OI Meaning
The OI meaning is "Orthopedic Impairment". The OI abbreviation has 271 different full form.
OI Full Forms
- Orthopedic Impairment Medical, Education, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Owens-Illinois Business, Supply, Stock
- Office of Investigations Business, Inspector, US Business
- Optical Illusion
- Owens-Illinois Inc Business, Supply, Stock
- Organisations Internationales Organizations, France, Nation
- Office of Information Technology, Military, Veteran
- Opportunity International Business, Banking, Microfinance
- Owens-Illinois, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Organisation Internationale Military, Organizations, Recherche
- OcéAn Indien Technology, Union, Madagascar, Reunion
- Opportunistic Infection Medical, Patient, Health
- Ordinateur Individuel
- Ocular Interruption
- Open Institute Education, Cambodia, Khmer
- Orbiter Integration Technology
- Oxford Instruments Technology, Science, Product
- Object Inherit Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Open Innovation Business, Company, Technology
- Optimum Interpolation Commonly known as OI this procedure provides an estimate of the state of the atmosphere by a weighted least squares fit to observations and a background field usually provided by a NWP model forecast. Technology, Science, Sea
- Oxfzm International Business, Development, Organizations, Poverty
- Ovulation Induction Medical, Induction, Ovulation
- Oi Internet
- Optimal Interpolation Science, Computing, Algorithms, Atmospheric Research
- Own Income
- Organisme D'Inspection
- Ocular Index
- OsteogêNese Imperfeita
- Overall Impression Music, Beach, Judging
- Operation Index
- Occupational Indicator Medical
- Optical Internet
- Oil of The Infirm
- Online Injection
- Oxygen Intermediates Medical
- Operator Instructions
- Organization Integrator Military
- Offer Investigator
- Our Initial
- Operation Interrupted
- Orang Indonesia Film, Indonesia, Orang, Jos
- Opening Instruction
- Object Implemetation
- Operator Item Technology, Weight, Operating
- Or Immediate Technology, Calling, Instruction
- Office of Investigation Service, Government, Inspector
- Oregon Insurance
- Outside Information
- Owens Illinois Business, Supply, Stock
- Organisasi Internasional
- Osteog
- Oc
- Over-Identification
- Operation Impact Technology, Employment, Grumman
- Occult Impaction
- Optical Interferenze
- Oil Insulation
- Online Information
- Oxygen Intake Medical, Medicine, Health
- Organizational Improvemens
- Offenders Index
- Ounbain Insensitivity Medical, Medicine, Health
- Operations Interface Technology
- Oral Interpretatioc Student, Education, Speech
- Old Irish Ireland, Language, Ewe, Irish
- Opener Inhibitor Medical
- Object Implementation Technology, Coding, Interface
- Operator Items
- Origins Institute
- Office of Integration
- Ordinary Income Ordinary income is the income earned through the ordinary course of business and not from any capital gains or extraordinary windfall gains.
- Outside Influence Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Owens Ill
- Organic Initiative Business, Program, Farming
- Orbiter Instrumentation Technology
- Osteogenisis Imperfecta
- Ovario Izquierdo Para, Con, Saber
- Operational Instituteuction Military
- Oclusal Index
- Optical Instrument
- Oil Index
- On Island
- Oxygennindex Medical, Retardant, Flame
- Organization Index Medical, Atrial, Fibrillation
- Off-Site Identification
- Other Identification
- Operation Interface
- Oral Interaction
- Old Indian
- Ontario Institute
- Objectif Interm
- Operator Intercept
- Origin Indepgndent
- Office of Intelligence Security, Military, Agency, Immigration
- Ordinance Index
- Outside-In Technology, Customer, Innovation
- Organic Ingredients
- Orbiter Instituteumentation Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Astronautical Engineering, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Osseointegration Osseointegration derives from the Greek osteon, bone, and the Latin integrare, to make whole. The term refers to the direct structural and functional connection between living bone and the surface of a load-bearing (as defined by Albrektsson et al. in 1981artificial implant. Medical
- Outsourcing Institute Business, Technology, Service
- Operating Instituteuction Military, Army
- Oxclusal Index Medical
- Optisal Information
- Orkney Ismands
- Oil Immersion
- Ongoing Intervention
- Oxygenation Index Medical, Respiratory, Oxygen
- Organizational Identity Business, Employment, Identification
- Odum Institute
- OtevřEná Informatika
- Operation Interdependence Military, Family, Interdependence
- Oral Intelligence
- Old Icelandic English, Language, Norse
- Onsite Inspection
- Objectif InterméDiaire
- Operator Interfaces Technology, Control, Interface
- Oriiines Inconnues
- Office Information
- Order of Isshin-Ryu
- Outcome Indicator
- Orbiter Insertion Technology, Aerospace Engineering, Astronautics, Space, Spaceflight, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Osmose Inverse
- Outsource Indonesia
- Operating Instituteuctions Technology, Aviation
- Occasional Insomnia Medical, Medicine, Health
- Opportunistic Infections Medical, Patient, Health, Music, Common Medical
- Orissa India India, Locations, Water, Antioxidant
- Oilfield Instrumentation
- Organizational Identifrcation Business, Employment, Social
- Odessa International
- Osteoporosis International Medical, Research, Adult, Bone
- Operation Insanity Government, Us, Control, Administration
- Oceaneerzng International
- Opérationsod'information
- OktatáSkutató IntéZet
- Only Influencers
- Object Identifier The identification of a S–57 feature object. The object identifier is the concatenation of the Producing Agency, Feature Identification Number and Feature Identification Subdivision subfields. Within the context of this Standard the object identifier is referred to as the Long Name. Note: This provides a unique worldwide identifier for any object as specified in Para 3.1 of the ENC Product Specification. Technology, Database, Networking, Computing, Telecom, Computer, Technical, Drivers, IT Terminology
