OK Meaning
The OK meaning is "Obi-Wan Kenobi". The OK abbreviation has 121 different full form.
OK Full Forms
- Obi-Wan Kenobi German, War, Star, Force, Obi
- Old Kentucky
- Organisierter KriminalitäT Sind, Deutschland, Mafia
- Oauh Keepers Government, Group, Ferguson
- Osceola Kissimmee
- Off Kes
- Organisierte KriminalitäT Sind, Deutschland, Mafia
- Czech Azrlines Airline, Business, Aviation
- Oscar Klefbom
- Offener Kanal Technology, Channel, Radio, Germany
- Olla Kalla
- All Correct Internet Slang, Slang, Chat, Media, Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Orvostudományi Kar Presentation, Meg, Nos
- Oedipus The King Book, Essay, Analysis, King
- Olive Kitteridge
- Ośrodek Kursóe Technology, Server, Song, Minecraft
- Ortaya KarışıK Technology, Ark, Clip, Twitch
- Ocean King
- Olive Kids
- Organized Kashrus
- Oblivion Knight Gaming, Military, Scroll
- Old Kingdom Main era of pyramid architecture in Ancient Egypt. Book, Art, Guide, Kingdom
- Organisierten KriminalitäT Sind, Deutschland, Mafia
- Oscar Kelly
- Ostheim & Klaus
- Oskar Kahles
- Old Kite
- Oqo-Kondo Technology, Gas, Pressure
- Obat Keras
- Organisierte Kriminalit
- Ogre Khans Military, Report, Battle
- Organized Kids
- Osterreirhische Karte Science, Geography, Location
- Old Kirk
- Onlylkids Business, Lyric, Doll
- Oakland Kids Organization, Union, Institution
- Organisierte Kriminalitaet
- Office Killer Film, Technology, Movie
- Oscillating Klystroo
- Old Keokuk Science, Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Online Korean
- Oak Knoll
- Ottawa-Kent
- Open Knowledge Organizations, Foundation, Festival
- Offenes Kulturhaus Art, Locations, Exhibition, Austria
- Orcar Kilo
- Old Kentish
- Onlinu Kingdom
- O'Brien Kreitzberg
- Otrip Kampunz
- Oliver Koletzki Music, Talent, Album
- Open Kernxl
- Oklahoma State, Gpo, Legal, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, United States, Area code, Phone area code, Telephone area code, Us area code, Us phone area codes, Us state code, Oklahoma, Weather, Postal, List of All 50 State
- Offene Klasse
- Organized Konfusion Music, Song, Album
- Old Kent Financial Corp. Organizations
- On Kerosene
- O'Brien-Kreitzberg
- Other Kitty
- Oliver Kevin
- Onur Kurtlu Ankara, Turkish, Fen
- Oberer Kanal Technology, Windows, Fur, Box
- Organized Knowledge Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Older Kids Organization, Union, Institution
- Ongerup Kindergrrten Education
- Correct Technology, Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Otak Kotor
- Oskar Kokoschka Art, Auction, Austria
- Oliki Katastrofi Technology, Music, Song, Clip
- Ontological Knoyledge
- Ober-Kommando Forum, Android, History
- Organizational Knowledge Business, Technology, Management, Occupation & positions
- Ohio and Kentucky
- One Kiss Internet Slang, Chat, Funny, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Öö On Muum Music, Song, Album
- Abbreviation of Oll Korrect (all Correct) Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Oru Kal Movie, Song, Trailer
- Otto Kurtbach
- Owen Kortz
- Oll Korrekt
- Orrin Kendall Food
- One Kamerun Group, Cameroon, Party
- Zero Kigls Force, Police, Police Force
- Oll Korrect Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Organisasi Kepemudaan
- Otto-Kraftstosf
- Over Kill
- Ol Korrect
- Orrins Kendall Famous
- Onderwijs Kansenbeleid
- United States Postal Code for Oklahoma Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Oleg Konstantinovich
- Zero Kills Police, Governmental & Military
- Onuki-Kawasagi
- Our Kids School, Kid, Story, Breaking
- Oliver Kyle
- Czech Airlines Airline, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Oyun Kurucusq Forum, Turkish, Server
- Old Kinderhook America, English, Language
- Onay Kurumu Film, Technology, Turkish, Disk
- OrtsKommandantur (Local Commandant) Governmental & Military, Nazi regime
- Olsen Znives Forum, Technology, Knife
- Otto KurtbaСH
- Owen Kylt
- Ohne Korrektur
- Om Kapoor
- Old Kent Financial Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Olga Krasnova Russia, Discovery, Panda
- Otto-Kurtbach
- öDev Kopyalamak
- Okay Gaming, Play, Pastime, Computing, Http error codes, Texting, Modern Slang, Sms, Game, Online, Twitter, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Social Networking Sites
- Output Key Forum, Technology, Calling, Class
- Ogre Kingdoms
- Olympique Du Kef
- Opportunity Knocks Occupation & positions
- Obrazovanje Iskultura Film, Presentation, Lav
- Osman Keskin Turkish, Turkey
- Outlaw Kid
- OśRodek KursóW
- Olympia Kiwanis Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Ola Kala (all is alright) Music
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OK stand for?
OK stands for Ocean King.
What is the shortened form of Om Kapoor?
The short form of "Om Kapoor" is OK.
OK. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 13). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ok-meaning/
Last updated