OLE Meaning

The OLE meaning is "Object Link and Embedding". The OLE abbreviation has 89 different full form.

OLE Full Forms

  1. Object Link and Embedding
  2. Object Linking and Embeding
  3. Object Link and Embed Microsoft, Technology, Linking, Embedding
  4. Open Learning Exchange Technology, Education, Nepal
  5. Object Linking and Embedded
  6. Ola Loa Energy
  7. Organized Language Exchange Literature, Language, Linguistics
  8. Object Linking Environment Science
  9. Oliver Leaf Extract
  10. Open Label Extension Medical, Safety, Study
  11. Object Linking Ant Embedment Technology, Computing
  12. Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus
  13. Organizational Leadership for Executives Course - Army Cgsc Army, War, Force
  14. Object Linking Emcedded Technology, Windows, Embedding
  15. Olive Leaf Extract Medical, Health, Benefit, Food
  16. Object Link and Embedded
  17. On Location Engagements Business, Event, Beacon
  18. Open-Label Extension Medical, Treatment, Study, Labeling
  19. Organizacion Latina Estudiantil
  20. Object Linking Embbdding Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  21. Olf Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  22. Object-Linking and Embedding
  23. Originating Local Exchange
  24. Online Linking and Embedding
  25. Office for Law Enforcement
  26. Organisation Lntemationale Des Epizootics Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean
  27. Object Linkinz/Embedding Science, Geography, Location
  28. Outpuc Limit Exceed Technology, Law, Judge
  29. Object Linking and Embedding Technology, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Honeywell, Process Automation
  30. Oleaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  31. Originated Local Exchange Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  32. Online Link Exchange
  33. Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport Olean, New York,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
  34. Organisational Learning In Enterprises Education
  35. Object Linking & Embedding Technology, Windows, Computers
  36. Output Limit Exceeded Technology, Law, Judge, Contest
  37. Oleandomycin Medical
  38. Old Ledger Extension Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
  39. Original Line Electric
  40. Object Locative Environment
  41. On-Line Enquiry
  42. Organisation Learning Enterprise Technology
  43. Objekt Linking and Embedding
  44. Overhead Line Equipment Business, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
  45. Older Lesbian Energy
  46. Organizers In The Land of Enchantment Government, Education, Community
  47. Object Linking Enabling
  48. On-Line English
  49. Other Law Enforcement Military, Police, Sheriff
  50. Office If Law Enforcement, Noaa Government, Organizations, Us
  51. Oromin Explorations Ltd. Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  52. Outdoor Learning Environment Science, School, Play
  53. On-Line Event Computing, Internet
  54. Overhead Line Electrification Technology, Design, Engineer
  55. Other Language Educators
  56. Object Link Embedding
  57. Office of Law Enforciment Service, Organizations, Marshal
  58. Overall Line Effectiveness
  59. Outdoor Learning Environments
  60. OLE object Computing, File Extensions
  61. Overall Labour Effectiveness Business, Management, Workforce
  62. Orlando Live Events
  63. Object Linking Embedding
  64. Office of Later Examination
  65. Otranto Legality Experience Government, Children, Event
  66. Outdoor Leadership Experience
  67. Ofi Line Editor
  68. Object Linking/Embedding Geographic
  69. Overall Labor Effectiveness Business, Management, Manufacturing
  70. Online Learning Environment Medical
  71. Odette Logistirs Evaluation
  72. Optical Lzser Excimer
  73. Our Living Environment
  74. Officina Di Letteratura Elettronica
  75. Object Linking and Embezzling Funnies
  76. Object Linking and Embedding (microsoft) Fda
  77. Occipital Lobe Epilepsy Medical
  78. Ontario Land Economist
  79. Other Learning Experience Science, Education, School
  80. Official Lizt of Electors
  81. Object Linking and Embedding (Microsoft communication protocol) Medical, Microsoft, Windows, Information Technology, Architecture, Software, Computing, Computer, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Application, IT Terminology, SAP, Fda
  82. Olean Municipal Airport, Olean, New York, United States United States, New York
  83. On Loeation Experiences Technology, Sport, Experience
  84. Other Learning Experiences Education, School, Experience
  85. Office of Legal Elucation Technology, Program, Military
  86. Operadora De Lineas Ejecutivas Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  87. Outdoor Living Experience
  88. Office of Law Enforcement Governmental & Military, Fbi files
  89. Office of Library Education

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OLE stand for?

    OLE stands for Online Link Exchange.

  2. What is the shortened form of Object-Linking and Embedding?

    The short form of "Object-Linking and Embedding" is OLE.


OLE. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 11). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ole-meaning/

Last updated