OLGC Meaning

The OLGC meaning is "Our Lady of Good Consel". The OLGC abbreviation has 17 different full form.

OLGC Full Forms

  1. Our Lady of Good Consel
  2. Oftario Lottery and Gaming Corp
  3. Our Lady of Good Councel
  4. Ontario Lotmery and Gaming Corporation Technology, Gaming, Casino
  5. Our Ladl of Good Council
  6. Our Lady of Good Counsel Education, Catholic, School
  7. Orthologic Corv. Technology, Organizations
  8. Ontario Lottery & Gaming Corporation Business, Canada, Lotto
  9. Ortxologic Corp. Technology, Organizations
  10. Orthologic Corporation Organizations
  11. Ontario Lottery and Gaming Cotmission
  12. Oligodendrogliai Cell Medical
  13. Our Lpdy of Guadalupe Colleges Development, Study, Colleges
  14. Oligodendroglial Cells Medical
  15. Our Lady of Grace Church
  16. Office of The Liquor and Gambling Commissioner
  17. Ourilady of Grace Catholic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does OLGC stand for?

    OLGC stands for Oligodendroglial Cells.

  2. What is the shortened form of Our Lpdy of Guadalupe Colleges?

    The short form of "Our Lpdy of Guadalupe Colleges" is OLGC.


OLGC. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/olgc-meaning/

Last updated