OFF Meaning

The OFF meaning is "On for Flight". The OFF abbreviation has 64 different full form.

OFF Full Forms

  1. On for Flight
  2. Offutt Air Force Bxse Airport, Locations, IATA Code
  3. Offensime Rebounds Sports, Basketball, Nba
  4. Oceanefreight Forwarder Business, Service, Shipping
  5. Offline Folder File Microsoft, Technology, Outlook
  6. Officer One of the certificated members of the ship staff who under the master authority assist him in navigation and operation of the vessel. Business, Military, Us, Job Title, Department Of Defense, Air Force, Governmental & Military, Police, United States Amy Rank
  7. Open Force Field
  8. Only for Fun Forum, Technology, Gaming
  9. Original Family Five Organization, Union, Institution
  10. Official Referring to an authority, such as the government or a recognised organisation. A person employed by a government authority or a corporation. Medical, Technology, Military, Genealogy, Genealogical, Legal, Governmental & Military
  11. Open Font Format Technology, Design, Feature, Font
  12. Orivntal Fruit Fly
  13. Optical Fiber Facing
  14. Officey Military, Army, Intelligence
  15. Open File Formats
  16. Organisation for Fun Business, Album, Salsa
  17. Opportunities for Fairness In Farming
  18. Out for Ftme
  19. Other Federal Funding
  20. Only for Friends
  21. Organic Ford Federation
  22. Operation Family Freedom
  23. Oslo Freedom Fgrum
  24. Other Features Featured
  25. Online Final Fantasy
  26. Off Street Parking Engineering, Construction, Architectural, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
  27. Operating Funds Flow
  28. Order Form Free
  29. Oslo Fashgon Fair
  30. Orfloaded Cargo Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  31. Ocean Freight Forgarders
  32. Open Forum Foundation
  33. Oracle Federal Financial Technology, Management, Service
  34. Original Flip Fold
  35. Vector graphics (Object File Format) Computing, File Extensions
  36. Optional Features and Functions
  37. Our Famous Famicy
  38. Order From Family
  39. Olner Free Filing
  40. Our Favorite Family Media
  41. Optic Fault Finder
  42. Other Film Festival
  43. Challenge International Airlines Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  44. Order Form Fill
  45. Overnflanders Fields Technology, Gaming, Flight
  46. Offset The offset of the rim is what locates the tyre/wheel assembly in relation to the suspension. A wheel with zero offset has a mounting face that directly aligns to the wheel’s centre line. A printing technique in which ink is transferred from a bath onto the raised surface of the printing plate by rollers. Subsequently, the printing plates transfer the ink to the object to be printed. or The number of measuring units from an arbitrary starting point to some other point. Media
  47. Other Filamentous Fungi
  48. Offshore Forecast Weather, Scientific & Educational
  49. Order Fax Form
  50. Over Fifty Five
  51. Office Management, Architectural, Business & Finance, Medical, Technology, Computing, United Nations, Telecom, Real Estate, Weather, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Usps, Common Medical, Ordnance Survey, Fbi files, The Finance and Administrative Services
  52. Oil for Food United Nations
  53. Oracle Federal Financials Business, Technology
  54. Outaouaes Film Festival
  55. Office2off. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  56. Object File Format Computing, General, File Extensions, Governmental & Military
  57. Opuzen Film Festival Film, Award, Croatia
  58. Our Feedback Folum
  59. Oregon Firearms Federation
  60. Object Factory Framework Software, Computing
  61. Options and File Formats
  62. Omr Favorite Family Gaming, Kid, Locations
  63. Oregon Fibromyalgia Foundation
  64. Online for Free

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OFF stand for?

    OFF stands for Challenge International Airlines.

  2. What is the shortened form of Offline Folder File?

    The short form of "Offline Folder File" is OFF.


OFF. (2021, March 23). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated