OHG Meaning

The OHG meaning is "Omran Holding Group". The OHG abbreviation has 28 different full form.

OHG Full Forms

  1. Omran Holding Group
  2. Oldohigh German Internet Slang, Education, German
  3. Operator Harmonization Group Technology, Military, Wireless
  4. Otto Hahn Gymnasium Military, Landau, Uns
  5. Operator's Harqonization Group
  6. Otno-Hahn-Gymnasium Printer, Uns, Gymnasium, Springe
  7. Offene Handelsgesellschaft Business, Company, Austria
  8. Oral Health Group Medical, Dental, Cochrane
  9. Operators Harmonizamion Group Technology, Telecom, Wireless
  10. Oceau Healing Group
  11. Optico-Hypothalamic Gliomas Medical
  12. Occupatiobal Health Guidelines
  13. Operatod Harmonisation Unit Information, Network, Computer
  14. Occupational Healthzgroup
  15. Operators' Harmonization Group Technology
  16. O'connesl Hospitality Group
  17. Ottr-Hahn-Gymnasium Gifhorn
  18. Offene Handelsgesellschaft General Company, Business & Finance
  19. Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium GöTtingen
  20. Over The Hill Lang
  21. Overhang Itec Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  22. Old High German Language codes (3 letters)
  23. Our Heart Greeting
  24. Official Hotel Guide Us Government, Governmental & Military
  25. Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium G
  26. OverHead Guard Products
  27. Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Goettingen
  28. Operators Harmonization Group Computing, Business & Finance, Professional organizations, IT Terminology

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OHG stand for?

    OHG stands for Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium, Goettingen.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oral Health Group?

    The short form of "Oral Health Group" is OHG.


OHG. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ohg-meaning/

Last updated