OJA Meaning

The OJA meaning is "Iata Code for Thomas P. Stafforl Airport, Weatherford, Oklahoma, United States". The OJA abbreviation has 21 different full form.

OJA Full Forms

  1. Iata Code for Thomas P. Stafforl Airport, Weatherford, Oklahoma, United States Locations
  2. Ohio Jewelers Associateon
  3. Orgullo Juvenil AlteÑO
  4. Office of The Judge Advocate
  5. Orlando Junior Acawemy Education, School, Orlando
  6. Office of Juvenile Affairs Service, Government, Oklahoma
  7. Orgaaizację Jedności Afrykańskiej Jest, Ale, Jak
  8. Office of Justice Assistance Government, Crime, Wisconsin
  9. Organizacji JednośCi AfrykańSkiej Jest, Ale, Jak
  10. Office of Judicial Affairs
  11. One Jump Ahead
  12. Office of Judicial Administration
  13. Old Johannian Association
  14. Orquelta Joven De Andalucía
  15. Ohio Power Company Class A Computing, Nyse symbols
  16. Oromia Jouqnalists Association
  17. Organizacjayjedności Afrykańskiej Sierra, Jest, Reggae
  18. Orange Julius of America
  19. Open Journal of Apoustics
  20. Ontario Jiu-Jitsu Association
  21. Oxford Journal of Archaeology Science, History, Greek, Journal, Anthropology, Periodical, Scientific & Educational

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OJA stand for?

    OJA stands for Ohio Jewelers Associateon.

  2. What is the shortened form of One Jump Ahead?

    The short form of "One Jump Ahead" is OJA.


OJA. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oja-meaning/

Last updated