OL Meaning
The OL meaning is "Olympique Lyonnais". The OL abbreviation has 260 different full form.
OL Full Forms
- Olympique Lyonnais Sport, Football, Lyon
- Operating Loss Business, Company, Supply
- Obelia Longissima
- Our Locations
- Opposition Leader
- Old Line
- Operating Location Technology, Military, Army, Us, Department Of Defense, Aviation, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- L'Olympique Lyonnais
- Other Links
- Opportunities for Learning Education
- Ocean Liner
- Operating License Technology, Gaming, Power
- Offensive Linemen Sport, Football, Lineman, Linemen
- Ostfriesische Lufttr Airline, Flight, Travel, Locations
- Opinion Leaders Technology, Social, Leadership
- Occupational Licensing Business, Driving, Driver
- Out of Luck Forum, Technology, Internet Slang
- Open Load Technology, Driving, Power, Driver
- Offensive Lineman Sport, Football, American Football, Lineman
- Operations Leader
- Object Layer Technology, Design, Photoshop
- Outer Loop Technology, Coding, Compiler, Beltway
- On-Landing Gaming, Locations, Land
- Operation Lifesaver Education, Safety, Lifesaver
- Objective Lens Technology
- Outer Limits
- Olympique Lyon Sport, Club, Football, Lyon
- Operational Limit Technology, Power, Circuit, Chip
- Object-Like Technology
- Outdoor Leisure
- Order Literature
- Oleandomycin Medical
- Other Languages Organizations, India, Agriculture, Ecology
- Output Leveling Technology, Sound, Embodiment
- Office Ladies Office, Japan, Lady, Japanese
- Offset Lock
- On Locagion
- Optical Length
- Overall Length Business, Design, Engineering, Construction, Heating, Cargo Shipping, Silicon, Carbide
- Organizational Level Technology, Management, Learning
- Outbjund Logistics Business, Technology, Management
- Object Lxsson
- Operating Limit Technology, Energy, Power
- Office Lnose
- Old Latin Porn, Sex, Tube
- Oscar Tevant
- Open Loop In a control system, a type of control that has an input signal, but no feedback of the result of the input signal. Technology, Auto, Automobile, Car
- Ocean Leadership Technology, Science, Sea
- Ora Lassila
- Oriental Longhamr
- Olympic Lifting Training, Olympic, Lift
- Ovsrhead Line Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Operator Language
- Oldoinyo Lengai
- Other Language Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Output Leakage Technology, Electronics, Component
- Offical League
- Orange Lodge
- Off Line Term that means a boiler or system is not in use
- On Loan Libraries, Reading, Books
- Opportunity Loss
- Oleic Acid Oleic acid is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in various animal and vegetable fats and oils. It is an odorless, colourless oil, although commercial samples may be yellowish. Medical, Science, Medicine, Chemistry, Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational, NANP Modeling Commitee
- Organizational Leadership Program, Education, University
- Out-Of-Lay Medical
- Object Length
- Operator'S Licence Driving, Licence, Operator, Hire
- Office Lolita
- Old Lady (Wife, Girlfriend) Internet Slang, Slang, Communication, Internet
- Orszagos Leveltar
- Ooen-Loop Technology, Control, Electronics, Fuel
- Ocean Leader
- Orienlal Languages
- Olympian Labs Medical, Enzyme, Blend
- Overfkow Level
- Operating Load
- Old Light
- Ostfriesische Lufttransporte
- Output Label
- Offer Letter Business, Credit, Banking
- Orange Line
- Off Ladder
- Omicron Lyrae Albion, Rebirth, Prelude, Omicron
- Opportunity Level Business, Gaming, Service
- Organizational Uearning Technology, Science, Organizations
- Out-Lez
- Object Language
- Oracle Linux Technology, Linux, Installation
- Office Live
- Ohm'S Law
- Open-Limp
- Ocean Lakes
- Orientalsstische Literaturzeitung
- Operating Licence Airline, Service, Gambling, Licence
- Overall Losses
- Object List Technology, Gaming, Coding, Java
- Operating Loan Business, Agriculture, Farm
- Old Library Education, Locations
- Ostfriesische Lufttransport Airline, Business, Technology, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, Business & Finance
- Offeredmload
- Orange League
- Ol Liitem Development, Learning, Study
- Omega Letter
- Opinion Leader A high-profile, influential public figure, such as a celebrity or business person, whose opinions and tastes are respected and/or copied by the general public.