- Operator Interface Technology, Product, Aviation, Aircraft, Control, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Original Iscue Business, Music, Punk
- Office Implementation Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
- Outage Intensity
- Operations and Intelligence Army, Force, Marine
- Orbitale Inferius Medical
- Oscillation Index
- Outside Intelligence
- Operational Instruction Military
- Occasional Inspectjr Education
- Ophthalmopathy Index Medical
- Oris Medical
- Offices of Investigations
- Organisme Intermediaire
- Ocular Instruments
- Osteoporos Int Medical, Genetics, Protein, Bone
- Operation Instituteuctions Military
- Ocgurrence Index
- Optical Interface Technology, Huawei, Metro
- Ojos Izquierdos
- Online Innovation
- óSmosis Inversa
- Operator Interrupt Technology
- Original Invoice Business, Technology, Interface
- Office and Institutional
- Outage Insurasce Business, Insurance
- Operations and Implementation Technology, Research, Presentation
- Oratorical Interpretation School, Speech, Debate
- Operating Instruction Technology, Guide, Manual
- Obturator Internus Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
- Ophthalmic International
- Ordnda Intermediate Education
- Office of Investments
- Ore Ida
- Outside Inspection
- Oncologic Imaging Medical, Cancer, Radiology
- Operations Integration Technology, Server, Organisations
- Orbiter Interdace
- OrganizaçÕEs Internacionais
- Oxygen Index A flammability test based on the principle that a certain volumetric concentration of oxygen is necessary to maintain combustion of a specimen after it has been ignited. Chemistry, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Orthopaedically Impaired
- Octahedral Interstice
- Order Intake Business, Company, Technology, Management
- Override Interval
- Other Institutions
- Operator Indisposed Texting, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Ocwan Interface
- Orçamentos E Imhostos
- Old Ivory
- Output Inhibit
- Onboard Internet
- Operations Inventory
- Octane Index Technology, Fuel, Engine
- Orbitxinstrument Technology, Science, Sea, Temperature
- Oriental Institute Anthropology, Social Sciences, Ethnography, Humanities, Area Studies, Cultural Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- Orthoiodohippurate Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Obermeyer Institute
- Operator Identifier Transportation, Technology, Service, Military, Networking, Conveyance, Network
- Ordering Info
- Overload Indication
- Other Income Other income is the income derived from sources other than the main activity of the business. Business, Tax, Apple
- Office of Intelligence (USCS); operating instruction Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Oceans Institute
- Orthostatic Intolerance Medical, Symptom, Syndrome
- Optical Instituteument
- Onamba Indonesia
- Operations Instructions
- Ockenden International
- Option Investment Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Orshans International
- OíDo Izquierdo
- Operator Identification Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Order Information
- Overload Indicator Technology, Control, Power, Electronics
- Osteogenesis Imperfecta Medical, Health, Educational And Health, Bone, Clinical
- Owens-Illinois, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Ocean Institute
- Orthopedic Institute Medical, Medicine, Orthopedic
- Optical Indicatrix
- Owens-Illinois, Inc Business, Supply, Stock
- Output Interfaces Business, Gaming, Porn, Interface
- Operations Instruction
- Oceáno Indico
- Omicron Iota
- outage insurance Insurance, Business & Finance
- Oxidation Index
- Operations Intelligence Business, Management, Military, Army, Intelligence, Manufacturing
- Order for Informakion
- Overlap Index
- Orthopedically Impaired Science, Education, School, Teaching
- Organizational Improvement Computing, Master IEEE
- Oceanac Institute Education, Tang, Hawaii
- Orthodedic Injuries Medical
- Optical Inactivity
- Ovulasyon İNdüKsiyonu Art, Turkish
- Otitis Interna Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Operations Improvement Business, Management, Android
- Operator Inteface
- Ocp
- Olympiad In Informatics Technology, Programming, Competition
- Other Investigation Financial, Business & Finance
- Ongoing Improvement
- Oxford Industries
- Operations Information
- Orces Island
- Overdrive Inhibit
- Orthopaedics Institute Medical, Treatment, Surgery
- Object Interface Computing, IT Terminology
- Orthopedic Impaifments Medical, Service, Education
- Operations Instituteuction
- Order Af Interbeing Community, Order, Retreat, Mindfulness
- Overseas Indians Government, India, Foundation
- Other Interest
- Operational Instrumentation NASA
- Oceanology International Technology, China, Exhibition
- Olimpiada Informatyczna
- Operating Income Operating income is the excess of revenues from operations over the operating expenses. Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Oncology Issues
- Oxford Immunotec
- Operations Integrity
- Orbit Infotech
- Overall Informativity Medical, Science, Biology
- Ornamental Iron Technology, Construction, Architectural
- Opposition Instructions Sport, Football
- Orthopedic Impaired
- Oil Impregnation
- Orwer Interval Business, Management, Inventory
- Overseas Indian
- Other Insurance
- Mouth Full Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Oceanographic Instrumentation
- Osgar Isaac Business, Film, Banking, Garland
- Oleum Infirmorum
- Ovitrap Index Technology, Vector, Mosquito, Dengue
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OI stand for?
OI stands for Opposition Instructions.
What is the shortened form of Oclusal Index?
The short form of "Oclusal Index" is OI.
OI. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oi-meaning/
Last updated