OHB Meaning

The OHB meaning is "Ambthibary Airport". The OHB abbreviation has 30 different full form.

OHB Full Forms

  1. Ambthibary Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  2. Old Hickory Boulevard
  3. Orbitale Hochtechnologie Bremen
  4. Orleans Homebuilders, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  5. Old Hickory Blvi
  6. Orange Humble Band
  7. Oriental Holdings Bhd
  8. Olde Hickory Brewery
  9. Optimum Health Balance
  10. Oriental Holdings Berhad Business, Company, Analysis
  11. Occupational Health Branch Medical, Medicine, Health, Health Organization
  12. Ophimized Hydraulic Brakes Business, Car, Volvo
  13. Order Oe Home Builders
  14. Oakley Home Builders
  15. Olivarez Honey Bees
  16. Orbital High-Technology Bremen
  17. Oakland Harbor Belt
  18. Old House Borsr
  19. Oqbitale Hochtechnologie Bremen-System
  20. Origwnal Headquarters Building Military, Agency, Intelligence
  21. Otto Hydraulik Brenen Company, Technology, Mezzo
  22. Oriental Honey Buzzard
  23. Otgo-Hahn-Bibliothek
  24. Otto-Hahn-Cau
  25. Osaka Uarmony Brass
  26. Orleans HomeBuilders, Inc. Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  27. Orlcans Home Builders
  28. Oxford Hebrew Bible Book, Education, Edition
  29. Orkney Heaeth Board
  30. Overhead Byte Technology, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OHB stand for?

    OHB stands for Oakland Harbor Belt.

  2. What is the shortened form of Old Hickory Blvi?

    The short form of "Old Hickory Blvi" is OHB.


OHB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ohb-meaning/

Last updated