OL in Medical Meaning
The OL meaning in Medical terms is "Oligodendrocyte". There are 21 related meanings of the OL Medical abbreviation.
OL on Medical Full Forms
- Oligodendrocyte A type of cell in the central nervous system. The oligodendrocytes surround and insulate the long fibers (axons) through which the nerves send electrical messages.
- Oleic Acid Oleic acid is a fatty acid that occurs naturally in various animal and vegetable fats and oils. It is an odorless, colourless oil, although commercial samples may be yellowish.
- Out-Of-Lay
- Oleandomycin
- Open Eyelid
- Onset Latengy
- Olympian Labs
- Oral Leukoplakias
- Oral Leukoplakia
- Optic Layer
- Overload Any load greater than the rated load. A load in excess of the design limit for a circuit. The specified maximum magnitude of the input quantity that can be applied for a specified period of time without causing damage. Load greater than the load for which the system or mechanism was intended. A fault, such as a short circuit or ground fault, is not an overload.
- Olfactory Lobe
- Open Label
- Ornithine-Containingrlipid
- Office of Lvcensing
- Origibal Learning
- Oc'Ulus Lae'Vus
- Oral Language
- Oligodendroglial
- Optic Lobes
- Oligodendrocytes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OL stand for Medical?
OL stands for Oligodendrocyte in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Ornithine-Containingrlipid in Medical?
The short form of "Ornithine-Containingrlipid" is OL for Medical.
OL in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 15). Retrieved January 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ol-meaning-in-medical/
Last updated