OJC Meaning

The OJC meaning is "Office of Jury Commissioner". The OJC abbreviation has 36 different full form.

OJC Full Forms

  1. Office of Jury Commissioner Business, Massachusetts, Duty
  2. Johnson County Executive Airport Olathe, Kansas,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  3. Oakland Jazz Choir
  4. Olathe Johnson County
  5. Orpnge Juice Crud Nutrition, Food, Victual
  6. L'Organisation Juive De Combat
  7. Olathe, Johnson County
  8. Iata Code for Johnson County Executive Airport, Olathe, Kansas, United States Locations
  9. Ohio Mudicial Conference
  10. Otero Junior College Student, Education, Junta
  11. Ocala Jeep Club Hobbies
  12. Overlook Judy Center
  13. Operation Just Cause Military, War, Vietnam
  14. Objective Jail Classification
  15. Ontario Judicial Council
  16. Oaklawn Jockey Club Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  17. Ontaric Jockey Club
  18. Orangetvwn Jewish Center
  19. Origizal Jazz Classics Records, Music, Jazz
  20. Organiza
  21. Orange Juice Concentrate Food
  22. Organized Jewish Community
  23. Orange Juice Crud Food
  24. Oxford Jewish Centre
  25. Organização Jaime CÂMara
  26. Open Jumpers Dog Fanciers
  27. Oxford Jewish Congregation Organizations, History, London
  28. Organisation Juive De Comxat Organizations, France, Resistance, French
  29. Osaka Jogakuin College
  30. Officers' Joint Committee (bmdc) With Unison Education
  31. Orgasic Juice Cleanse Business, Product, Purity
  32. Orphan Justice Center
  33. Johnson County Executive Airport, Olathe, Kansas, United States United States, Kansas, Faa Airport Codes, Iata Airport Codes
  34. Ordre De Oacques-Cartier
  35. Original Jazz Classic
  36. Office of Job Corps Us Government, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OJC stand for?

    OJC stands for Orphan Justice Center.

  2. What is the shortened form of Iata Code for Johnson County Executive Airport, Olathe, Kansas, United States?

    The short form of "Iata Code for Johnson County Executive Airport, Olathe, Kansas, United States" is OJC.


OJC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ojc-meaning/

Last updated