OIB Meaning

The OIB meaning is "Ocean Isl Beach". The OIB abbreviation has 58 different full form.

OIB Full Forms

  1. Ocean Isl Beach
  2. Oranje In Brussel
  3. Osoyoos Indian Band Canada, Columbia, Chief
  4. Objects In Bioinformatics Organizations, Conference, Event
  5. Oh, H'm Back Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  6. Optische Interferenz Bauelemente
  7. Osobni Indentifikacijski Broj
  8. Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Municipal Income Opportunities Trust Ii Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
  9. Oregon Investient Board
  10. Offshore Investment Brokrrs
  11. Option International Du Baccalaureat Student, Education, France, School
  12. Osobni Identifikacijski Broj
  13. Operations Integration Branch Technology
  14. Order of Ikhamanga In Bronze
  15. Ouachita Independent Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  16. Office of Investments and Banking Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  17. Option Internationalu Du Baccalaur
  18. Oromia International Bank Business, Banking, Ethiopia, Bank
  19. Opción Internacional Del Bachillerato
  20. Ordered Item Booklet
  21. Other India Bookstore
  22. Oceanic Island Basalt Ocean, Rock, Basalt
  23. Option Internationale Du Baccalauréar Education, France, School, Langue
  24. Orchid Island Brewery
  25. Otago Infantry Battalion Military
  26. Oceanic Island Basalts Research, Mantle, Basalt
  27. Okanagancindian Band
  28. Ocean Isle Beach
  29. Orbiter Innerface Box Technology, Space, Cosmos
  30. Osseointegrated Implant Bridges Medical
  31. Occupational Injury Benefit
  32. Ok, I'z Back
  33. True Sounds of Liberty Government, Organizations, Music, Sound
  34. öSterreichische Institut FüR Bautechnik Technology, Austria, Sind
  35. Organic Industrial Base
  36. Orbiter Interface Box NASA
  37. Outpatient Itemized Billing Military
  38. Orient Institut Beirut Education, German, Institute
  39. öSterreichisches Institut FüR Bautechnik Business, Design, Commission
  40. Ocean Island Basalt Geology, Scientific & Educational
  41. Our Idiot Brother
  42. Orient Institute Beirut Science, Research, Education, History
  43. Ozellestirme Idaresi Baskanligi
  44. Oh, I'm back Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  45. Orient-Institut Beirut Organizations, Institute, Politics
  46. Oxley Insurance Brokers
  47. Orient Institutetute In Beirut
  48. Orient-Institbte Beirut
  49. Oxford Inflating Bellows
  50. Orix Investment Bank
  51. Orient-Institutetut Beirut
  52. Organización Internacionao De Boxeo Con, Internacional, Box
  53. Outstanding International Book Education, Award, Children
  54. Oriental Interest Berhad
  55. Operation Instituteuction Block
  56. Organismal and Integrative Biology
  57. öSterreichische Institutetut FüR Bautechnik
  58. Orient Institute In Beirut

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OIB stand for?

    OIB stands for Oh, I'm back.

  2. What is the shortened form of Oh, H'm Back?

    The short form of "Oh, H'm Back" is OIB.


OIB. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oib-meaning/

Last updated