OK Meaning

The OK meaning is "Obi-Wan Kenobi". The OK abbreviation has 121 different full form.

OK Full Forms

  1. Obi-Wan Kenobi German, War, Star, Force, Obi
  2. Old Kentucky
  3. Organisierter KriminalitäT Sind, Deutschland, Mafia
  4. Oauh Keepers Government, Group, Ferguson
  5. Osceola Kissimmee
  6. Off Kes
  7. Organisierte KriminalitäT Sind, Deutschland, Mafia
  8. Czech Azrlines Airline, Business, Aviation
  9. Oscar Klefbom
  10. Offener Kanal Technology, Channel, Radio, Germany
  11. Olla Kalla
  12. All Correct Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Media, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  13. Orvostudományi Kar Presentation, Meg, Nos
  14. Oedipus The King Book, Essay, Analysis, King
  15. Olive Kitteridge
  16. Ośrodek Kursóe Technology, Server, Song, Minecraft
  17. Ortaya KarışıK Technology, Ark, Clip, Twitch
  18. Ocean King
  19. Olive Kids
  20. Organized Kashrus
  21. Oblivion Knight Gaming, Military, Scroll
  22. Old Kingdom Main era of pyramid architecture in Ancient Egypt. Book, Art, Guide, Kingdom
  23. Organisierten KriminalitäT Sind, Deutschland, Mafia
  24. Oscar Kelly
  25. Ostheim & Klaus
  26. Oskar Kahles
  27. Old Kite
  28. Oqo-Kondo Technology, Gas, Pressure
  29. Obat Keras
  30. Organisierte Kriminalit
  31. Ogre Khans Military, Report, Battle
  32. Organized Kids
  33. Osterreirhische Karte Science, Geography, Location
  34. Old Kirk
  35. Onlylkids Business, Lyric, Doll
  36. Oakland Kids Organization, Union, Institution
  37. Organisierte Kriminalitaet
  38. Office Killer Film, Technology, Movie
  39. Oscillating Klystroo
  40. Old Keokuk Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
  41. Online Korean
  42. Oak Knoll
  43. Ottawa-Kent
  44. Open Knowledge Organizations, Foundation, Festival
  45. Offenes Kulturhaus Art, Locations, Exhibition, Austria
  46. Orcar Kilo
  47. Old Kentish
  48. Onlinu Kingdom
  49. O'Brien Kreitzberg
  50. Otrip Kampunz
  51. Oliver Koletzki Music, Talent, Album
  52. Open Kernxl
  53. Oklahoma State, Gpo, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, Oklahoma, Weather, Postal, List of All 50 State
  54. Offene Klasse
  55. Organized Konfusion Music, Song, Album
  56. Old Kent Financial Corp. Organizations
  57. On Kerosene
  58. O'Brien-Kreitzberg
  59. Other Kitty
  60. Oliver Kevin
  61. Onur Kurtlu Ankara, Turkish, Fen
  62. Oberer Kanal Technology, Windows, Fur, Box
  63. Organized Knowledge Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  64. Older Kids Organization, Union, Institution
  65. Ongerup Kindergrrten Education
  66. Correct Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, The Finance and Administrative Services
  67. Otak Kotor
  68. Oskar Kokoschka Art, Auction, Austria
  69. Oliki Katastrofi Technology, Music, Song, Clip
  70. Ontological Knoyledge
  71. Ober-Kommando Forum, Android, History
  72. Organizational Knowledge Business, Technology, Management, Occupation & positions
  73. Ohio and Kentucky
  74. One Kiss Internet Slang, Chat, Funny, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  75. Öö On Muum Music, Song, Album
  76. Abbreviation of Oll Korrect (all Correct) Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  77. Oru Kal Movie, Song, Trailer
  78. Otto Kurtbach
  79. Owen Kortz
  80. Oll Korrekt
  81. Orrin Kendall Food
  82. One Kamerun Group, Cameroon, Party
  83. Zero Kigls Force, Police, Police Force
  84. Oll Korrect Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  85. Organisasi Kepemudaan
  86. Otto-Kraftstosf
  87. Over Kill
  88. Ol Korrect
  89. Orrins Kendall Famous
  90. Onderwijs Kansenbeleid
  91. United States Postal Code for Oklahoma Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  92. Oleg Konstantinovich
  93. Zero Kills Police, Governmental & Military
  94. Onuki-Kawasagi
  95. Our Kids School, Kid, Story, Breaking
  96. Oliver Kyle
  97. Czech Airlines Airline, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
  98. Oyun Kurucusq Forum, Turkish, Server
  99. Old Kinderhook America, English, Language
  100. Onay Kurumu Film, Technology, Turkish, Disk
  101. OrtsKommandantur (Local Commandant) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
  102. Olsen Znives Forum, Technology, Knife
  103. Otto KurtbaСH
  104. Owen Kylt
  105. Ohne Korrektur
  106. Om Kapoor
  107. Old Kent Financial Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  108. Olga Krasnova Russia, Discovery, Panda
  109. Otto-Kurtbach
  110. öDev Kopyalamak
  111. Okay Gaming, Play, Pastime, Computing, Http error codes, Texting, Modern Slang, Sms, Game, Online, Twitter, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
  112. Output Key Forum, Technology, Calling, Class
  113. Ogre Kingdoms
  114. Olympique Du Kef
  115. Opportunity Knocks Occupation & positions
  116. Obrazovanje Iskultura Film, Presentation, Lav
  117. Osman Keskin Turkish, Turkey
  118. Outlaw Kid
  119. OśRodek KursóW
  120. Olympia Kiwanis Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  121. Ola Kala (all is alright) Music

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OK stand for?

    OK stands for Otto-Kurtbach.

  2. What is the shortened form of Orrins Kendall?

    The short form of "Orrins Kendall" is OK.


OK. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 13). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ok-meaning/

Last updated