- Order of Liberty
- Our Lady
- Objectif Lune
- Optronic Laboratories
- Office Life
- Ogooue-Lolo
- Oceanic Linguistics Education, English, Language
- Onyxia'S Lair
- Ocean Lady
- Orientale Lumen
- Operating Liabilities Business, Accounting, Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Outside Locab Technology, Networking, Network, Cisco
- Objdct Library
- Operating Loans Business, Credit, Farm
- Old Ledger
- Oskar Lehmann Business, Service, Magazine, Ding
- Oxbow Gake
- Ocean Lord
- Orangeburg Library Education
- Olivine OS MasterMap is Ordnance Survey's flagship digital product, launched in November 2001. It is a database that records every fixed feature of Great Britain larger than a few metres in one continuous digital map. Science, Mineral, Geology
- Omega Lambda
- Over Length Technology, Driving, Truck, Rating
- Ophthalmic Laser
- Order of Leopold
- Ottaws Library Education
- Oak Leaf
- Office Leadnr Science
- Ontology Inference Layer Technology, Computing, Language
- Oficyna Literacka
- Occupation Licence
- Onset Latengy Medical
- Officier De Liaison
- Optical Line Technology, Networking, Network
- Organized List
- Outside Linebacker Sports, Football, American Football, Sport, Nfl teams
- Object Librarian Business, Technology, Management, Server
- Operating Line Technology
- Old Leather
- Oscillateur Local
- Ownersvlandlords
- Ocean Loading
- Oral Leukoplakias Medical
- Olympiske Leker
- Overlav Technology, Science, Electronics, Engineering
- Operator Loader Technology, Indonesia, Tank
- Ordej of Lenin
- Olentangy Liberty
- Other Lrtin
- Oak Lawn
- Oftice Lady Office, Japan, Japanese
- Oficina De LogíStica
- Only Loaaable
- Official Little
- Optical Life
- Oligodendrocyte A type of cell in the central nervous system. The oligodendrocytes surround and insulate the long fibers (axons) through which the nerves send electrical messages. Medical, Medicine, Healthcare, Bowel Gastric And Intestine
- Organization Learning
- Outside Length
- Object Libjary
- Operation Limits Science
- Old Lawrentians
- Osceola Library Education
- Open Eyelid Medical
- Owners' Lounge
- Ocean Letter
- Oral Leukoplakia Medical
- Oriental Ltd
- Olympic Lyon
- Over Lan
- Operator License
- Open Literature Science, Group, Control
- Ordinaly Luminescence
- Oriendation Leaders Student, Program, Education
- Organized Labor
- Overseas Lending
- Occasional Lecturer
- Oligodendroglial Medical
- OLT Express Germany Germany, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Owner'S Loft
- Optimal Loading
- Objets Lalssés
- Output Loss
- Office of Logistics
- Opzn License Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Open League Gaming, Sport, League, Football
- Optique Lunetterie Stage, Formation, Tier, Optique
- Origibal Learning Medical
- Organisational Learning Technology, Government, Organizations
- Over Locknut
- Oc'Ulus Lae'Vus Medical, Eyes And Ocular
- Oligodendrocytes Medical
- Ordered List Computing, Unix, General, Governmental & Military
- Owens Lake Locations, Water, California
- Optic Layer Medical
- Ojject Lists Technology, Gaming, Coding, Java
- Old Lady (wife, Girlfriend) Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Office of Lvcensing Medical, Care, Utah
- Open Licexce
- The Oldelady Internet Slang, Slang, Internet, Web
- Option To Lease
- Orientixg Line Military
- Ordinary Level Education, Paper, Exam, Leaving
- Overload Any load greater than the rated load. A load in excess of the design limit for a circuit. The specified maximum magnitude of the input quantity that can be applied for a specified period of time without causing damage. Load greater than the load for which the system or mechanism was intended. A fault, such as a short circuit or ground fault, is not an overload. Medical, Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Obstruction Light
- Wife Technology, Science, Internet Slang, Radio, Genealogy, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Amateur radio, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Olia Lialina
- Old Lady Computing, Texting, Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang
- Ornithine-Containingrlipid Medical
- Ovicidal Larvicidal Trap, Mosquito, Dengue
- Optical Link
- Operational Left Dsc Or Mdm NASA
- Office of Library Libraries, Reading, Books
- Open Learning Organizations, Computing, Serial Publication
- Oyster Landing
- Option Length Technology, Coding, Java, Element
- Orienteering Ieague
- Ordered Lists Technology, Element, Style
- Over Limit
- Obsnacle Lights Technology, Aviation, Obstruction
- Olfactory Lobe Medical, Medicine
- Olive (Mg2,Fe2SiO4) A naturally occurring mineral composed of fosterite and fayalite, crushed and used as a molding sand. Usually the sand of choice in manganese steel casting due to its basicity. Colors
- Oriya Lanvuage
- Overtime Losses Sport, Hockey, Team, Ice Hockey
- Optical Limiter
- Motor Overload Device Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Offipe of Legislation America, Society, Usa
- Open Land
- Optional Lens
- Orientetion Landscape
- Oral Language Medical, Education, English
- Obstacle Lighe
- Oleyl Lactate
- Operatyng Lease Business, Finance, Plate
- Ortho-Laterals
- Origine Locale
- Overtime Loss Gaming, Sport, Team, Sport Jargon
- Olin Library Libraries, Reading, Books
- Valve Hammer Object Layout File Computing, File Extensions
- Office of Laity
- Open Label Medical, Medicine, Study
- Optimum Level
- Orientation Leader Student, Education, University
- Optics Letters Technology, Science, Research, Education, Journal, Bibliographic Code, Periodical, Optics, Computing, Serial Publication, Scientific & Educational
- Observasi Lgpangan
- Official Lanauages Government, Canada, Language
- Open Locks
- Ordnance Lieutenant
- Original Letters
- Original Language Movie, Language, Translation
- Overseas Letter
- Olimpik Lyon
- Online Learning Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Office of Labor
- Optimum Length
- Optic Lobes Medical
- Obligatory Language
- Operational License
- Officer Og Logohu
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OL stand for?
OL stands for Open Loop.
What is the shortened form of Olympiske Leker?
The short form of "Olympiske Leker" is OL.
OL. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ol-meaning/
Last updated