OEV Meaning

The OEV meaning is "Occupational Exposure Values". The OEV abbreviation has 24 different full form.

OEV Full Forms

  1. Occupational Exposure Values
  2. Open Eye Visuals Group, Music, Volvo
  3. Observatorio Electoral Venezolano
  4. Open-Eye Visuals
  5. Oakland Elite Volleyball Sport, Volleyball, Game
  6. Olympia Equine Ventures
  7. Outbound Enrollment Verification
  8. Other Exempt Vehicles
  9. Old Economy Village
  10. Orsz
  11. Offline Edits Viewer
  12. Office of Economic Vitality
  13. Open Eye Visual
  14. Orphelins Et Enfants Vuln
  15. Object Editor Viewer
  16. Orphelins Et Enfants VulnéRables Association, Social, Fondation
  17. Old East Village Community, London, Locations
  18. Orphelin Et Enfant Vuln
  19. Overboard Exhaust Valve Technology, Aviation
  20. Orphelin Et Enfant VulnéRable
  21. Order of The Eight Virtues
  22. Otakus En Venezuela
  23. Operation Earnest Voice Technology, Media, Social
  24. Országos Esettanulmány Verseny

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OEV stand for?

    OEV stands for Oakland Elite Volleyball.

  2. What is the shortened form of Open Eye Visual?

    The short form of "Open Eye Visual" is OEV.


OEV. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 26). Retrieved March 10, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oev-meaning/

Last updated