OKS Meaning

The OKS meaning is "Garden County Airport". The OKS abbreviation has 35 different full form.

OKS Full Forms

  1. Garden County Airport Oshkosh, Nebraska,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  2. Old King'S Scholars
  3. Organisational Knowledge Sharing
  4. Organizational Knowledge Sharing
  5. Olay Kumanda Sistemi
  6. Organisado, Kalinisan, Y Seguridad Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  7. Oklahoma Swimming, Inc. Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  8. Optokinetic Simulation Medicine, Health, British
  9. Orthodox Kashruth Supervision
  10. Okinawan Karate School
  11. Optokinetic Stimulus Medicine, Treatment, Healthcare
  12. OrtaöğRetim Kurumları SıNavı
  13. Offener Kanal Saalfeld
  14. Oppan Korean Style
  15. Sljk Air Gambia Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
  16. OrtaöğRetim Kurumları SıNavı'Nı
  17. Obcianska Konzervativna Strana Government, Group, Party
  18. Old King'S School
  19. OrtaöğRetim Kurumları SıNavı'Nda
  20. Iata Code for Garden County Airport, Oshkosh, Nebraska, United States Locations
  21. Oxford Knee Score Medical, Patient, Outcome
  22. Operator Keying Station Postal, Us Post
  23. Osiedlowy Klub Sportowy
  24. Oxford Kn
  25. Garden County Airport, Oshkosh, Nebraska, United States United States, Nebraska, Iata Airport Codes
  26. OrthopäDische Klinik Sindelfingen
  27. Ottema Kingma Stichting
  28. Ontopia Knowledge Suite Software, Computing
  29. Optokinetic Stimulation Medical
  30. Ottema-Kingma-Stichting
  31. Öğretim Kurumlarıjsınavı Turkish, Fen
  32. Ottawa Kayak School
  33. Otnar Kaucuk Sanayi
  34. Oxford Knee Scores Medical, Patient, Score
  35. Oslo Kristne Senter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OKS stand for?

    OKS stands for Oxford Kn.

  2. What is the shortened form of OrthopäDische Klinik Sindelfingen?

    The short form of "OrthopäDische Klinik Sindelfingen" is OKS.


OKS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/oks-meaning/

Last updated