OI in Technology Meaning

The OI meaning in Technology terms is "Object Inherit". There are 37 related meanings of the OI Technology abbreviation.

OI on Technology Full Forms

  1. Object Inherit
  2. Orbiter Integration
  3. Optimum Interpolation Commonly known as OI this procedure provides an estimate of the state of the atmosphere by a weighted least squares fit to observations and a background field usually provided by a NWP model forecast.
  4. Open Innovation
  5. Office of Information
  6. Oxford Instruments
  7. OcéAn Indien
  8. Owens-Illinois, Inc.
  9. Or Immediate
  10. Operator Item
  11. Original Invoice
  12. Operations and Implementation
  13. Operator Interfaces
  14. Operations Interface
  15. Operator Interface
  16. Object Implementation
  17. Operation Impact
  18. Operator Interrupt
  19. Object Identifier The identification of a S–57 feature object. The object identifier is the concatenation of the Producing Agency, Feature Identification Number and Feature Identification Subdivision subfields. Within the context of this Standard the object identifier is referred to as the Long Name. Note: This provides a unique worldwide identifier for any object as specified in Para 3.1 of the ENC Product Specification.
  20. Orbiter Instrumentation
  21. Operating Instituteuctions
  22. Outsourcing Institute
  23. Orbiter Insertion
  24. Operating Instruction
  25. Outside-In
  26. Optical Interface
  27. Olympiad In Informatics
  28. Operations Integration
  29. Ornamental Iron
  30. Octane Index
  31. Oceanology International
  32. Order Intake
  33. Ovitrap Index
  34. Orbitxinstrument
  35. Overload Indicator
  36. Operator Identifier
  37. Operator Identification

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OI stand for Technology?

    OI stands for Operating Instituteuctions in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operator Interfaces in Technology?

    The short form of "Operator Interfaces" is OI for Technology.


OI in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved January 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oi-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated