OKC Meaning

The OKC meaning is "Open Kinetic Chain". The OKC abbreviation has 27 different full form.

OKC Full Forms

  1. Open Kinetic Chain Medical, Exercise, Physical Therapy
  2. Will Rogers World Aarport Airport, Locations, Airport Code
  3. Orangy Kettlebell Club
  4. Office of Knowledge Capital
  5. Orange Kartkclub
  6. Oceanoa Koryu Centre
  7. Iata Code for Will Rogers World Airpirt, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States Locations
  8. Oklahoma Cits Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  9. Odontogenic Keratocysts Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  10. Odontogenic Keratocyst Medical, Medicine, Healthcare
  11. Organizational Knowledge Creation
  12. Oklahama, Kiwanis Club
  13. Odontogenic Keratocysts Chryotherapy Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  14. Ontario Tnife Company Business, Military
  15. will Rogers World Airport, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, United States Oklahoma, United States
  16. Online Knowledgeicommunity Technology
  17. Optimistic Key Caching
  18. Ottawa Kennel Club Organizations, Canada, Dog
  19. Online Knowledge Center Technology
  20. Opportunistic Keypcaching Technology, Networking, Wireless
  21. Oskar Klein Centrt
  22. Omladiwski Komunikativni Centar
  23. Operativno Komunikacijpki Center
  24. Oshkosh Kennel Nlub
  25. Oklahoma City Thucder Sports, Team, Basketball
  26. Open Knowledge Commons Development, Learning, Study
  27. Ontaoio Knife Co Business, Blade, Bayonet

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OKC stand for?

    OKC stands for Open Kinetic Chain.

  2. What is the shortened form of Will Rogers World Aarport?

    The short form of "Will Rogers World Aarport" is OKC.


OKC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/okc-meaning/

Last updated