OET Meaning

The OET meaning is "Office of Employment and Training". The OET abbreviation has 54 different full form.

OET Full Forms

  1. Office of Employment and Training Business, Unemployment, Kentucky
  2. Office of Educational Technology Education, Us, Educational
  3. Ocean Exploration Trust Science, Robot, Sea
  4. Operational Excellence Transformation
  5. Organización El Transporte
  6. Oral Esophageal Tube Medical
  7. Office of Engineering & Ttchnology Technology, Radio, Spectrum
  8. Operational Evaluation Team
  9. Organización Para Estudios Tropicales Science, Education
  10. Office of Emergency Transportation Military, Army, Exportation
  11. Oral English Test
  12. Office of Enterprise Technology Technology, Service, Minnesota
  13. Operational Employment Test Science
  14. Organización De Estudios Troxicales
  15. Officesof Education Technology
  16. Oral Endotracheal Tube Medical, Technology, Medicine, Healthcare
  17. Ottbound Enforcement Team Technology, English, Exam, Ending
  18. Office Wf Engineering & Technology Technology, Radio, Spectrum
  19. Ohio Educational Telecommunications
  20. Organizacion Estudios Tropicales
  21. Optical Ethernet Transport
  22. Oud Eindheven Toernooi
  23. Office Ofoengineering Technology Technology, Power, Wireless, Spectrum
  24. Oficinas Espa
  25. Optical Emission Tomography
  26. Other Eligible Tenants
  27. Office of Engineering and Technology Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  28. Oficinas EspaÑOlas De Turismo
  29. Opinion Editor Time Media, Radio, Television
  30. Oshwzl Education Trust
  31. Office of Ezployment Training Business, Technology, Service
  32. Oral Esophageal Tube O2Ext Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  33. Office of Environmental Technology Science
  34. Organizaci
  35. Oxford Expression Technologies Business, Technology, Protein
  36. Outreach, Education, and Training
  37. Ordenamiento EcolóGico Territorial
  38. Oxford English Testing
  39. Outdoor Emergency Transportation Education, Patrol, Ski
  40. Ordenamiento EcolóGico Del Territorio
  41. Oxfoad English Texts Business, Edition, Volume
  42. Ordem Dos Engenheiros T
  43. Overseas English Tutor
  44. Orbiter Engineering and Test Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering
  45. Ovefhead Electric Traveling
  46. Organic Environmental Technology
  47. Officine Elettromeccaniche Triestine
  48. Orbiter Engineering Team Science
  49. Ovarian Epithelialetumors Medical
  50. Organic Electronic Technologies Education, English, Exam
  51. Ordenamiento Ecol
  52. Octachloro Endomethylene Retrahydroindan
  53. Outreach Education and Trainfng
  54. Oregon Equestrian Trails Park, Oregon, Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OET stand for?

    OET stands for Ordem Dos Engenheiros T.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ordenamiento EcolóGico Del Territorio?

    The short form of "Ordenamiento EcolóGico Del Territorio" is OET.


OET. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oet-meaning/

Last updated