OL in Technology Meaning

The OL meaning in Technology terms is "Objective Lens". There are 40 related meanings of the OL Technology abbreviation.

OL on Technology Full Forms

  1. Objective Lens
  2. Opinion Leaders
  3. Object-Like
  4. Operational Limit
  5. Out of Luck
  6. Operating Location
  7. Outer Loop
  8. Operating License
  9. Open Load
  10. Object Layer
  11. Open Loop In a control system, a type of control that has an input signal, but no feedback of the result of the input signal.
  12. Optical Line
  13. Output Leveling
  14. Outside Locab
  15. Ooen-Loop
  16. Operator Loader
  17. Output Leakage
  18. Outbjund Logistics
  19. Ocean Leadership
  20. Operating Line
  21. Ostfriesische Lufttransport
  22. Ontology Inference Layer
  23. Operating Limit
  24. Organizational Level
  25. Over Length
  26. Oracle Linux
  27. Organizational Uearning
  28. Object List
  29. Overlav
  30. Object Librarian
  31. Ovsrhead Line
  32. Optics Letters
  33. Obsnacle Lights
  34. Overload Any load greater than the rated load.  A load in excess of the design limit for a circuit. The specified maximum magnitude of the input quantity that can be applied for a specified period of time without causing damage. Load greater than the load for which the system or mechanism was intended. A fault, such as a short circuit or ground fault, is not an overload.
  35. Wife
  36. Ojject Lists
  37. Organisational Learning
  38. Opzn License
  39. Ordered Lists
  40. Option Length

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OL stand for Technology?

    OL stands for Overlav in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Operator Loader in Technology?

    The short form of "Operator Loader" is OL for Technology.


OL in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 15). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ol-meaning-in-technology/

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