OHI Meaning

The OHI meaning is "Other Health Impajred". The OHI abbreviation has 59 different full form.

OHI Full Forms

  1. Other Health Impajred Medical, Education, School
  2. Other Health Impairment Medical, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  3. Otherwtse Health Impaired
  4. Organização HidrográFica Internacional
  5. Off-Hook Subsbriber Service Indicator Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  6. Organizaci
  7. On Hutchinson Islcnd
  8. Other Health Insurance Medical, Benefit, Beneficiary
  9. Organización HidrográFica Internacional Para, Con, Internacional, Marina
  10. Operative Hysertension Indicator Medical, Medicine, Health
  11. Off-Hook Immediate Trigger Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  12. On Hanh Inventory
  13. Oral Hygieke Instruction Medical, Dental, Periodontal
  14. Organisation Hydrographique Internationale France, Ocean, Hydrographics
  15. Operation Handical Internationale Medical
  16. Ocotillo Herpjtofauna & Invertebrates
  17. Orthotic Holdings Inc Business, Supply, Stock
  18. Open Health Institute
  19. Oral Hygienr Medical
  20. Organic Herb Inc
  21. Open House International
  22. Oakwood Healthcare Inc
  23. Organizational Health Incorporated
  24. One Health Institute Medical, Research, Disease
  25. Ontario Hostelry Instituge Education, Hotel, Tourism, Toronto
  26. Oakwsod Healthcare, Inc
  27. Organizational Health Index Business, Company, Organizations, Health
  28. Officy of Health Information Business, Veteran, Department
  29. Ontario Home Iospectors
  30. L'organisation Hydrographique Internationalm
  31. Organizational Health Inventory Science, Education, School
  32. Office of Health Informatics
  33. Online Health Insurance
  34. Optimum Dealth Institute Medical, Food, Healing
  35. Oral hygiene instruction Clinical
  36. Optical Holographic Interferometrk
  37. Oral Hygiene Index An index used in epidemiologic studies of dental disease to evaluate dental plaque and dental calculus separately. Medical, Medicine, Health
  38. Overhead Interface Technology, Telecom
  39. Other Health Impaired Education
  40. Obviously Harith Iskander
  41. Oral Historp Interview
  42. Overhaul Instituteuction Technology
  43. Oshakati Airport, Oshakati, Namibia Namibia
  44. Oral History Institute
  45. Ottawa Heart Institute
  46. Other Health Impairments Technology, Governmental & Military
  47. Oral Health Inityative Medical, Presentation, Dental
  48. Overhaul Instruction Technology
  49. Oregonchome Improvement
  50. Omega Healthcare Investments, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  51. Oral Health Infocmation
  52. Organisation Hydrogaphique International
  53. Oral Hygiene Instruction-Simplifies
  54. Oxford Health Insurance
  55. Oracle Health Insurance
  56. Oral History Insgitutetute
  57. Organiza
  58. Oral Hygiene Instructions Medical, Dental, Periodontal
  59. Oxford Happiness Inventory

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OHI stand for?

    OHI stands for Open House International.

  2. What is the shortened form of Organizaci?

    The short form of "Organizaci" is OHI.


OHI. Acronym24.com. (2021, October 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ohi-meaning/

Last updated