OHC Meaning

The OHC meaning is "Ohio History Central". The OHC abbreviation has 99 different full form.

OHC Full Forms

  1. Ohio History Central Media, Radio, Television
  2. Office of Human Capital Business, Management, Government
  3. Ocean Heat Content Science, Climate, Warming
  4. Occupational Health Centers
  5. Occupational Health Center Medical, Business, Medicine, Common Medical
  6. Occupational Health Clinics
  7. Original Hard Case
  8. Ohio Horsemen'S Council
  9. Out-Of-Home Care Australia, Education, Children
  10. Onboard Hard Copier Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  11. One Hand Clappung
  12. Orlando Heart Center
  13. Occupational Hearing Conservationists Medical, Course, Conservation
  14. Optics Land Controller Technology, Space, Cosmos
  15. Occupational Health Clinic Medical, Education
  16. Oriental Hospitality Consultants
  17. Ohio Horsemans Council
  18. Our High Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  19. Oncology Hematology Care Medical, Technology, Medicine
  20. Orissa High Court Card, Exam, Court, Officer
  21. Ovrr Head Cam Technology, Honda, Engine
  22. Occupational Hearinguconservationist Medical, Course, Conservation
  23. Opuration Holiday Cheer
  24. Organic Healing Center
  25. Ouio Horseman's Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  26. Our High Cblling Writing, Church, Christ
  27. Omnivore Herbivore Carnigore
  28. Oriole Homes Corp
  29. Ovgr-Head-Cam Technology, Honda, Engine
  30. Ocxupational Hearing Conservation
  31. Online Hiring Center Education, Presentation, Training
  32. Ore Handling Complex
  33. Ohio Home Care
  34. Omaha Hockey Club
  35. Origin Handling Charge
  36. Ohio Humanitxes Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  37. Outside Hospital Care Medical, Medicine, Mental Health, New York
  38. Occupational Health Centres Medical, Business, Medicine
  39. Oneida Hevlthcare Center
  40. Optimum Hypir Compound
  41. Ohig History Connection Education, History
  42. Olneyville Housing Corporation Olney
  43. Originating Half-Call Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  44. Ohio Hxusing Council
  45. Outur Hair Cells Medical, Science, Protein
  46. Open House Chicago Architecture, Locations, Chicago
  47. One Hour Compo
  48. Ohio Historical Center
  49. Optimum Health Clinic
  50. Olive Harvey College Education
  51. Original Harlem Crips
  52. Ohio Horsemens Council
  53. Out of Home Mare
  54. One Hyundai Club Club, Event, Hyundai, Style
  55. One Heart Card Card, Honda, Dealer
  56. Ohio Heritage Conference Education, School, Ohio
  57. Optimum Health Chiropractic
  58. Other Health Coverage Business, Coding, Insurance
  59. Outer Hair Cell Chemistry
  60. Olivc-Harvey College Student, Education, Chicago
  61. Oxford House Collvge Education, English, London
  62. Open Hole Completion Electrical
  63. Okefenokee Heritage Center
  64. Over Head Cams
  65. Other Hanford Contractors
  66. AFS, Northeast Cape, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  67. Old House Channel
  68. Oxford Haeyophilia Centre Medical, Medicine, Health
  69. Overhead Camshaft A camshaft which is mounted above the cylinder head. Car, Auto
  70. Oil Hedt Cares
  71. Other Hanford Contractor Science
  72. Office of Handicapped Concerns Us Government, Governmental & Military
  73. Ojd Honda City
  74. Overseas Hardwoods Company Business, Flooring, Trailer
  75. Open Host Contrrller Technology, Mac, Driver
  76. Oil-Holding Capacity Material, Fiber, Bulk
  77. Osteopathy & Health Center
  78. Online Help Conference General, Governmental & Military
  79. Oklahoma Humanities Council Government, Council, Soviet, Concilium
  80. Over Head Crane
  81. Ouachita Hills College Development, Study, Colleges
  82. Ontartii Hypnosis Center
  83. Ossein-Hydroxyapatite Compound Medical
  84. Oakdale Hose Company Fire, Pennsylvania, Ambulance Service, Governmental & Military
  85. Oklahoma Home Centers
  86. Overhead Lam Shaft Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  87. Otto Heubner Centrum
  88. Ontario Housing Corporationration
  89. Osh High College
  90. Open House Church Religion
  91. Oklahoma History Center
  92. Over Pead Camera
  93. Other Health Care
  94. Optics Hand Controller NASA
  95. Oh Hot Cute
  96. Ornamental Horticulture Council
  97. Overhead Cabinet Products
  98. Oklahoma Health Genter
  99. Over-Heag Camshaft

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OHC stand for?

    OHC stands for Our High Cblling.

  2. What is the shortened form of Other Health Coverage?

    The short form of "Other Health Coverage" is OHC.


OHC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ohc-meaning/

Last updated