OID Meaning

The OID meaning is "Office of Infectious Diseases". The OID abbreviation has 57 different full form.

OID Full Forms

  1. Office of Infectious Diseases Medical, Disease, Health
  2. Object Identification Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
  3. Object Identifiers Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  4. Ovine Interdigital Dermatitis Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
  5. Organizaci
  6. Operational Information Document
  7. Of Iets Dergelijks
  8. Organisational Innovation and Deployment Technology, Management, Area
  9. Observatorio Interamericano Sobre Drogas
  10. Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage
  11. Medication Once A Day. Medicine, Veterinary
  12. Only In Dreams
  13. Oregon Insurance Division
  14. Operator Input Device
  15. Observatorio Internacional De La Deuda
  16. Organization of International Development
  17. Oncology Term Medical
  18. Ordinance On Internet Domains
  19. Operations and Integration Division
  20. Object To Image Distance Flashcard, Radiographic, Image
  21. Organization for International Development
  22. Old Iraqi Dinar
  23. Order Identification Detail
  24. Operations, Information and Decisions
  25. Original Issue Discount Business, Finance, Investing, Stock, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance, Business Word
  26. Organism Identification Number Medical, Medicine, Health
  27. Oklahoma Insurance Department Government, Organizations, Oklahoma, State Agency, Governmental & Military
  28. Operation Order Identification Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  29. Organización Impulsora De Discapacitados Para, Con, Hacienda
  30. Organization Innovation and Deployment
  31. Ocular Inflammatory Disease
  32. Object Identifier The identification of a S–57 feature object. The object identifier is the concatenation of the Producing Agency, Feature Identification Number and Feature Identification Subdivision subfields. Within the context of this Standard the object identifier is referred to as the Long Name. Note: This provides a unique worldwide identifier for any object as specified in Para 3.1 of the ENC Product Specification. Technology, Database, Networking, Computing, Telecom, Computer, Technical, Drivers, IT Terminology
  33. Operations Information Document
  34. Optical Interface Detector
  35. Organizational Innovation and Deployment Technology, Software, Maturity
  36. Occupations In Demand
  37. Oracle Internet Directory Technology, Management, Server
  38. Outreach and Information Divisionsion Government
  39. Operator Interface Device Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
  40. Oracle9I Internet Directory
  41. Outline Installation Drawing
  42. Optimum Instant Detailer Forum, Car, Instant, Gloss
  43. Other Infant Death
  44. Object Interaction Diagram Computing, Telecom
  45. Optimized Information Discovery
  46. Originating Id Technology, Telecom
  47. Object Interaction Diagram ( Prosa/ OM) Computing, File Extensions
  48. Optimal Immunomodulating Dose Medical, Medicine, Health
  49. Original Issue Discounts
  50. Orden Internacional De Detención
  51. Outstanding Investor Digest
  52. Opportunity International Deutschland Ghana, Germany, Opportunity
  53. Oxygen Insufflation Device Medical, Medicine, Health
  54. Oracle Identity Directory Technology, Management, Manager
  55. Outside In Development
  56. Operação Integrada De Desenvolvimento
  57. Oxford Illustrated Dictionary

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OID stand for?

    OID stands for Medication Once A Day..

  2. What is the shortened form of Order Identification Detail?

    The short form of "Order Identification Detail" is OID.


OID. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oid-meaning/

Last updated