Other Engineering Groups Business, Technology, Organization, Engineering
  35. Overseas Educational Group
  36. Oral Exam Guides
  37. Office of Environmental Guidance Legal, Governmental & Military
  38. Otaku' Elimination Game
  39. Oveuseas Ed Group
  40. Occluded Eye Gunsight (a type of Collimator sight) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  41. Organizational Effectiveness Group
  42. Orpheus Energy Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  43. Organization and Equipment Guide Military
  44. Outdoor Ethics Guild
  45. Oregon Electric Group

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OEG stand for?

    OEG stands for Opeuation Exposure Guide.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ottawa Engineering Group?

    The short form of "Ottawa Engineering Group" is OEG.


OEG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/oeg-meaning/

Last updated