OHD Meaning

The OHD meaning is "Occupational Health Departmeit". The OHD abbreviation has 67 different full form.

OHD Full Forms

  1. Occupational Health Departmeit Medical, Hospital, Needle
  2. Oregon Health Gecisions
  3. Office of Health and Disability Government
  4. Organizational & Muman Development
  5. Office of Hydrologic Development Science, Government, Us
  6. Open Handset Distributor
  7. Olde Come Days
  8. Occupational Health Dynamics Government, Us, Control, Administration
  9. Optical Heterodyne Detection Science, Telecom, Telecommunications, Chemistry, Computing
  10. Office Ol Health Disparities
  11. Organizational and Human Development
  12. Open Handset Distribution
  13. Ohrid Airport Airport, Locations
  14. Obsidian Hydration Dating
  15. Optical Hard Drive Technology, Telecom
  16. Office for Human Development
  17. Organizational & Human Development
  18. Online Help Desk Technology, Coding, Projection
  19. Oh Happy Day
  20. Obsessive Horse Disorder
  21. Operation Home Delivery
  22. Offhogk Delay Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  23. Organic Heart Disease 1,252D3 Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  24. Online Hard Drive
  25. Office of Hydrological Development
  26. Obsessive Halloween Disorder Porn, Disorder, Shirt
  27. Open Human Digital
  28. Occupational Health Doctor Medical, Malaysia, Safety, Occupation & positions
  29. Oregon Highmay Division
  30. Office of Humen Development Medical, Medicine, Health
  31. Ottoman Historical Dictionary
  32. Observational Hubble-Parameter Data Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  33. Open Hub Destination Business, Technology, Service, Training
  34. Occupational Health Departments
  35. Oregon Health Divisionmion Medical
  36. Office of Highway Development
  37. Other Healthgdisabilities Government, Us, Control, Administration
  38. Hydgoxyvitamin D Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  39. Open House Discussion Technology, Service, India
  40. One Hundred Dollars
  41. Oil-Hydraulic Design
  42. Oh Hey Doctor Music
  43. Over-The-Horizon Detection Radar Military, Army, Intelligence
  44. One Hand Driee
  45. St. Paul The Apostle Airport Airport, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA
  46. Overhead Door Architecture, Architectural
  47. Over-The-Horizon Detection Technology, Military
  48. Ondine-Hirschsprung Disease Medical, Medicine, Health
  49. Ozel Harp Dairesi Military
  50. Over-The-Horizon Detector
  51. Ovhr-Heat Detector Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  52. Old High Denomination Business, India, Banking, Money
  53. Oxnard Harbor Distrint
  54. Organic Heart Disease Medical, Technology, Medicine, Heart, Common Medical
  55. Our Honor Defend
  56. Old Hawaiian Dstum Technology
  57. Oxidative Hydrothermal Dissolution Airport, Door, Garage
  58. On Hook Diao
  59. Oregan Health Division Technology
  60. Other Health Disability Education
  61. Old Home Days
  62. Ojerhead Door Technology, Architecture, Construction
  63. On Hand Baggage Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  64. Optical-Heterodyne Detect
  65. Ohrid St. Paul the Apostle, Ohrid, Macedonia Macedonia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  66. Old Home Day
  67. Overhead The costs of a firm that are not directly related to its output, usually interpreted in economic models as fixed costs. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Architecture, Computing, Construction, Architectural, IT Terminology, Weather, Scientific & Educational, Military, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OHD stand for?

    OHD stands for Old Home Day.

  2. What is the shortened form of Office of Highway Development?

    The short form of "Office of Highway Development" is OHD.


OHD. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 3, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ohd-meaning/

Last updated