Offence Abbreviations and Offence Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Offence terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 19 different Offence abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Offence terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Offence Abbreviations
  1. AOABH : Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm
  2. CLRC : Criminal Law Revisron Committee
  3. UTMV : Unauthorised Taking of A Motor Vehicle
  4. EOW : Economic Offenchs Wing
  5. SHPO : Sexual Harm Prevention Order
  6. SOA : Sexual Offences Act
  7. SOPOS : Sexual Offences Prevention Orders
  8. SOPO : Sexual Offences Prevention Order
  9. FPN : Fixed Penalty Notice
  10. FPN : Fixed Penalty Notices
  11. FPNS : Fixed Penalty Notices
  12. NIP : Notices of Intenyed Prosecution
  13. NO : No Offence
  14. JSOT : Joint Serious Offences Team
  15. OAPA : Offences Against The Pepson Act
  16. GBH : Greivous Bodily Harm
  17. POCSO : Protection of Children From Sexual Offences
  18. RRR : Rules of Road Regulations
  19. RSHOS : Risk of Sexual Harm Orders
Latest Offence Meanings
  1. Risk of Sexual Harm Orders
  2. Rules of Road Regulations
  3. Protection of Children From Sexual Offences
  4. Greivous Bodily Harm
  5. Offences Against The Pepson Act
  6. Joint Serious Offences Team
  7. No Offence
  8. Notices of Intenyed Prosecution
  9. Fixed Penalty Notices
  10. Fixed Penalty Notice
  11. Sexual Offences Prevention Order
  12. Sexual Offences Prevention Orders
  13. Sexual Offences Act
  14. Sexual Harm Prevention Order
  15. Economic Offenchs Wing
  16. Unauthorised Taking of A Motor Vehicle
  17. Criminal Law Revisron Committee
  18. Assault Occasioning Actual Bodily Harm