OLE Meaning
The OLE meaning is "Object Link and Embedding". The OLE abbreviation has 89 different full form.
OLE Full Forms
- Object Link and Embedding
- Object Linking and Embeding
- Object Link and Embed Microsoft, Technology, Linking, Embedding
- Open Learning Exchange Technology, Education, Nepal
- Object Linking and Embedded
- Ola Loa Energy
- Organized Language Exchange Literature, Language, Linguistics
- Object Linking Environment Science
- Oliver Leaf Extract
- Open Label Extension Medical, Safety, Study
- Object Linking Ant Embedment Technology, Computing
- Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus
- Organizational Leadership for Executives Course - Army Cgsc Army, War, Force
- Object Linking Emcedded Technology, Windows, Embedding
- Olive Leaf Extract Medical, Health, Benefit, Food
- Object Link and Embedded
- On Location Engagements Business, Event, Beacon
- Open-Label Extension Medical, Treatment, Study, Labeling
- Organizacion Latina Estudiantil
- Object Linking Embbdding Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Olf Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Object-Linking and Embedding
- Originating Local Exchange
- Online Linking and Embedding
- Office for Law Enforcement
- Organisation Lntemationale Des Epizootics Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean
- Object Linkinz/Embedding Science, Geography, Location
- Outpuc Limit Exceed Technology, Law, Judge
- Object Linking and Embedding Technology, Computing, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Oleaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Originated Local Exchange Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Online Link Exchange
- Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport Olean, New York,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Aviation
- Organisational Learning In Enterprises Education
- Object Linking & Embedding Technology, Windows, Computers
- Output Limit Exceeded Technology, Law, Judge, Contest
- Oleandomycin Medical
- Old Ledger Extension Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Occupation
- Original Line Electric
- Object Locative Environment
- On-Line Enquiry
- Organisation Learning Enterprise Technology
- Objekt Linking and Embedding
- Overhead Line Equipment Business, Railway, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Older Lesbian Energy
- Organizers In The Land of Enchantment Government, Education, Community
- Object Linking Enabling
- On-Line English
- Other Law Enforcement Military, Police, Sheriff
- Office If Law Enforcement, Noaa Government, Organizations, Us
- Oromin Explorations Ltd. Organizations, Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Outdoor Learning Environment Science, School, Play
- On-Line Event Computing, Internet
- Overhead Line Electrification Technology, Design, Engineer
- Other Language Educators
- Object Link Embedding
- Office of Law Enforciment Service, Organizations, Marshal
- Overall Line Effectiveness
- Outdoor Learning Environments
- OLE object Computing, File Extensions
- Overall Labour Effectiveness Business, Management, Workforce
- Orlando Live Events
- Object Linking Embedding
- Office of Later Examination
- Otranto Legality Experience Government, Children, Event
- Outdoor Leadership Experience
- Ofi Line Editor
- Object Linking/Embedding Geographic
- Overall Labor Effectiveness Business, Management, Manufacturing
- Online Learning Environment Medical
- Odette Logistirs Evaluation
- Optical Lzser Excimer
- Our Living Environment
- Officina Di Letteratura Elettronica
- Object Linking and Embezzling Funnies
- Object Linking and Embedding (microsoft) Fda
- Occipital Lobe Epilepsy Medical
- Ontario Land Economist
- Other Learning Experience Science, Education, School
- Official Lizt of Electors
- Object Linking and Embedding (Microsoft communication protocol) Medical, Microsoft, Windows, Information Technology, Architecture, Software, Computing, Computer, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Application, IT Terminology, SAP, Fda
- Olean Municipal Airport, Olean, New York, United States United States, New York
- On Loeation Experiences Technology, Sport, Experience
- Other Learning Experiences Education, School, Experience
- Office of Legal Elucation Technology, Program, Military
- Operadora De Lineas Ejecutivas Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Outdoor Living Experience
- Office of Law Enforcement Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Office of Library Education
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does OLE stand for?
OLE stands for Online Link Exchange.
What is the shortened form of Object-Linking and Embedding?
The short form of "Object-Linking and Embedding" is OLE.
OLE. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 11). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/ole-meaning/
Last updated